596 research outputs found

    Early childhood online education in the COVID-19 context. Behavioral Patterns for User Interface Design

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    The outcomes from the lived experience descriptions show that tested indicators for the evaluation of both MOOCs and preschool education are insufficient or inexact for the assessment of our current condition. Most of the main online platforms, based on universities or as products of local entrepreneurships have ignored the preschool group. The already proposed generic solutions do not meet preschool education's needs. Considering Behavioral Patterns we propose a model useful for both the evaluation of ongoing experiences and the organization of new content

    Férriz y Cabrero: lecciones de una desconocida y paradigmática colaboración entre fotógrafo y arquitecto

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    El creciente interés por investigar y analizar las relaciones entre arquitectura y fotografía puede abordarse desde enfoques generales o dimensiones más especulativas pero también desde casos de estudio específicos. La posibilidad de tener acceso directo tanto a las fotografías en papel del archivo del arquitecto Asís Cabrero como a los negativos del fotógrafo Férriz nos permite analizar en profundidad un material inédito de una colaboración paradigmática entre un arquitecto y un fotógrafo prácticamente desconocido hasta la fecha. La condición exclusiva de esta relación, la calidad de las imágenes y la sinergia entre ambos profesionales apuntan claves, lecciones en suma, para seguir profundizando en el papel y los usos de la imagen construida y en sus implicaciones en el devenir arquitectónico.With few exceptions, it is not possible to date collaborations between Asís Cabrero ( 1912-2005) and a photographer other than Jesús García Férriz ( 1900-1988). Similarly, there are only few and isolated works proving that Férriz made photo reports of other architects’ work. This dual situation points out a unique case study, barely known and unexplored up to date, and of a great theoretical relevance to delve into the intricacies of the marriage architecture & photography. This situation becomes even more exceptional due to the existence of paper prints form the architect’s own archive —kept at the General Archive of the University of Navarra— as well as the availability of the photographer’s original negatives. The close and loyal working relationship between Cabrero and Férriz represent, in the context of modern Spanish architecture, a unique case of complete trust and complicity between an architect and his photographer. Although there are other relevant examples —such as Coderch and Català-Roca or Fernández del Amo and Kindel— none of them proved to have such an exclusive relationship. This fact can be proved not only by the available data and the different hypothesis that might be formulated, but also by the case study described in this text, which provides a rigorous and critic analysis of the unpublished material showing how the architect’s project and idea is described and graphically documented through Ferry’s photography. We therefore address, under a new reciprocal practice among the actors in the process, the synergies between architecture and photography that endorse and support a particular status coherent with the role played by the image of architecture in its growth and media, historiographical and disciplinary transmission. As opposed to Asís Cabrero, who has already been recognized as a leading figure of modern Spanish architecture, the photographic work made by the Férriz family has scarcely up to date been revealed in the field of Spanish photographic community of the 20th Century and has never been recognized as example of professionalism and technical expertise in the course of their long term career. In this text the outcomes of this relationship will be explored not only based on technical and aesthetic qualities, but also on the analysis of the rigor and coherence of their respective attitudes and their professional skills

    Design during COVID-19: Agents and allies in the role of designer, digital fabrication and distributed production

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    During COVID-19 global emergency, designers proposed solutions at different scales, as quick responses to demands from different agents. In the same way, we critically analyzed the emergence of allies, protocols and tools, which allowed the optimization of fabrication, from traditional manufacturing into distributed co-production. The analyzed local networks produced global co-design experiences, with involvement of FabLabs and users from different disciplines. Through case studies and the evaluation of surveys and testimonials from users and makers, we analyze the global panorama, to finally explore the specific situation in Latin America. This establishes a relationship between medical demand and digital fabrication, which allows evidence of positive and negative situations to be consider as new, significant aspects for the design in the future. The leading role acquired by the ecosystem surrounding digital fabrication during the pandemic, could enhance its processes in the search for greater positioning, changing society from within the different communities

    Design during COVID-19: agents and allies in the role of designer, digital fabrication and distributed production

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    During COVID-19 global emergency, designers proposed solutions at different scales, as quick responses to demands from different agents. In the same way, we critically analyzed the emergence of allies, protocols and tools, which allowed the optimization of fabrication, from traditional manufacturing into distributed co-production. The analyzed local networks produced global co-design experiences, with involvement of FabLabs and users from different disciplines. Through case studies and the evaluation of surveys and testimonials from users and makers, we analyze the global panorama, to finally explore the specific situation in Latin America. This establishes a relationship between medical demand and digital fabrication, which allows evidence of positive and negative situations to be consider as new, significant aspects for the design in the future. The leading role acquired by the ecosystem surrounding digital fabrication during the pandemic, could enhance its processes in the search for greater positioning, changing society from within the different communities

    Pedagogical participatory experiences to promote Public Interest Technology from volunteer work

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    Public Interest Technologies allow practices and learning opportunities for the sustainable improvement of living conditions. Our analysis of participatory pedagogical experiences, from the perspective of student volunteer tourism, adds elements to this emerging field of study by analyzing the steps, main opportunities, and challenges as a basis for the implementation of PIT in higher education. In six case studies, students from the Northern hemisphere reached out to vulnerable communities in Lima (Peru) through universities and local NGOs, in events ranging from welfarism to co-design and participation. Experiences of Practice Based Education promoted direct interaction with different local realities, enhancing communication, socialization and empathy, key skills in the training of a new generation of professionals that will work in the implementation of new inclusive and participatory policies in our communities. Technology becomes an ally of processes once trust has been consolidated, seeking sustainability in the public interest

