74 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKBusuk pangkal batang (BPB) lada yang disebabkan oleh cendawanPhytophthora capsici merupakan masalah utama pada budidaya lada diIndonesia. Penyakit ini telah ditemukan di semua areal produksi lada diIndonesia. Sampai saat ini, saran pengendalian yang dianjurkan adalahpengendalian secara terpadu untuk mengurangi kerugian ekonomi akibatpenyakit ini. Akhir-akhir ini usaha untuk mendapatkan jenis lada yangtahan dilakukan melalui persilangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmengevaluasi ketahanan F1 yang diperoleh dari persilangan beberapatetua. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dan rumah kaca, BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, Bogor, dari Januari sampaiDesember 2005. Dari 400 aksesi hasil persilangan yang ada, dipilih 15aksesi yang menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan pada uji pendahuluan.Tiga isolat Phytophthora yang menunjukkan virulensi yang berbedadigunakan sebagai isolat uji. Di laboratorium, helaian daun ke-3 dan 4diambil dari tiap aksesi dan diletakkan dalam kotak yang telah diberi tissuebasah untuk menjaga kelembapannya. Inokulasi secara buatan dilakukandengan meletakkan potongan koloni masing-masing isolat Phytophthorapada permukaan bawah daun. Luas nekrosa yang terbentuk pada masing-masing aksesi diukur dengan leaf area meter setelah diinkubasi selama 72jam. Percobaan di rumah kaca dilakukan dengan cara menyiramkansuspensi zoospora sebanyak 50 ml pada bibit lada dari masing-masingaksesi yang telah berumur 4 bulan. Jumlah tanaman yang mati dihitungsetelah diinkubasi selama 1 bulan. Data hasil pengukuran luas serangandianalisis dengan rancangan faktorial dengan dua faktor untuk duakegiatan di atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksiyang nyata antara aksesi dengan isolat Phytophthora yang digunakan, baikpengujian in vitro maupun rumah kaca. Sembilan aksesi menunjukkankerusakan kurang dari 20% saat di laboratorium maupun di rumah kaca,dan aksesi 27-1, 36-31, dan 4-5L menunjukkan kerusakan kurang dari10%. Persilangan lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan pada aksesi-aksesi tersebutuntuk mendapatkan keturunan yang mempunyai ketahanan lebih baik danstabil.Kata kunci : Piper nigrum L., Phytophthora, ketahanan, persilanganABSTRACTResistance of Black Pepper Accessions to Phytophthora capsiciFoot rot disease of black pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici ismain constraint in black pepper cultivation in Indonesia. The diseasespread widely over all pepper producing areas in Indonesia. Integratedpest managements are suggested to reduce the economic loss due to thedisease. Recently, breeding program has been developed in Indonesiathrough hybridization to find out promising accessions resistant to foot rotdisease. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the resistanceof F1 progenies obtained from polination of various parents to foot rotdisease. Among 400 accessions of black pepper obtained from breedingprogram, 15 accessions were selected based on previous evaluation. ThreePhytophthora isolates were used as tester in the study. The research wascarried out in laboratory and glass house of Indonesian Spice andMedicinal Crops Research Institute, from January to December 2005. Invitro screening was carried out by inoculating detached third and fourthleaves of each accession. The leaves were set in boxes abaxial surfacefacing up, while wet tissue papers were used to retain air humidity in thebox. The lower leaf surface of each pepper accession was inoculated witha piece of Phytophthora colony then incubated in room temperature. Thewidth of necrotic areas was measured with leaf area meter after the leaveswere incubated for 72 hours. Each treatment was replicated 5 times. Ingreen house experiment, 4 month seedlings of each accession wereinoculated with 50 ml of zoospore suspension (10 5  zoospore/ml), replicated3 times, and each replication consisted of 5 seedlings. The number ofinoculated seedlings was counted after one month of incubation. Bothexperiments were arranged using factorial design with two factors: pepperaccession and Phytophthora isolate. There was no significant interactionbetween black pepper accession and the Phytophthora isolates, neither invitro nor green house. Nine accessions showed disease severity less than20%, and accession number 27-1, 36-31, and 4-5L showed disease severitybelow 10% in both experiments. To obtain better progeny resistant to stemrot disease and more stable, it is suggested to continue this pollinationprogram by using those promising accessions.Key words: Piper nigrum L., Phytophthora, resistance, pollinatio

