51 research outputs found
Scrap Rubber and Asphalt for Ballast Layer Improvement
The use of scrap rubber from waste motorcycle tire and asphalt materials is expected to improve the quality of the ballast structure. The objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of ballast mixture with additional scrap rubber (uniformed size 3/8†and graded size No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1") and asphalt materials through compressive strength test by Micro-Computer Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The samples are made in a ballast box with a size of 40 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm. The parameters of this research are the vertical deformation, the aggregate abrasion, and the elastic modulus of the ballast layer. It could be concluded that asphalt 2% able to improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so it could minimize the vertical deformation and increase the ability to retain the loads up to 28%. Moreover, the use of scrap rubber materials, especially with various sizes between No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" combined with 2% asphalt could reduce the ballast abrasion up to 57%. However, the use of scrap rubber material could reduce the stiffness of the ballast layer which leads to a decrease in the elastic modulus ranging from 50% to 60%. While on the other hand, asphalt material could improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so that the elastic modulus could be increased up to 21%
Analisis Pola Operasi Lalu Lintas Kereta Api Pada Stasiun Berjalur Empat dan Enam dengan Metode Conflict Rate
The Sembawa-Betung double rail track is one of the planned routes of the Trans Sumatra Railways project in Sumatra Island dedicated to passenger and goods transportation. This study aims to analyze the train operating systems of Sembawa - Betung double rail track, that consist of the effective length and the typical layout of rail track, train traffic management, the potential of train travel routes that can be formed, used and conflicted, and the calculation of routes loading level on the train frequency. Based on the analysis conducted using the Conflict Rate method, it can be summarized that the route utilization along with trains frequency served at Sembawa Station, Pangkalan Balai Station and Suak Tapeh Station almost reaches the maximum level of allowable conflict so it may increase the probability of train accidents if there is an additional number of trains served without the construction of additional rail track at the station. On another side, the route utilization, along with the frequency of the trains served at Betung Station, is still far below the maximum limit of allowable conflict, so that there is a possibility to increase the frequency of the trains without the need for additional rail track at the station.Pembangunan jalur kereta api (KA) ganda lintas layanan Sembawa-Betung merupakan salah satu rute rencana dari proyek Trans Sumatera Railways dalam pengembangan jaringan jalur KA di Pulau Sumatera untuk angkutan penumpang dan barang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola operasi jalur KA ganda lintas layanan Sembawa – Betung, diantaranya mengenai tipikal tata letak dan panjang efektif tiap-tiap jalur stasiun, pengelolaan lalulintas KA di stasiun, potensi rute-rute perjalanan KA yang dapat terbentuk, terpakai, dan berkonflik, serta hitungan tingkat pembebanan rute terhadap frekuensi KA. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan menggunakan metode Conflict Rate, disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan rute beserta frekuensi KA yang dilayani di Stasiun Sembawa, Stasiun Pangkalan Balai dan Stasiun Suak Tapeh mendekati batas maksimal konflik yang diizinkan sehingga akan meningkatkan peluang terjadinya kecelakaan apabila dilakukan penambahan jumlah KA yang dilayani tanpa adanya pembangunan jalur KA baru di stasiun. Sedangkan pemanfaatan rute beserta frekuensi KA yang dilayani di Stasiun Betung masih jauh dari batas maksimal konflik yang diizinkan, sehingga masih dapat dilakukan penambahan jumlah KA yang dilayani tanpa perlu dilakukan pembangunan jalur KA baru di stasiun
Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Pavement Under Palm Oil Freight Truck Loading
Most of previous studies employed dynamic stability test and Hamburg wheel tracking test to investigate permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete (AC) layer. However, the permanent deformation performance only focuses on the surface course and neglected the influence of middle layer and base course. The present study investigates the permanent deformation characteristics of four (4) different configurations of flexible pavement and analyzes the contribution of AC surface and AC base course to the total permanent deformation of AC layer as the response to various truck’s speed, hauling loads, and loading cycles. Finite element modeling was performed to evaluate critical locations below the tire tread of single unit two-axles truck with the greatest magnitude of permanent deformation and to determine the optimum configuration of flexible pavement by considering the linear viscoelastic behavior of two types of AC mixtures. It can be concluded that the largest permanent deformation is measured below the right edge of the outer tire. The contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed is only about 14.81% to 16.39%, while the contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is only around 14.76% to 16.44%. On the other hand, the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed from is reaching 83.61% to 85.19%, while the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is achieving 83.56% to 85.24%
Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Pavement Under Palm Oil Freight Truck Loading
Most of previous studies employed dynamic stability test and Hamburg wheel tracking test to investigate permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete (AC) layer. However, the permanent deformation performance only focuses on the surface course and neglected the influence of middle layer and base course. The present study investigates the permanent deformation characteristics of four (4) different configurations of flexible pavement and analyzes the contribution of AC surface and AC base course to the total permanent deformation of AC layer as the response to various truck’s speed, hauling loads, and loading cycles. Finite element modeling was performed to evaluate critical locations below the tire tread of single unit two-axles truck with the greatest magnitude of permanent deformation and to determine the optimum configuration of flexible pavement by considering the linear viscoelastic behavior of two types of AC mixtures. It can be concluded that the largest permanent deformation is measured below the right edge of the outer tire. The contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed is only about 14.81% to 16.39%, while the contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is only around 14.76% to 16.44%. On the other hand, the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed from is reaching 83.61% to 85.19%, while the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is achieving 83.56% to 85.24%
Fatigue Cracking Behaviour and Characteristics of Flexible Pavement Subjected to Freight Coal-Truck Loading
Fatigue cracking is one of the varieties of flexible pavement distress caused by frequent traffic loads, and it is also a sign of structural collapse. Using finite element methods, numerical simulations were conducted to evaluate the strain changes that occur throughout the process of flexible pavement cracking. Several flexible pavement configurations with various thickness and different material properties of AC layer were developed, and several loading conditions in terms of the axle load, the speed, and the loading cycles of the freight truck were modelled. The numerical modelling showed that the greatest horizontal tensile strain in the 1st AC layer (surface course) is at the surface-centre of the pavement structure, which is predicted to be prone to top-down cracks. In other side, the greatest horizontal tensile strain in the 2nd AC layer (base course) is at the bottom-below of the tire tread, which is predicted to be vulnerable to bottom-up cracks. The outcomes of this study added to the knowledge gathered from previous studies, especially regarding the critical locations within the AC layer with the greatest magnitude of horizontal tensile strain and their potency to experience either the top-down cracking or bottom-up cracking, as well as related to the effect of slowing the truck speed and increasing both the truck’s hauling load and loading cycles on the fatigue life of asphalt concrete layer. Future research needs to be done to evaluate the balance between both permanent deformation behaviour of the AC layer and to determine the optimum flexible pavement configurations
Dampak Penambahan Campuran Aspal Penetrasi 60/70 Sebanyak 3% pada 1 Lapisan dan 3 Lapisan Struktur Balas
Penambahan material aspal diharapkan mampu meningkatkan umur layanan dan meminimalis biaya perawatan dari struktur balas konvensional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berat benda uji + aspal 3%, kuat tekan, deformasi vertikal, nilai modulus elastisitas, nilai abrasi dan kerusakan benda uji setelah pembebanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode uji tekan sedangkan untuk benda uji yang digunakan terdiri dari balas kotor, balas bersih, balas kotor + aspal 3% 1 lapisan, balas kotor + aspal 3% 3 lapisan, balas bersih + aspal 3% 1 lapisan, balas bersih + aspal 3% 3 lapisan. Benda uji dimodelkan dengan kubus berukuran 0,4 x 0,3 x 0,2 m. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa penambahan aspal dapat meningkatkan nilai deformasi dan menurunkan nilai modulus elastisitas. Tetapi adanya aspal sebagai bahan pengikat dapat meminimalisir nilai abrasi dan kerusakan pada material penyusun lapisan balas
Worldwide Hot Mix Asphalt Layer Application and Scrap Rubber and Bitumen Emulsion Studies on Railway Track-Bed