    Ecology as a Tool to Assist Conservation of a Rare and Endemic Mediterranean Plantago Species

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    Reviewing the ecological studies on the endangered endemic Plantago almogravensis Franco, an Al-hyperaccumulator plant, and combining these with morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular data, significant knowledge on the limiting factors that cause its narrow geographical distribution and rarity status is achieved, which can contribute to suited conservation guidelines. Emphasis was given on (i) the major factors limiting P. almogravensis’ ecological niche (biotic and abiotic); (ii) phases of the life cycle and population dynamics; and (iii) and the phylogenetically close taxa (Plantago subulata aggregate) in order to fill the knowledge gaps in the uniqueness of P. almogravensis ecology, its phylogeny, and conservation status. The identification of relevant ecological data and using plant functional (morphological and physiological) traits, as well as genetic attributes, substantiate into a powerful tool to guide protection and conservation measures, usable toward this and other endangered hyperaccumulator plant species. Knowledge of the limitations of this strongly narrowly distributed plant allows for better design of conservation measures and to guide value and investment strategies in order to secure the species’ current area (habitat conservation and reclamation), direct the expansion of the existing population (assisting in populational densification and colonization), and/or grant ex situ conservation (genetic resources conservation).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biometric relationships to estimate length and weight of Leucoraja naevus, Raja montagui and R. clavata, from wing landings in Cantabrian Sea.

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    Conference posterThe scarce elasmobranch information existing nowadays has received rapidly growing worlwide attention in targeted fisheries, and also as a by-catch in other fisheries. The landings of rays are significant as by-catch in the North of Spain fisheries, and not always individuals are landed whole. The ray wings are cut on board of commercial vessels, and this landing is recorded by fish-markets. One of the objectives of DELASS project (Development of Elasmobranch Assessments) is to obtain reliable data into a particular area. In this poster the degree of existent correlation between the round fresh weight and landing lenght distribution concerning these species is presented

    Epidemiologia del parasitismo intestinal infantil en el valle del Guadalquivir, España

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    BACKGROUND : Intestinal parasitisms represents a public health problem that should be periodically assessed in each region. In the present paper, a study about prevalence of intestinal parasites, has been carried out in children from the natural region of the Guadalquivir Valley. METHODS: During the period 1994-1996, 1.917 children without symptoms, aging between 6 and 10, were studied by means of coprologycal analysis and Graham method, all of them living in 20 villages in the Guadalquivir valley. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of intestinal parasitisms have been of 27,12%. The reported parasites and their prevalence are as follows: Enterobius vermicularis (20,44%), Giardia lamblia (5,05%), Entamoeba coli (2,45%), Endolimax nana (1,61%), Entamoeba histolytica (0,31%), Entamoeba hartmanni (0,05%), Iodamoeba bütschlii (0,05%). CONCLUSIONS: The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites is similar to that found in other spanish region, if only a little bit more favourable probably due to the long lasting drought and the improvements in health resourses, no geohelmints have been detected unlike other protozoosis, giardiasis mantains a relatively high prevalence.FUNDAMENTO: Las parasitosis intestinales en los niños constituyen un problema de salud pública que debe ser valorado periódicamente en cada región. En este trabajo se aborda, por primera vez en la región natural del Valle del Guadalquivir, un estudio amplio sobre la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal en la población infantil de la zona. MÉTODOS: Durante el período 1994-1996, mediante análisis coprológico y método de Graham, se ha estudiado a 1.917 niños y niñas asintomáticos, con edades comprendidas entre seis y diez años, residentes en veinte localidades del Valle del Guadalquivir. RESULTADOS: El índice global de parasitación ha sido del 27,12 %. Las especies parásitas detectadas, así como sus prevalencias fueron: Enterobius vermicularis (20,44%), Giardia lamblia (5,05%), Entamoeba coli (2,45%), Endolimax nana (1,61%), Entamoeba histolytica (0,31%), Entamoeba hartmanni (0,05%), Iodamoeba bütschlii (0,05%). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia global encontrada es similar a la de otras regiones españolas, aunque quizás pueda considerarse algo más favorable. No se detectan geohelmintos, debido posiblemente a la mejora de la infraestructura higiénico-sanitaria y a los efectos de la prolongada sequía en la zona. La giardiasis, a diferencia de las restantes protozoosis, mantiene una prevalencia relativamente alta

    Plant growth forms dictate adaptations to the local climate

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    Adaptive radiation is a significant driver of biodiversity. Primarily studied in animal systems, mechanisms that trigger adaptive radiations remain poorly understood in plants. A frequently claimed indicator of adaptive radiation in plants is growth form diversity when tied to the occupation of different habitats. However, it remains obscure whether morphological adaptations manifest as growth form diversity per se or as its constituent traits. We use the classic Aeonium radiation from the Canary Islands to ask whether adaptation across climatic space is structured by growth form evolution. Using morphological sampling with site-associated climate in a phylogenetic context, we find that growth forms dictate adaptations to the local environment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the response of specific traits to analogous environments is antagonistic when growth forms are different. This finding suggests for the first time that growth forms represent particular ecological functions, allowing the co-occurrence of closely related species, being a product of divergent selection during evolution in sympatry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio