8 research outputs found

    Particle processes in fluids. Coagulation, breakup, scavenging and resuspension

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    L' embassament de Boadella

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    Article que descriu el règim hidrològic, les característiques fisicoquímiques de l'aigua i les partícules en suspensió a l' aigua de l' embassament de Boadella (Alt Empordà

    Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles

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    The main physical long-scale processes occurring in Lake Banyoles are reviewed as a tribute to Prof. Margalef. These processesinclude the water fluxes below the surface of the lake, the behavior of the sediment in suspension in the basins, the heat fluxesat the surface and at the bottom layers, the internal seiching, the formation of a baroclinic current due to differences in coolingbetween the two lobes, the mixing dynamics, the meromictic behavior of some of the basins and the formation and dynamics of hydrothermal plumesLos principales procesos físicos de gran escala que tienen lugar en le Lago de Banyotes son revisados como tributo al Profesor Margalef. Estos procesos incluyen los flujos de agua bajo la superficie del lago, el comportamiento del sedimento en suspensión en las cubetas, los flujos de calor en la superficie y en el fondo, las secas internas y la formación de corrientes baroclínicas debido a la diferencia de enfriamiento entre los dos lóbulos, la dinámica de mezcla, el comportamiento meromíctico de algunas de las cubetas y la formación y dinámica de las plumas hidrotérmica

    Explora i CreaCiència: ciència a través del moviment

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    Col·lecció: dos punts; 11Explora i CreaCiència és una proposta de promoció de la ciència i de les vocacions científiques. L’objectiu d’Explora i CreaCiència és incentivar les capacitats científiques a través del moviment a l’aula de primària. Entenem per moviment la proposta del treball de capacitats corporals, espacials i visuals en relació amb les capacitats intrapersonals i interpersonal

    The internal wave field in Sau reservoir : Observation and modeling of a third vertical mode

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    Water withdrawal from Mediterranean reservoirs in summer is usually very high. Because of this, stratification is often continuous and far from the typical two-layered structure, favoring the excitation of higher vertical modes. The analysis of wind, temperature, and current data from Sau reservoir (Spain) shows that the third vertical mode of the internal seiche (baroclinic mode) dominated the internal wave field at the beginning of September 2003. We used a continuous stratification two-dimensional model to calculate the period and velocity distribution of the various modes of the internal seiche, and we calculated that the period of the third vertical mode is ;24 h, which coincides with the period of the dominating winds. As a result of the resonance between the third mode and the wind, the other oscillation modes were not excited during this perio

    Interactions between Fragmented Seagrass Canopies and the Local Hydrodynamics

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    The systematic creation of gaps within canopies results in fragmentation and the architecture of fragmented canopies differs substantially from non-fragmented canopies. Canopy fragmentation leads to spatial heterogeneity in hydrodynamics and therefore heterogeneity in the sheltering of canopy communities. Identifying the level of instability due to canopy fragmentation is important for canopies in coastal areas impacted by human activities and indeed, climate change. The gap orientation relative to the wave direction is expected to play an important role in determining wave attenuation and sheltering. Initially we investigated the effect of a single transversal gap within a canopy (i.e. a gap oriented perpendicular to the wave direction) on hydrodynamics, which was compared to fully vegetated canopies (i.e. no gaps) and also to bare sediment. The wave velocity increased with gap width for the two canopy densities studied (2.5% and 10% solid plant fraction) reaching wave velocities found over bare sediments. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) within the gap also increased, but was more attenuated by the adjacent vegetation than the wave velocity. As expected, denser canopies produced a greater attenuation of both the wave velocity and the turbulent kinetic energy within an adjacent gap, compared to sparse canopies. Using non-dimensional analysis and our experimental data, a parameterization for predicting TKE in a canopy gap was formulated, as a function of easily measured variables. Based on the experimental results, a fragmented canopy model was then developed to determine the overall mixing level in such canopies. The model revealed that canopies with large gaps present more mixing than canopies with small gaps despite having the same total gap area in the canopy. Furthermore, for the same total gap area, dense fragmented canopies provide more shelter than sparse fragmented canopiesThis work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government through grant CGL2010-1728

    The role of surface vertical mixing in phytoplankton distribution in a stratified reservoir

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    We investigated convection caused by surface cooling and mixing attributable to wind shear stress and their roles as agents for the transport of phytoplankton cells in the water column by carrying out two daily surveys during the stratified period of the Sau reservoir. Green algae, diatoms, and cryptophyceae were the dominant phytoplankton communities during the surveys carried out in the middle (July) and end (September) of the stratified period. We show that a system with a linear stratification and that is subject to weak surface forcing, with weak winds , < 4 m S (-1) and low energy dissipation rate values of the order of 1028 m2 s23 or lower, enables the formation of thin phytoplankton layers. These layers quickly disappear when water parcels mix because there is a medium external forcing (convection) induced by the night surface cooling, which is characterized by energy dissipation rates on the order of , 5x10(-8)m2s(-3). During both surveys the wind generated internal waves during the entire diurnal cycle. During the day, and because of the weak winds, phytoplankton layers rise in the water column up to a depth determined by both solar heating and internal waves. In contrast, during the night phytoplankton mixes down to a depth determined by both convection and internal waves. These internal waves, together with the wind-driven current generated at the surface, seem to be the agents responsible for the horizontal transport of phytoplankton across the reservoir