Researchers around the world have performed various studies on reinforcement of track-bed and mitigation of ballast deterioration. This paper objective is to conduct a literature review comprehensively to analyse and discuss the development of rubber, bitumen emulsion, and asphaltic layer usage on railway track-bed to study the proposed alternative of Indonesian unconventional rail track design concept. Various asphalt track-bed concept around the world have been reviewed (Germany, USA, Italia, Japanese, France, Spain, and Austria). Research on scrap rubber and bitumen emulsion in railway track-bed also examined in this paper. There are no researchers’ uses these three methods together in their study. In fact, each design has its benefits and limitations, so if these three methods are combined, then they will complete each other and will produce better output. The author suggests developing a new track structural components design that combined asphalt layer, scrap rubber, and bitumen emulsion. This new design expected to have capabilities to serve high-speed railway and existing railway track corridors more cost-effectively compare to the conventional tracks in consequence of their potential to have greater structural stability, considerably lower maintenance works, and more service-life. It can serve the train journey with higher speed and higher axle load
Vertical Deformation and Ballast Abrasion Characteristics of Asphalt-Scrap Rubber Track Bed
Innovations in the field of railroad construction need to be improved, especially in the ballast layer which is an essential structure in conventional railways. The purpose of this study was to analyse the characteristics of vertical deformation and ballast material abrasion with 10% of scrap rubber in two types of sizes (uniform and graded) and with 3% of asphalt. This study uses a compressive test method with six types of samples modeled with ballast boxes measuring 400 x 300 x 200 mm. The test results present that the use of 10% scrap rubber can increase the vertical deformation value significantly to 84%. On the other hand, the use of 3% asphalt can minimize vertical deformation to only 14% because asphalt can increase the ballast layer stiffness. Furthermore, it can also be concluded that in general, the use of 10% scrap rubber and 3% asphalt can reduce the percentage of material abrasion up to 80%. Besides, it also can be known that the use of graded sized scrap rubber material is the most effective in increasing material durability. Scrap rubber and asphalt have the potential to be used together on ballast layers which are expected to be a solution of the problems related to the service-life and ballast maintenance work
Desain Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Jalan Menggunakan Program Kenpave di Ruas Jalan Maospati - Sukomoro, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur
lan Maospati – Sukomoro melintasi kawasan pusat perindustrian di Kabupaten Magean. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak kendaraan-kendaraan berat yang melewati jalan Maospati – Sukomoro. Oleh karena itu, perlu perencanaan khusus agar perkerasan jalan ini mampu menahan beban kendaraan berat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk merancang tebal perkerasan dan nilai kemampuan jalan dalam mengalami retak lelah dan retak alur. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987 dan Metode AUSTROADS yang kemudian dianalisis dengan program Kenpave. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perhitungan tebal perkerasan dengan metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987 menghasilkan lapis permukaan sebesar 7,5 cm, lapis pondasi atas sebesar 20 cm, lapis pondasi bawah  sebesar 28 cm, sedangkan jika menggunakan metode AUSTROADS menghasilkan lapis permukaan sebesar 26,5 cm, dan lapis pondasi bawah sebesar 50 cm. Hasil menggunakan program Kenpave untuk nilai (Nf) metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987 ialah 21.546,03 sedangkan metode AUSTROADS 956.862,55. Untuk nilai retak alur (Nd) metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga 1987 ialah 526.588,54 sedangkan metode AUSTROADS ialah 19.276.509,28. Untuk perhitungan repetisi beban rencana (Nr) ialah 1.945.972,63. Nilai tersebut menunjukan bahwa untuk nilai Nf tidak mampu menahan beban yang direncanakan. Sedangkan nilai yang diperoleh untuk nilai Nd metode Analisa komponen bina marga 1987 tebal perkerasan yang dirancang tidak mampu menahan beban lalu lintas yang direncanakan. Sedangkan untuk nilai Nd metode AUSTROADS tebal perkerasan yang dirancang mampu menahan beban lalu lintas yang telah direncanakan.
Evaluasi Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Dengan Metode Analisa Komponen Dari Bina Marga 1987 Dan Metode Aashto 1993 Menggunakan Program Kenpave (Studi Kasus: Jalan Karangmojo-Semin Sta 0+000 sampai Sta 4+050)
In Indonesia, many roads have been damaged especially on flexible pavement design. There are caused by the high of traffic volume, extreme climate changes, the bad subgrade quality and the lack of quality of pavement material. The aim of this research is to analysis of the pavement quality of the road using KENPAVE program. Case study research is on Karangmojo– Semin road, Sta. (0 + 000) to Sta. (4 + 050), Gunung Kidul, D.I Yogyakarta. The program can give the value of stress and strain on the road due to traffic load. The response of stress and strain caused by fatigue cracking and rutting from KENPAVE output with pavement thickness analysis using Bina Marga 1987method are 0,000408 and 0,00138, respectively and using AASHTO 1993 method the fatigue crackingand rutting are 0,000322 and 0,00134, respectively. The flexible pavement design using method of Bina Marga 1987 and AASHTO 1993 produce the amount of load repetition with a traffic load plan is greater than the number of repetition load plan, so the road will have possibilities of fatigue cracking and rutting damage before the design life reached
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