44 research outputs found

    Local trial network for organic wheat. A French multi-actors research project from grain to bread

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    In West of France, the association Triptolème aims to develop farm seeds and cultivated biodiversity for organic agriculture and natural products for environment and human health. Scientists and practitioners of this association have built a participatory research project around wheat (PaysBlé) in order to explore diversity at different levels from grain to bread and try to link them

    Shaping diversity for on-farm organic plant breeding. Case of wheat (and other cereals) in France

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    Shaping diversity for on-farm organic plant breeding. Case of wheat (and other cereals) in Franc

    Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity

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    This toolkit provides building blocks to help create a multi-actor approach to participatory and collaborative plant breeding, and action-research for high quality food systems. It results from the wide range of experience acquired during the Diversifood project to boost cultivated diversity for organic and low-input agriculture and from the collective reflection of all the partners of the project. The toolkit does not simply provides recipes to apply but illustrates some common prerequisites and traits that emerge in multi-actor projects. In other words, the toolkit proposes strategic «building blocks» to support the successful implementation of the approach. The building blocks have emerged from the feedback provided by Diversifood partners, based on their experiences, as well as from the literature

    Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity

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    This toolkit results from a wide range of experience acquired during the Diversifood project to boost cultivated diversity for organic and low-input agriculture and from the collective reflection of all the partners of the project. It does not simply provide recipes to apply but illustrates some common prerequisites and traits that emerge in such projects. In other words, the toolkit proposes strategic «building blocks» to support the successful implementation of the approach

    PaysBlé : Développement d'un réseau régional pour expérimenter, maintenir et promouvoir la diversité cultivée des blés de terroir bretons en agriculture biologique: Synthèse du Séminaire de travail du projet PaysBlé les 22 et 23 avril 2010 à la station biologique de Paimpont (35)

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    Le séminaire de travail du projet PaysBlé a rassemblé des paysans, des boulangers, chercheurs, techniciens... qui travaillent plutôt autour de l'agriculture biologique en agronomie et sur le pain. Le but de ce séminaire était d'abord de présenter le projet à tous les participants et ensuite de construire ensemble les protocoles des expérimentations

    PaysBlé : Développement d'un réseau régional pour expérimenter, maintenir et promouvoir la diversité cultivée des blés de terroir bretons en agriculture biologique: Synthèse du Séminaire de travail du projet PaysBlé les 22 et 23 avril 2010 à la station biologique de Paimpont (35)

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    Le séminaire de travail du projet PaysBlé a rassemblé des paysans, des boulangers, chercheurs, techniciens... qui travaillent plutôt autour de l'agriculture biologique en agronomie et sur le pain. Le but de ce séminaire était d'abord de présenter le projet à tous les participants et ensuite de construire ensemble les protocoles des expérimentations

    A guide to participatory experimentation with underutilised genetic resources

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    This booklet is a guide to creatively think about planning and conducting participatory evaluation of underutilised genetic resources to increase crop diversity in sustainable farming and food systems. It incorporates the experience of the DIVERSIFOOD trials to evaluate underutilised crops and the lessons learned on how to plan and conduct such trials, including practical consideration and tips to facilitate their execution out of the controlled conditions of experimental stations while still obtaining detailed and relevant information

    Recherche multi-acteurs et transdisciplinaire pour des systèmes alimentaires bio et locaux

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    Site web Techniques de l'ingénieur - Ressources documentaires - Innovation - Éco-conception et innovation responsableNational audienceOrganic farming is growing apace, but little research is specifically dedicated to it in France. The organic approach unites a range of different concepts in an agricultural context dominated by conventional farming and a policy of "agro-ecological transition". Cultivated biodiversity has shrunk by intensification of agriculture for a century, yet is key to the performance of organic systems founded on respect for, and optimization of, natural processes. To overcome the lack of well-adapted, diverse varieties, a collaboration with organic farmers was initiated. This paper describes the experience of these professional ”Engineers of Life", and how their activities have evolved, with a look at local food systems and their stakeholders through a transdisciplinary, multi-actor approach.L'agriculture biologique connaît un fort développement mais peu de recherches lui sont dédiées en France. La notion d'agriculture biologique regroupe des conceptions très diverses dans un contexte d'agriculture conventionnelle dominante et d'une politique de « transition agroécologique ». La biodiversité cultivée, réduite par l'intensification de l'agriculture, est la clé de la performance des agrosystèmes « bio » basés sur le respect et la maximisation des processus vitaux. Pour pallier le manque de variétés adaptées et diversifiées, une collaboration avec les paysans « bio » a été initiée. Cet article présente les expériences et les évolutions du métier d'«ingénieur du vivant » élargi aux systèmes alimentaires locaux et leurs acteurs, avec une approche transdisciplinaire et multi-acteurs

    A regional network for experimenting, maintaining and developing the agrobiodiversity of local landraces of bread wheat for Organic Agriculture with a participative methodology

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    National audienceIn Brittany (and around), some organic farmers and citizens are organized inside an association (Triptolème) for several years with the objectives of (i) linking up farmers, bakers, researchers and citizens on common projects ; (ii) sharing knowledge and know-how (by technical meetings and trainings) ; (iii) exchange seeds and discussing seed houses. They look for varieties adapted to their agricultural systems and markets. They have developed projects in order to increase biodiversity and its uses. To reach this goal, scientists and practitioners have built participatory research projects, as PaysBlé. This project will explore diversity at different levels from grain to bread (diversity of varieties, soils and soil management, leavens, flours, breads, breeding practices, baking practices…) and will try to link them. The project is a 3,5 years program funded by the “Bretagne”. It started in March 2009 and will end in September 2012