23 research outputs found

    Perancangan Alat dan Pengujian Tegangan Tembus dengan Minyak Isolasi RBDPO Olein Menggunakan Elektroda Bola-Bola

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    The crude oil based transformer insulation has several issues i.e. non-environment friendly, non-biodegradable, non-reneweble, and rarely. Vegetable oil is an alternative transformer insulation which is Crude Palm Oil based RBDPO Olein. This paper proposes study to investigate characteristic the AC breakdown voltage referring to IEC 60156-95 standard to apply sphere electrode of RBDPO Olein prior water content reduction, post water content reduction, and converting fatty acids into Methyl Ester. Breakdown voltage also look into the effect of gap electrode and affectivity of sphere electrode scheme. The experiment has shown the breakdown voltage have increased significantly after various samples of RBDPO Olein being reduction the water content, has compered to IEC 156 standard with the value of (30 kV/2.5 mm). The gap of electrode has shown a significant value on breakdown voltage measurement result. In the mean time to measure the effectivity breakdown voltage of sphere electrode scheme, the Mineral Oil is deployed with complied to IEC 156 standard. The measurement result shows lower then IEC 60156-95 standard was 68,73 %. The experiment also shown the density measurement, the viscosity measurement, the dissolved gas analysis measurement, and dielectric dissipation factor measurement achieve RBDPO Olein less water concentration

    Mengartikulasi Pancasila Menjadi Spiritualitas Kehidupan Bangsa Indonesia yang Majemuk: sebuah Kajian Filosofis

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    Indonesia adalah bangsa yang majemuk dalam suku, agama, ras, dan golongan. Pluralitas ini telah sejak dahulu disadari oleh para pendiri bangsa dan menjadi ciri khas masyarakat di Indonesia. Para pendiri bangsa tentu berharap agar pluralitas yang sungguh real di Indonesia itu kelak tetap terpelihara dalam kondisi yang utuh. Dalam rangka mewujudkan harapan itu, mereka merumuskan suatu semangat hidup bersama. Rumusan yang dimaksudkan bersumber pada elemen-elemen yang ada dalam jiwa Indonesia.1 Rumusan itulah yang menjadi ruh kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Ia bersumber dari “keutamaan hidup” (virtue) bangsa Indonesia. Ia adalah inti atau kristalisasi kultur bangsa Indonesia yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai spiritual. Sebagai demikian, Pancasila patut menjadi spiritualitas kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Nilai-nilai vital yang terkandung di dalamnya menjadi kekuatan dalam proses “menjadi Indonesia”. Berangkat dari penalaran di atas, penelitian ini hendak kami fokuskan pada klaim bahwa Pancasila adalah spiritualitas kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Artinya, gerak atau orientasi kehidupan bangsa Indonesia yang ideal dalam tatanan real adalah dijiwai dan dihidupi oleh nilai-nilai dasar Pancasila

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Manajemen Klien pada Paris (Parking Information System)

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    Paris (Parking Information System) is a information system to deal with parking security and performance. Paris can handle parking transaction with one area one Paris online and offline. It is not efficient anymore if have more than one parking area in far location that cannot connected properly. It must doing update or making report in all parking area. All parking area must be connected and can be communicated. Paris Management Client is a application for connecting all Paris. Offline Paris and online Paris can synchronize data. Member data can distributed in all area with one insert. Not only that, parking member can get parking availability information from Paris Management Client because offline Paris always communicated with online Paris in some interval of time. Paris Management Client developed with waterfall SDLC method. Starts with analysing system's need, then making a system design, coding application, and then testing application. The result is Paris Management Client can help SSI as developer to control all Paris, help client to update data or make report, and help member to get parking's slot easily. recommendation for Paris is develop mobile application for member that can be give information visually, not only text

    Perengkahan PFAD (Palm Fatty Acid Destillate) untuk Menghasilkan Biofuel Menggunakan Katalis Ni-Mo/Zeolit

