5 research outputs found

    Mobile phones and social structures: an exploration of a closed user group in rural Ghana

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    Background: In the Millennium Villages Project site of Bonsaaso, Ghana, the Health Team is using a mobile phone closed user group to place calls amongst one another at no cost. Methods: In order to determine the utilization and acceptability of the closed user group amongst users, social network analysis and qualitative methods were used. Key informants were identified and interviewed. The key informants also kept prospective call journals. Billing statements and de-identified call data from the closed user group were used to generate data for analyzing the social structure revealed by the network traffic. Results: The majority of communication within the closed user group was personal and not for professional purposes. The members of the CUG felt that the group improved their efficiency at work. Conclusions: The methods used present an interesting way to investigate the social structure surrounding communication via mobile phones. In addition, the benefits identified from the exploration of this closed user group make a case for supporting mobile phone closed user groups amongst professional groups

    ‘I have a lot of faith in her’: Value of community health workers in addressing family planning in rural Ghana

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    In rural settings with shortages in trained health care workers, community health workers (CHWs) play an important role in the delivery of health care services. The Ghana Health Service initiated a national CHW programme in 2016 to expand health services to rural populations. This study explored the perceived role and value of CHWs in addressing family planning issues in the Amansie West district of Ghana. The study included in-depth interviews (IDIs) with 28 women in the community, ages 18–49, and 30 CHWs. Using inductive thematic analysis, IDIs were coded to explore opinions on the CHWs’ role and perceived value in the delivery of family planning. Participants explained that CHWs provided family planning as part of a healthcare package through household visits and referrals to government services. The value of CHWs in delivering family planning was seen in confidentiality, accessibility, and comfort. Participants recommended an enlarged CHW workforce with a range of commodities and programmatic support. The findings suggest CHWs play an important role in promoting family planning, by serving as a bridge between the community and clinics. In rural communities where resources are scarce, CHWs are an invaluable part of the broader healthcare system

    The Millennium Villages Project: a retrospective, observational, endline evaluation

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    Summary: Background: The Millennium Villages Project (MVP) was a 10 year, multisector, rural development project, initiated in 2005, operating across ten sites in ten sub-Saharan African countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In this study, we aimed to estimate the project's impact, target attainment, and on-site spending. Methods: In this endline evaluation of the MVP, we retrospectively selected comparison villages that best matched the project villages on possible confounding variables. Cross-sectional survey data on 40 outcomes of interest were collected from both the project and the comparison villages in 2015. Using these data, as well as on-site spending data collected during the project, we estimated project impacts as differences in outcomes between the project and comparison villages; target attainment as differences between project outcomes and prespecified targets; and on-site spending as expenditures reported by communities, donors, governments, and the project. Spending data were not collected in the comparison villages. Findings: Averaged across the ten project sites, we found that impact estimates for 30 of 40 outcomes were significant (95% uncertainty intervals [UIs] for these outcomes excluded zero) and favoured the project villages. In particular, substantial effects were seen in agriculture and health, in which some outcomes were roughly one SD better in the project villages than in the comparison villages. The project was estimated to have no significant impact on the consumption-based measures of poverty, but a significant favourable impact on an index of asset ownership. Impacts on nutrition and education outcomes were often inconclusive (95% UIs included zero). Averaging across outcomes within categories, the project had significant favourable impacts on agriculture, nutrition, education, child health, maternal health, HIV and malaria, and water and sanitation. A third of the targets were met in the project sites. Total on-site spending decreased from US132perpersoninthefirsthalfoftheproject(ofwhich132 per person in the first half of the project (of which 66 was from the MVP) to 109perpersoninthesecondhalfoftheproject(ofwhich109 per person in the second half of the project (of which 25 was from the MVP). Interpretation: The MVP had favourable impacts on outcomes in all MDG areas, consistent with an integrated rural development approach. The greatest effects were in agriculture and health, suggesting support for the project's emphasis on agriculture and health systems strengthening. The project conclusively met one third of its targets. Funding: The Open Society Foundations, the Islamic Development Bank, and the governments of Japan, South Korea, Mali, Senegal, and Uganda