53 research outputs found

    Statefinder diagnosis in a non-flat universe and the holographic model of dark energy

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    In this paper, we study the holographic dark energy model in non-flat universe from the statefinder viewpoint. We plot the evolutionary trajectories of the holographic dark energy model for different values of the parameter cc as well as for different contributions of spatial curvature, in the statefinder parameter-planes. The statefinder diagrams characterize the properties of the holographic dark energy and show the discrimination between this scenario and other dark energy models. As we show, the contributions of the spatial curvature in the model can be diagnosed out explicitly by the statefinder diagrams. Furthermore, we also investigate the holographic dark energy model in the w−w′w-w' plane, which can provide us with a useful dynamical diagnosis complement to the statefinder geometrical diagnosis.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures; final versio

    Generalized Ricci dark energy in Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    In this letter, we have considered generalized Ricci dark energy in the Horava-Lifshitz gravity. We have reconstructed the Hubble's parameter in terms of fractional densities. We have viewed the equation of state parameter in this situation. Also, we have examined the behavior of deceleration parameter and investigated the nature of the statefinder diagnostics. The equation of state parameter has exhibited quintessence-like behavior and from the plot of the deceleration parameter we have observed an ever accelerating universe

    Statefinder Parameters for Interacting Phantom Energy with Dark Matter

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    We apply in this paper the statefinder parameters to the interacting phantom energy with dark matter. There are two kinds of scaling solutions in this model. It is found that the evolving trajectories of these two scaling solutions in the statefinder parameter plane are quite different, and that are also different from the statefinder diagnostic of other dark energy models.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, some references are added, some words are modifie

    Holographic dark energy with time varying c2c^2 parameter

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    We consider the holographic dark energy model in which the model parameter c2c^2 evolves slowly with time. First we calculate the evolution of EoS parameter as well as the deceleration parameter in this generalized version of holographic dark energy (GHDE). Depending on the parameter c2c^2, the phantom regime can be achieved earlier or later compare with original version of holographic dark energy. The evolution of energy density of GHDE model is investigated in terms of parameter c2c^2. We also show that the time-dependency of c2c^2 can effect on the transition epoch from decelerated phase to accelerated expansion. Finally, we perform the statefinder diagnostic for GHDE model and show that the evolutionary trajectories of the model in s−rs-r plane are strongly depend on the parameter c2c^2.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astrophys Space Sc

    Statefinder diagnostic and stability of modified gravity consistent with holographic and new agegraphic dark energy

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    Recently one of us derived the action of modified gravity consistent with the holographic and new-agegraphic dark energy. In this paper, we investigate the stability of the Lagrangians of the modified gravity as discussed in [M. R. Setare, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 17 (2008) 2219; M. R. Setare, Astrophys. Space Sci. 326 (2010) 27]. We also calculate the statefinder parameters which classify our dark energy model.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Gen. Relativ. Gravi

    Statefinder and Om Diagnostics for Interacting New Holographic Dark Energy Model and Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics

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    In this work, we have considered that the flat FRW universe is filled with the mixture of dark matter and the new holographic dark energy. If there is an interaction, we have investigated the natures of deceleration parameter, statefinder and OmOm diagnostics. We have examined the validity of the first and generalized second laws of thermodynamics under these interactions on the event as well as apparent horizon. It has been observed that the first law is violated on the event horizon. However, the generalized second law is valid throughout the evolution of the universe enveloped by the apparent horizon. When the event horizon is considered as the enveloping horizon, the generalized second law is found to break down excepting at late stage of the universe.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Interacting Ricci Dark Energy with Logarithmic Correction

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    Motivated by the holographic principle, it has been suggested that the dark energy density may be inversely proportional to the area AA of the event horizon of the universe. However, such a model would have a causality problem. In this work, we consider the entropy-corrected version of the holographic dark energy model in the non-flat FRW universe and we propose to replace the future event horizon area with the inverse of the Ricci scalar curvature. We obtain the equation of state (EoS) parameter ωΛ\omega_{\Lambda}, the deceleration parameter qq and ΩD′\Omega_D' in the presence of interaction between Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM). Moreover, we reconstruct the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon, K-essence, dilaton and quintessence scalar field models according to the evolutionary behavior of the interacting entropy-corrected holographic dark energy model.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in 'Astrophysics and Space Science, DOI:10.1007/s10509-012-1031-8

    Reconstructing quintom from WMAP 5-year observations: Generalized ghost condensate

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    In the 5-year WMAP data analysis, a new parametrization form for dark energy equation-of-state was used, and it has been shown that the equation-of-state, w(z)w(z), crosses the cosmological-constant boundary w=−1w=-1. Based on this observation, in this paper, we investigate the reconstruction of quintom dark energy model. As a single-real-scalar-field model of dark energy, the generalized ghost condensate model provides us with a successful mechanism for realizing the quintom-like behavior. Therefore, we reconstruct this scalar-field quintom dark energy model from the WMAP 5-year observational results. As a comparison, we also discuss the quintom reconstruction based on other specific dark energy ansatzs, such as the CPL parametrization and the holographic dark energy scenarios.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Natural Phantom Dark Energy, Wiggling Hubble Parameter H(z)H(z) and Direct H(z)H(z) Data

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    Recent direct H(z)H(z) data indicate that the parameter H(z)H(z) may wiggle with respect to zz. On the other hand the luminosity distance data of supernovae flatten the wiggles of H(z)H(z) because of integration effect. It is expected that the fitting results can be very different in a model permitting a wiggling H(z)H(z) because the data of supernovae is highly degenerated to such a model. As an example the natural phantom dark energy is investigated in this paper. The dynamical property of this model is studied. The model is fitted by the direct H(z)H(z) data set and the SNLS data set, respectively. And the results are quite different, as expected. The quantum stability of this model is also shortly discussed. We find it is a viable model if we treat it as an effective theory truncated by an upperbound.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, discussions on the stability added, conclusions not change

    Cosmological evolution and statefinder diagnostic for new holographic dark energy model in non flat universe

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    In this paper, the holographic dark energy model with new infrared cut-off proposed by Granda and Oliveros has been investigated in spatially non flat universe. The dependency of the evolution of equation of state, deceleration parameter and cosmological evolution of Hubble parameter on the parameters of new HDE model are calculated. Also, the statefinder parameters rr and ss in this model are derived and the evolutionary trajectories in s−rs-r plane are plotted. We show that the evolutionary trajectories are dependent on the model parameters of new HDE model. Eventually, in the light of SNe+BAO+OHD+CMB observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in s−rs-r and q−rq-r planes for best fit values of the parameters of new HDE model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Astrophys. Space Sc
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