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    Petroleum reserves are depleted in Indonesia along with increased fuel requirements, demanding Indonesian society to harness alternative energy, one of which is biofuel. In this study, biofuels produced from cracking fatty acids contained in Destillate Palm Fatty Acid (PFAD). PFAD converted into biofuels via catalytic cracking process using a catalyst Ni.Mo / Zeolite with reaction temperature 380 oC in a stirred batch reactor. Metal concentrations in the zeolite was varied at 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% and the variation of the reaction stirring 300 rpm, 400 rpm, 500 rpm and 600 rpm. Cracking process using nitrogen gas with a flow rate of 150 ml / min. Yield (%) of the product obtained at the maximum stirring speed of 500 rpm with a metal concentration of 1%, amounting to 71.43% or 125 ml with 31.53% biofuel conversion. The composition of biofuels on cracking products was 8.8% and 35% Gasoline Kerosene and Diesel

    Pengaruh Investasi terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The successful achievement of the welfare of a nation can be measured by the extent to which a country can solve a variety of problems that are being faced. One of the problems faced by almost all regions in Indonesia is the high unemployment rate. Employment is an important factor in supporting economic development undertaken by developing countries in order to create equitable economic development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of investment and employment in Pelalawan of years 2003-2012 and to analize influence of investment on employment in Pelalawan years 2003-2012. This study uses secondary data in the form of time series with the observation period 2003-2012. Data obtained from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) and Badan Penanaman dan Investasi Riau Provinces. Data analysis using regression analysis to determine the effect of investment on employment in Pelalawan. Data processing using SPPS program 17.00. The results showed that the investment is not influence significantly on employment in Pelalawan.Keywords: Investment, Man Powe

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Simpan dan Pinjam pada Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (Kpri) Wijaya Mojokerto

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    Employees Cooperative Republic of Indonesia (KPRI) Wijaya Mojokerto is a container business that is engaged in savings and credit cooperatives. In the development of the cooperative Wijaya it turns out there are some problems caused by the management of transaction data, the difficulty to determine the loan and payment history data member who has paid or not paid. The problem potentially decreased in terms of performance or in terms of reporting on the cooperative Wijaya Mojokerto. So by knowing the problems that exist in cooperatives, savings and loan application implementation in cooperative Wijaya Mojokerto. Savings and loan application is capable of resolving the problems occurred as the management of transaction data, the difficulty to determine the loan and payment history data member who has paid or not paid off and improved performance on the process undertaken by the cooperative. Savings and loan applications can be used to manage and store data transactions made by the cooperative wijaya. This application can also generate reports such as reports of members, voluntary or compulsory savings report, report taking deposits, lending and payment reports reports

    Analisis Bottleneck Dan Charging Cost Pada Pembuatan Tiang Pancang PT. Wika Beton Ppb Boyolali

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    To be competitive in the market competition, then a company is required to be able to work without defects, especially in the production process, especially in terms of time, but in the process of production of the most common problem is the bottleneck. In addition, the process of making the finished product, if the consumer is too long to take the goods orders will certainly lead to additional cost for the manufacturer (PT. WIKA Beton Boyolali). Therefore, it is necessary to charge to cover the cost calculation the amount of cost / additional costs. The purpose and goal of this study was to maximize the production of piling PT. WIKA Beton Boyolali, as well as reducing the amount of losses arising from the cost / surcharge. Bottleneck determination made by the method of calculation of standard time each work station, while charging for the cost calculation performed by three methods: Base On Plan, Mixing Pile, Base On Demand. From the results of the analysis showed that the bottleneck is at the work station spinning, and to reduce the bottleneck distasiun the work can be done by adding the spinning tool and also the addition of workers / operators. While charging the cost of the analysis showed that of the three methods used, the most effective method is a method Charging Cost Base On Mixing Pile. It is expected to cost charging system is then the consumer can pay more attention to pick up their order as soon as possible when the order finished goods

    Analisis Kinerja Simpang Tirto Agung Dan Simpang Jalur Masuk Keluar Tol Seksi B Semarang

