6 research outputs found

    Impact of Diabetic Foot Multidisciplinary Unit on Incidence of Lower-Extremity Amputations by Diabetic Foot

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    Diabetis; Diabetic foot ulcer; Lower-extremity amputationsDiabetes; Úlcera del pie diabético; Amputaciones de extremidades inferioresDiabetis; Úlcera del peu diabètic; Amputacions d'extremitats inferiorsBackground: One of the most devastating complications of diabetes is diabetes-related foot disease (DFD), which is a priority for public health systems. The 2016–2020 Catalonia Health Plan aimed to reduce the incidence of total and major lower-extremity amputations (LEAs) due to DFD by 10% in the population aged 45–74 years. The aim of the present study was to compare the incidence of LEA-DFD 5 years before and after the creation of the Diabetic Foot Multidisciplinary Unit at our Hospital. Methods: We prospectively collected all cases of LEA-DFD performed at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2020. Cases of LEA-DFD performed from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. The incidence of LEA-DFD between these periods was compared. Results: A total of 457 LEAs due to DFD were performed in 316 patients. We observed a reduction of 27.9% [CI: 23.7–32.1%] in the incidence of total LEA in the 2016–2020 period in comparison with the period 2011–2016 (0.8 ± 0.1 vs. 1.1 ± 0.3 per 10.000 inhabitants/year, p < 0.001), as well as a reduction of 49.3% [CI: 44.6–53.9%] in the incidence of major LEA-DFD (0.15 ± 0.1 vs. 0.30 ± 0.1 per 10.000 inhabitants/year, p < 0.001). Conclusions: The implementation of a Diabetic Foot Multidisciplinary Unit resulted in a significant reduction in the rate of amputations due to DFD in the population with diabetes in North Barcelona

    Técnica de Charles en elefantiasis de extremidad inferior: caso clínico

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    La primera opción terapéutica para el linfedema consiste en medidas conservadoras conocidas como terapia descongestiva compleja, de la que se benefician muchos pacientes. Sin embargo, los casos refractarios severos requieren abordaje quirúrgico. Existen numerosas técnicas disponibles con tasas de recurrencia variables. La técnica de Charles es una alternativa apropiada para los casos más severos. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en un caso en varón de 21 años de edad con elefantiasis masiva de la extremidad inferior izquierda secundaria a linfedema congénito sin respuesta al tratamiento conservador. Tras una valoración clínica y radiológica exhaustiva se propone cirugía ablativa según la técnica de Charles, que llevamos a cabo en 3 tiempos quirúrgicos en 8 meses con resultados globalmente favorables. De paso revisamos la práctica actualmente aceptada para el tratamiento del linfedema de la extremidad inferior y las opciones terapéuticas disponibles

    Enzymatic Debridement (Nexobrid) on Burned Hands: Retrospective Review from a Burn Referral Center in Spain

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    Enzymatic debridement; Burns; SpainDesbridamiento enzimático; Quemaduras; EspañaDesbridament enzimàtic; Cremades; EspanyaBackground: In deep burns, the gold standard of treatment is surgical debridement and coverage, but in hands, this may lead to poor aesthetic and functional results due to the complexity of this anatomical area. Enzymatic debridement (Nexobrid) allows for the preservation of the dermal remnant and reduces the number of skin grafts when compared with surgical excision. The study aimed to analyze the patients with intermediate second-degree or deeper burns in hands who required surgical treatment after Nexobrid and those who avoided it. Methods: A descriptive retrospective study of all patients who underwent Nexobrid following hand burns between May 2015 and April 2020 treated in Vall d’Hebrón University Hospital was conducted. After the enzymatic debridement, the burn unit team determined if the burn required conservative treatment or surgery, based on the characteristics of the wound bed. Results: A total of 202 hands were collected. Most hands included in this study had deep second-degree burns (122; 60.4%). Almost half of the hands underwent surgery (99; 49%), and most had deep second-degree burns (61; 61.62%). During follow-up, 24 hands required surgery for sequelae (11.88%) and 62 did not undergo follow-up (30.69%). In the group that needed sequelae surgery, 21 needed surgery after Nexobrid and three of them were healed with conservative treatment after Nexobrid (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Nexobrid decreases the number of surgical procedures in deep burns of the hand because more conservative attitudes are adopted. Also, it seems to reduce the need of surgery due to burn sequelae

    Guía clínica de consenso en el uso de desbridamiento enzimático en quemaduras con NexoBrid®

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    Introducción y Objetivo: El desbridamiento precoz es la base del tratamiento de las quemaduras. La retirada de la escara durante las primeras 72 horas es la mejor opción para reducir la estancia hospitalaria y los eventos infecciosos. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se compromete la dermis viable necesaria para obtener los mejores resultados estéticos y funcionales, obligando a injertar el lecho. Hay numerosa evidencia acerca de la reducción de las tasas de injerto, la pérdida hemática y el número de intervenciones cuando se utiliza un desbridante enzimático, NexoBrid®. El objetivo de esta publicación es establecer una guía clínica basada en la opinión de los expertos españoles. Material y Método: Se diseñó un panel de 7 expertos de las principales Unidades de Quemados españolas, con más de 350 pacientes tratados, que discutió las diferentes fases del tratamiento con Nexo-Brid® para obtener una guía clínica de consenso acerca de la indicación, uso y manejo del desbridamiento enzimático. Resultados: Se alcanzó un alto nivel de consenso, con más del 70% de acuerdo en cada una de las fases de tratamiento. Todos los aspectos del tratamiento con NexoBrid® fueron discutidos durante la reunión, así como las indicaciones y limitaciones de su uso, incluyendo todas las nuevas evidencias publicadas hasta el momento. También las diversas opciones utilizadas por los diferentes centros de quemados españoles, alcanzando una recomendación global sobre su uso. Conclusiones: Se redactó un documento como guía clínica preliminar sobre el uso de NexoBrid® hasta que se creen nuevas guías basadas en evidencia. No existe ningún otro consenso similar publicado hasta el momento

    Enzymatic Debridement (Nexobrid) on Burned Hands: Retrospective Review from a Burn Referral Center in Spain

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    Background:. In deep burns, the gold standard of treatment is surgical debridement and coverage, but in hands, this may lead to poor aesthetic and functional results due to the complexity of this anatomical area. Enzymatic debridement (Nexobrid) allows for the preservation of the dermal remnant and reduces the number of skin grafts when compared with surgical excision. The study aimed to analyze the patients with intermediate second-degree or deeper burns in hands who required surgical treatment after Nexobrid and those who avoided it. Methods:. A descriptive retrospective study of all patients who underwent Nexobrid following hand burns between May 2015 and April 2020 treated in Vall d’Hebrón University Hospital was conducted. After the enzymatic debridement, the burn unit team determined if the burn required conservative treatment or surgery, based on the characteristics of the wound bed. Results:. A total of 202 hands were collected. Most hands included in this study had deep second-degree burns (122; 60.4%). Almost half of the hands underwent surgery (99; 49%), and most had deep second-degree burns (61; 61.62%). During follow-up, 24 hands required surgery for sequelae (11.88%) and 62 did not undergo follow-up (30.69%). In the group that needed sequelae surgery, 21 needed surgery after Nexobrid and three of them were healed with conservative treatment after Nexobrid (P < 0.001). Conclusions:. Nexobrid decreases the number of surgical procedures in deep burns of the hand because more conservative attitudes are adopted. Also, it seems to reduce the need of surgery due to burn sequelae