    Keragaan Nomor Harapan Lada Hibrida LH 20-4 Tahan Penyakit BPB di Lampung Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan nomor lada hibrida yang mempunyai tingkat ketahanannya terhadap penyakit BPB di daerah endemik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lampung Timur, mulai Januari-Desember 2010. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 kegiatan yaitu penelitian mengenai ketahanan tanaman terhadap serangan BPB dan penelitian mengenai karakter vegetatif dan generatif nomor lada hibrida yang tahan BPB. Pada penelitian ketahanan bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah 20 nomor lada hibrida yang tahan terhadap penyakit BPB di tingkat rumah kaca dan 2 varietas pembanding. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), dengan 3 ulangan. Persentase serangan dihitung berdasar jumlah tanaman yang terserang penyakit BPB dibagi dengan jumlah tanaman per plot di kali 100 %. Pada penelitian karakter vegetatif dan generatif, bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah 5 nomor lada hibrida yang tahan terhadap penyakit BPB dan 2 pembanding. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), dengan 4 ulangan. Semua tanaman berumur 6 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 nomor lada hibrida yang sampai umur 5 tahun masih tahan 100%. Tinggi tanaman dan tinggi tajuk lada hibrida LH 20-4 lebih tinggi dibanding Natar1. Jumlah cabang pada 50 cm batang pada LH 20-4 lebih banyak dari pada Natar 1 dan Petaling 1. LH 20-4 mempunyai diameter tajuk yang lebih tinggi dibanding Natar 1 dan panjang bukunya tertinggi diantara seluruh perlakuan. Panen berat basah LH 20-4 mencapai 1.884,67 g tertinggi diantara lada hibrida yang lain dan lebih tinggi dari pembanding Natar 1 (1791,66 g), sedangkan rata-rata panen pembanding Petaling 1 paling tinggi yaitu 3448,33 g. Diharapkan sampai dengan panen ketiga produksinya akan tetap lebih tinggi dibanding Natar 1 sehingga nantinya dapat dilepas sebagai varietas unggul lada yang tahan penyakit BPB dan produksi tinggi

    Adaption Test of Hybrid Pepper Resistant to Foot Rot Disease

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    Adaption test of hybrid pepper numbers resistant to foot rot disease (Phytophthora capsici). To obtain the growth characters of hybrid pepper in Cahaya Negeri Experimental Garden, North Lampung. Field experiments was conducted in Cahaya Negeri Experimental Garden, North Lampung. The ten numbers of hybrid black pepper were tested namely LH 4-5-5, LH 20-1, LH 22-1, LH 44-9, LH 6-2, LH N2 x BK (1), LH 37 –16, LH 36-31, LH 63-5, LH 51-2 and two control varieties namely Petaling 1 and Natar 1. Randomized Block Design with 3 replications was used in this experiment, 25 plants/plot with plant spacing of 2.5 x 2.5 m. The observations were made on morphological characters I,e, plant height, numbers of primary and secondary branches the length of primary and secondary branches, numbers of leaves/primary branch, the length of leaves, the width of leaves, leaf thickness, and diametre of stem. Observation 4 year old in KP Cahaya Negeri, Petaling 1 and Natar 1 have average plant height i.e. 3,86 m and 3,84 m. LH N2 x BK (1) and LH 37 – 16 have plant height respectively 2,77 m and 3,63 m. All numbers lada hybrids resistant to foot rot disease. The result showed that the best growth of four years old plant of black pepper in Cahaya Negeri Experimental Farm was LH 6-2 the numbers of primary 16,73 and secondary branches 15,30, the length of primary 41,13 cm and secondary branches 28,67 cm and diametre of stem 7,67 cm. Petaling 1 have the numbers of primary branches 16,77, the number of secondary branches 15,37 and Natar 1 have the numbers of primary branches 16,40 the numbers of secondary branches 14,53. Until now, the symptoms of foot rot disease, however, did not occurred yet

    Analisis Akuntabilitas Politik Reses, Studi Tentang Kegiatan Reses Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Recess as one vertically upward aspirations of the people to the government , through the Central Java Provincial Parliament visits to selected areas (constituencies) . Mechanisms are rarely recess in the publication , as well as the rationality of the implementation and budgeting are less accommodate the aspirations of society , it will be a problem of political accountability as well as the development and welfare of the people of Central Java . Communication patterns that do board members when the recess is also not clear , so it was less than the maximum aspiration .Based on these problems the research is intended to determine the mechanism of the Central Java Provincial Parliament recess actual , political accountability and review . The method used in this study is a qualitative research method . With the primary data source through in-depth interviews with relevant parties , such as the Central Java Provincial Parliament and their constituents . Then the kinds of observations , and collect the documents necessary to be able to assess the problem.The results of this study , namely , the method recess DPRD members in part of Central Java province varied enough to be able to capture the aspirations constituents , be it to do with the budget , social issues , Government policy , as well as other problems . Then the initiative of the board members to continue and fight for these aspirations to be accommodated is still minimal , only a few members who can realize it . Overall conclusion is that political accountability activities Recess Central Java Provincial Parliament still less when viewed from several aspects of public accountability of Parliament to the public administration