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    Tirto Agung Intersections and the ramp Intersection of Section B Semarang Toll, they located in Prof. Soedarto, SH Street. The third intersection is an unsignalized intersection and has high traffic volume because it is one\u27s access to education and a fairly dense residential area. Other that there is u-turn between ramp intersection Toll Road Semarang Section B dan Tirto Agung intersection that densely. With the problem affects the performance of the fall in traffic intersections. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance and determine the pattern of traffic movements at each intersection. Primary data were collected by direct observation and survey on all three intersections. The observed data are geometric intersection, intersection volume, vehicle speed, long queues of vehicles, number of vehicles turning, turning vehicle duration, the identification of origin purpose from vehicle. The data obtained are used to analyze the performance of the intersection on the analysis of existing conditions and vehicle turning direction. The method of calculating the performance of intersections refer to Indonesia Jalan Capacity Manual 1997. The research results which are shown the greatest degree of saturation is the entrance intersection of Section B Semarang Toll with the analysis results 0,92 on existing condition. The degree of saturation can be falsified into 0,74 with a median implement an alternative solution extends the reach of Section B pathway Semarang Toll Road and broadening Prof. Soedarto, SH being 15.80 meters. But this solution only lasted two years only, so it becomes less meaningful

    PERBAIKAN EFISIENSI GUDANG DENGAN METODE LEAN DAN KAIZEN (Studi : Gudang PT Sarana Kencana Mulya Divisi Mobile Phone Tangerang Banten)

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    Efisiensi merupakan perbandingan sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan atas suatu masalah sehingga didapat penyelesaian yang lebih baik. Proses perbaikan pada penelitian digunakan metode Lean dengan tools VSM (Value Stream Mapping), pada tahap ini diuraikan proses kerja dan waktu baku pengeluaran produk di gudang PT SKM sehingga diketahui penyebab keterlambatan pengiriman produk kepada konsumen. Untuk menyelesaikan kekurangan stok produk digunakan metode persediaan EOQ (Economic Order Quantity). Proses penyelesaian permasalahan kondisi gudang tidak rapi digunakan metode Kaizen tools 5S  (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu dan Shitsuke). Selain itu diterapkan SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ketiga yaitu penitipan produk tanpa tanda bukti dan proses kerja staff terhadap pembatalan pengiriman produk tanpa adanya tanda bukti dan SOP. Waktu baku pengeluaran produk sebelum perbaikan sebesar 345.786 second dan setelah perbaikan sebesar 1478 second, persediaan sebelum perbaikan sebesar 230 pcs setelah perbaikan persediaan menjadi 377 pcs

    Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android tanpa Coding Semudah Menyusun Puzzle

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    Kegiatan belajar mengajar tidak lepas dari peran guru dan media pembelajaran karena dengan guru yang berkwalitas dan media pembelajaran yang baik serta inovatif dapat meningkat samangat siswa dalam belajar. Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi membuat proses belajar dapat dilakukan tidak hanya diruang kelas, dengan bantuan teknologi informasi belajar dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja, baik secara synchronous maya maupun asynchronous mandiri dengan beragam media pembelajaran yang ada. Untuk itu media pembelajaran juga memegang peran penting dalam proses belajar, salah satu kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru adalah kompetensi pedagogik. Kompetensi pedagogik mensyaratkan guru untuk dapat merancang media pembelajaran, mengembangkan pembelajaran dan memanfaatkan teknologi pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini dirancang media pembelajaran berbasis android tanpa koding yang hasilnya berupa aplikasi android yang dapat di install pada handphone siswa sehingga siswa dapat belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja. Dengan adanya media pembelajaran dalam bentuk aplikasi diharapkan mampu membuat siswa termotivasi untuk belajar. Dari hasil penelitian ini dihasilkan media pembelajaran untuk mengenal jenis-jenis hewan beserta suaranya yang dapat digunakan untuk media pembelajaran bagi siswa kelas 1 tingkat sekolah dasar