15 research outputs found

    Utječe li marketinška strategija usmjerena okolišu na marketinške i financijske učinke? Istraživanje indonezijskih izvoznih poduzeća

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    Purpose – Broadly speaking, the implementation of green practice leads to higher performance in exporting firms. To test this concept empirically, this study proposes environmental marketing strategy as an antecedent of product differentiation and cost leadership as a means to promote marketing and financial performance. Design/Methodology/Approach – This study was conducted on 388 respondents serving as operational, production, and marketing managers of Indonesian exporting firms and used structural equation modelling (SEM) with AMOS 18 as an analysis technique. Findings and implications – The findings revealed that environmental marketing strategy significantly influences product differentiation and cost leadership. More specifically, product differentiation simultaneously influences marketing and financial performance. However, cost leadership influences financial performance but not marketing performance. This study implies the importance of environmental orientation in setting a firm strategy and promoting the performance of international firms. Limitations – The measurement items proposed in this study were adopted from studies conducted in developed countries; they have not been proven appropriate for direct application in developing countries such as Indonesia. Originality – This study is original in that it explores the importance of environmental studies in setting a firm strategy and promoting the performance of international business.Svrha – Općenito govoreći, provedba zelene prakse vodi većoj učinkovitosti poslovanja izvoznih poduzeća. Kako bi se empirijski testirao taj koncept, u istraživanju se predlaže marketinška strategija usmjerena okolišu kao prethodnica diferencijacije proizvoda i vodstva u troškovima te kao sredstvo za promicanje marketinškog i financijskog poslovanja. Metodološki pristup – Istraživanje je provedeno na 388 ispitanika koji su operacijski, proizvodni i marketinški menadžeri indonezijskih izvoznih poduzeća pa je korišteno modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM) sa softverom AMOS 18 za analizu podataka. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati otkrivaju da marketinška strategija usmjerena okolišu značajno utječe na diferencijaciju proizvoda i na vodstvo u troškovima. Konkretnije, diferencijacija proizvoda istovremeno utječe na marketinške i financijske rezultate. Međutim, vodstvo u troškovima utječe samo na financijske rezultate, ali ne i na marketinške. Istraživanje upućuje na važnost orijentacije prema okolišu u postavljanju strategije poduzeća i promoviranju poslovanja međunarodnih poduzeća. Ograničenja – Mjerne čestice korištene u istraživanju preuzete su iz postojećih istraživanja provedenih u razvijenim zemljama, a nije dokazana njihova pogodnost za izravnu primjenu u zemljama u razvoju kao što je Indonezija. Doprinos – Doprinos rada jest u istraživanju važnosti studija o okolišu u postavljanju strategije poduzeća i promociji djelovanja međunarodnog poslovanja

    The Effect of Capital Expenditures and General Allocation Funds on Local Financial Independence Through Local Revenue as an Intervening Variable in Districts and Cities in North Maluku Province

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    This study aims to examine the effect of capital expenditure and general allocation funds on local financial independence, either directly or mediated by local revenue. The population is the APBD Realization Report from website of Director General of Local Government Matching Grant. The samples are the document of APBD Realization Report for Regency / City Governments in North Maluku Province for 2015-2019. Data are collected from 2015-2019 District and City Government APBD Realization Reports in North Maluku Province, BPK RI Audit Results Reports and website http://www.djpk.kemenkeu.go.id/ . The collected data is analyzed by multiple regression analysis and path analysis. The analysis found four findings. First, the General Allocation Fund partially has no effect on Local Financial Independence. Second, Capital expenditure partially does not affect on local financial independence. Third, the General Allocation Fund indirectly has a significant effect on Local Financial Independence through Local Revenue. Forth, Capital expenditure indirectly has a significant effect on Local Financial Independence through Local Revenue. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/11-4-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Internal Whistleblowing: Analysis of Personal Characteristics and Organizational Commitments with Ethical Climate as Moderating Variables

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    The desire of individuals within an organization to be willing to take whistleblowing actions will be very beneficial for the organization to achieve its goals. However, the desire or intention to carry out internal whistleblowing is still low in practice. This can be caused by organizational commitment, Personal Cost, Machiavellian Character, and Ethical Climate. This study examines and analyzes the effect of organizational commitment, personal cost, and machiavellian character on the intention to carry out internal whistleblowing with an ethical climate as a moderating variable. This research was conducted using a survey method by distributing questionnaires to civil servants in the finance department of the Riau Provincial Government. The non-probability sampling technique does the sampling technique. Seventy-three questionnaires can be used. Data analysis using WarpPLS 7.0. The findings of this study suggest that the intention to engage in internal whistleblowing is influenced by organizational commitment, personal cost, and Machiavellian character. The influence of organizational commitment, personal cost, and machiavellian character on the intention to engage in internal whistleblowing can be moderated by the ethical contex