    PELAYANAN PUBLIK DI KANTOR SAMSAT (Studi Tentang Persepsi Wajib Pajak Terhadap Pelayanan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor Bulan April 2013 Di Kantor Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (SAMSAT/UP3AD) Kabupaten Grobogan)

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    This research will discuss about the existing public service in government agencies, particularly the SAMSAT Office of Grobogan. In this context see if the service provided by SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency has been of good quality or not. Quality public services that will be studied based on the principle of public service by Peraturan Menpan No. 36 Tahun 2012 and refers to the components the standards of public service in accordance with UU No. 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik. The end result of this research is the perception of the community as a respondent to the study of public service quality in SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency, which then can provide feedback suggestions to the promotion of quality public services in SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency particularly in the service of payment the PKB and BBNKB. Based on research results this, public service which exist in the SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency already good, indicated by the high level of public satisfaction with services and payment agreements PKB and BBNKB by existing services officer. The services provided are in accordance with the standards established service operations and service complaints are rarely found by the taxpayer, if there is a direct complaint could be resolved in accordance with the duties and functions of each official

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pengembangan USAha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap) Di Kecamatan Batang Kabupaten Batang

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    Study on Evaluation of Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) in the District of Batang, Batang county is a fairly interesting discussion in line with the policies of poverty alleviation in rural areas.Developing countries such as Indonesia have major problems, namely poverty and unemployment, especially in rural areas. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia issued Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 16 / Permentan / OT.140 / 2/2008 on February 11, 2008 on general guidelines for Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) to overcome the limitation of capital sources for farmers. In the framework of the implementation of PUAP Minister of Agriculture has established a Rural Agribusiness Development Team of the Minister of Agriculture No. 545 / Kpts / OT.160 / 9/2007. Batang district is the recipient of funds. In the implementation of the Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) also implemented by the Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district. The activities of the Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) are savings and loans. Therefore, the formulation of the problem in this research is "How do the Implementation of Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district?" And "What are the factor that support and obstacle in the implementation of developing an Agribusiness rural areas (PUAP) policy in Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district? ".This type of research is a qualitative descriptive type. The primary data source was obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation and secondary data sources obtained from the archives, books, journals and other sources. Mechanical analysis with analysis from various sources, data reduction, until the conclusion according to the results obtained from the field.From the results of research conducted by the author, the conclusion that can be drawn from this study are: first, PUAP policy implemented by the 162 villages and sub-districts in Batang. In the study sites, Denasri Wetan sub district is categorized very good in the implementation of policies, but both of the comparative sub-districts such as Kasepuhan sub district and Sambong sub district are still developing and encountering some obstacles in its implementation. Second, supporting factors and obstacles of implementing the Policy Board PUAP derived from Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) and the user community themselves.Advice that can be given by author to relevant agencies namely the Executive Agency and the Food Security Extension (BP2KP) and Supervisor Mitra Tani (PMT) are continuing to improve, maintain performance and cooperation between actors in the monitoring and evaluating of policies PUAP Gapoktan organizers and together provide the best solutions to the problems that arise in the field. Whereas, recommendation for further research is the author can analyze the user community dependence Direct Community Assistance (BLM) PUAP toward PUAP funds from the government

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Publik Bidang Administrasi Kependudukan Pasca Pemekaran di Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Tahun 2017

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    Administration of population is one form of public service that must be held by the Local Government related to basic services of life. Subdistrict as government agencies, are required to provide excellent service (one of which is the settlement administration services) to the public. Good public services can be achieved if accompanied by an excellent resource officers. The aim of research to find out the perception of public perceptions of public services, especially in the field of population administration at the district office Ungaran Barat, Semarang regency in 2017. Efforts to address concerns and objectives of research carried out using public service indicators that have been developed by Zeithemal, Parasuraman & Berry consisting of tangibles, relibility, responsiveness, competence, courtesy, credibility, security, access, communication, and understanding the costumers. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods, which dianalisisa and presented in tabular form and processed using SPSS program for the data to be valid.The population in this study is the community sub-district of West Ungaran. While the sample is most people who use the District of West Ungaran public services in the field of population administration drawn at random (accident sampling) and numbered as many as 100 people. The results showed that the public service field of population administration at the district office Ungaran Barat largely rated by the community. People are already satisfied with the performance Ungaran Barat district office employees. But the need to improve services so that excellent service can always be realized
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