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    Background: Ventricular arrhythmias (VA) is common in dialytic patients. Left Ventricular Mechanical Dispersion (LVMD) could provide an inhomogeneous of left ventricular myocardium contraction lead to VA. Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) and QT Dispersion (QTd) are well-known VA predictors in dialytic patients. This study aimed to determine the relationship between LVMD and LVEF on QT dispersion in ESRD patients before and after dialysis. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in November 2021 - February 2022. All study subjects who met the inclusion criteria underwent history taking and physical examination including age, sex, body weight, body height, electrocardiography, echocardiography, and routine laboratory studies. Results: Among 43 subjects, 24 (55.8%) were male, with mean age of 51,14±11,6 was conducted in this study. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (79%) and diabetes mellitus (44.19%). Pre-dialysis LVMD mean was 28.99±15.98 ms and significantly decrease to 24.16±15.77 ms after dialysis (

    Novel PID Controller on Battery Energy Storage Systems for Frequency Dynamics Enhancement

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    Frequency dynamics is one of the important aspects of power system stability. From the frequency dynamics, the operator could plan how is the reliability of the electricity. The frequency can be maintained by controlling the balance between load demand and generation. To maintain the balance of the generation, the governor is playing an important role to increase the speed of the turbine and enhance the generating capacity of the generator (ramp-up). However, as the speed of the governor is slower than the increasing load demand, in the sub-transient area, the frequency may experience higher overshoot. Hence, it is important to add additional devices such as battery energy storage systems to enhance the frequency dynamics response in the sub-transient area. One of the important parts of storage is the controller. The controller must make sure the storage charges and discharge energy are in the sub-transient area. Hence PID controller can be the solution to make the storage operate optimally This paper proposed a novel PID controller on battery energy storage systems (BESS) to enhance the dynamics performance of frequencies. The five-area power system is used as the test system to investigate the efficacy of the proposed novel idea. Time domain simulation is investigated to see the improvement of the frequency dynamics response. From the simulation results, it is found that adding a PID controller on BESS could enhance the BESS response and result in frequency dynamics response improvement

    Does an Environmental Marketing Strategy Influence Marketing and Financial Performance? A Study of Indonesian Exporting Firms

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    Purpose – Broadly speaking, the implementation of green practice leads to higher performance in exporting firms. To test this concept empirically, this study proposes environmental marketing strategy as an antecedent of product differentiation and cost leadership as a means to promote marketing and financial performance. Design/Methodology/Approach – This study was conducted on 388 respondents serving as operational, production, and marketing managers of Indonesian exporting firms and used structural equation modelling (SEM) with AMOS 18 as an analysis technique. Findings and implications – The findings revealed that environmental marketing strategy significantly influences product differentiation and cost leadership. More specifically, product differentiation simultaneously influences marketing and financial performance. However, cost leadership influences financial performance but not marketing performance. This study implies the importance of environmental orientation in setting a firm strategy and promoting the performance of international firms. Limitations – The measurement items proposed in this study were adopted from studies conducted in developed countries; they have not been proven appropriate for direct application in developing countries such as Indonesia. Originality – This study is original in that it explores the importance of environmental studies in setting a firm strategy and promoting the performance of international business


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    he purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the addition of reflectors to increase energy production and simultaneously to determine the change in temperature of solar cell as a result of the addition of the quantity of incoming sunlight. Capacity of the solar cell module is approximately 50 Wp, where the test is done from 9 am to 3pm for three days.The reflector's slope angle used is 1000, 1100, and 1200. The results of this study indicate an increase in output power of the solar cell module an average of 2.59% (with 4.42% at maximum).The side effect is the increase in maximum temperature of the solar cells by 0.60 C(or 1.59%).  Keywords: solar cell, reflector, slope angle, output power, temperature of solar cel

    Perkembangan Praimplantasi Embrio Mencit dengan Materi Genetik yang Berasal dari Parental, Maternal, dan Inti Sel Somatik (PRE-IMPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT OF MOUSE EMBRYO WITH GENETIC MATERIAL DERIVED FROM PARENTAL, MATERNAL AND SOMATIC CELL NUCLEUS)

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    Cloned embryo and parthenogenetic embryo are a potential source of stem cells for regenerativemedicine. Stem cells derived from those embryos are expected to overcome the ethical issues to the use offertilization embryos for therapeutic purposes. The pre-implantation development is a critical step fordeveloping embryos reach the blastocyst stage. The objectives in vivo of this research are to produce mousecloned embryo, parthenogenetic embryo, and fertilized embryo and to study stages of  in vitro pre-implantation development culture. In vivo fertilized embryos, mouse oocytes, and cumulus cells were usedin this study. Treatment was performed on female mice superovulated with PMSG and hCG injections.Two-cell stage of in vivo fertilized embryos were collected on the second day post hCG injection. Clonedembryos were produced through Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), which included enucleation, nucleartransfer and artificial activation. Parthenogenetic embryos were produced with artificial activationtechnique. The result of the research indicated that SCNT application was able to produce cloned embryos which could develop to blastocyst stage (3,2%). In addition, artificial activation of oocytes could produceparthenogenetic embryos which were able to develop up to the blastocyst stage (8,6%). In conclusion,efficiency level of parthenogenetic embryos that is able to reach the blastocyst stage was higher than in thecloned embryos. Fertilized embryos shows a better development and more efficient compared to in vitrocloned embryos and parthenogenetic embryos cultures