51 research outputs found

    Comparison Between Intracornual Artificial Insemination and Uterine Body Deposition in Holstein-Friesian Heifers.

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    Two insemination types were compared: intracornual  and uterine body  deposition  in  40  Holstein-Friesian  heifers in  the province of Azuay, Cuenca Region, Cumbe and Victoria Portete Parishes. The animals were over 18 months old,  weighing more than 300 kg; physical condition  score of  2.5-3.5, and similar management and hygiene cond i-tions. Each treatment was randomized in 4  blocks with 5  heifers each. Functional corpus luteum was determined by ultrasound scanning. PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) was used for estrus synchronization. Estrus occurred at 48 and 72 h,  and the size of the pre-ovulatory follicle was measured.  Then, the two techniques were used to inseminate the animals. Gynecological checkup was performed 30 days after to assess pregnancy percent. Uterine body deposition was 35 %, whereas intracornual deposition was significantly higher (70 %)

    Follicle Wave and Natural Estrus Synchronization Superovulation in Holstein Cows.

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    The effects of two superovulation protocols were compared (synchronization of the follicle wave SFW and natural estrus  NE) in embryos collected from Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, body condition of 2.75  -3.5; between 40 and 60 months, with normal cycles and no breeding problems. The cows were randomly assigned to SFW treatment (n=10), and the NE treatment (n=10). The SFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progester-one plus estradiol  benzoate, on day 0, and increasing doses  of FSH for 4 days, twice a day, from  the 4th on. The im-plant was removed on the 6thday, and prostaglandin was applied. On the 8th day, insemination was made at 6 am and 6 pm. The NE group received  increasing doses of FSH twice a day, during 4 days, from the 10th day. On the 12th day prostaglandin was administered, and insemination took place on the 14th day, at 6 am and 6 pm.  The em-bryos were recovered from the two groups without surgery, 7 days after the first artificial insemination. The values of embryos for transference were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) for SFW and NE, respectively

    Comparación entre la inseminación artificial con deposición intracornual y deposición en el cuerpo del útero en novillas Holstein-Friesian.

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    Se compararon dos inseminaciones:  con deposición  en el cuerpo del útero  y con  deposición intracornual  en 40 novillas Holstein-Friesian, de la provincia  del Azuay, cantón Cuenca, Parroquias Cumbe y Victoria del Portete. Los animales eran mayores de 18  meses,  con peso superior a los 300 kg, condición corporal de 2,5 a 3,5 y  similares condiciones de manejo y sanidad.  Cada tratamiento estuvo distribuido aleatoriamente en 4 bloques de  5 novillas.  Se determinó por ultrasonido el cuerpo lúteo funcional. Para la sincronización de los celos se utilizó PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol).  A las 48 y 72 h se presentó celo y se midió el tamaño del folículo preovulatorio. Luego  se inseminó con las dos técnicas.  A los 30 días se realizó el chequeo ginecológico para evaluar el por ciento de preñez, que  en el tratamiento con deposición  en el cuerpo del útero  fue  de 35 %, inferior significativamente al tratamiento con deposi-ción intracornual (70 %).Comparison between Artificial Insemination with Intracornual and Uterine Body Deposition in Holstein-Friesian Heifers.ABSTRACTTwo insemination types were compared:  intracornual and uterine body  deposition  in Holstein-Friesian 40  heifers the province of Azuay, Cuanca Region, Cumbe and Victoria Portete Parishes. The animals were over 18 months old, weighing more than 300 kg; physical condition 2.5-3.5, and similar management and hygiene conditions. Each treatment was randomized in 4 blocks with 5 heifers each. Functional corpus luteum was determined by ultrasound. PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol)  was used for estrus synchronization. Estrus occurred at 48 and 72 h, and the size of the pre-ovulatory  follicle was measured.  Then, the two techniques were used to inseminate the animals. Gynecological checkup was  performed 30 days after to assess pregnancy percent. Uterine body  deposition accounted for 35 %, whereas intracornual deposition was significantly higher (70 %)

    Technical Efficiency of Dairy Farms in Sierra Andina Using Neural Network Modeling

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    The aim of this paper was to estimate the efficiency of milk production of 1 168 cases in Ecuadoran Sierra Sur Andina, with the implementation of a neural network model with multilayer perceptrons. These cases were collected from secondary samples provided by the Official Institute of National Statistics of Ecuador, in 2016. The variables chosen for the model were total milk production on the previous day (P), as dependent variable, and total cattle heads (CH), total laborers in the field (E), and total area attended by laborer (S), as independent variables. The data from individual cases and their impact on the dependent variable were used as the variable selection criteria. The average efficiency was 8.11%, from which the total efficient cases detected (>0.70) were 11 (0.9% of the sample). Later, the cases studied were classified into three groups, depending on the estimated efficiency: Group 1 (≤ 0.4 efficiency); Group 2 (>0.4-≤0.7 efficiency); and Group 3 (>0.7 efficiency). A comparison produced several statistical differences (P<0.01) for variables total milk production/year on the farm, total field laborers, farm size, total cows, total cattle heads, calvings, pregnant cows, and served cows.The aim of this paper was to estimate the efficiency of milk production of 1 168 cases in Ecuadoran Sierra Sur Andina, with the implementation of a neural network model with multilayer perceptrons. These cases were collected from secondary samples provided by the Official Institute of National Statistics of Ecuador, in 2016. The variables chosen for the model were total milk production on the previous day (P), as dependent variable, and total cattle heads (CH), total laborers in the field (E), and total area attended by laborer (S), as independent variables. The data from individual cases and their impact on the dependent variable were used as the variable selection criteria. The average efficiency was 8.11%, from which the total efficient cases detected (>0.70) were 11 (0.9% of the sample). Later, the cases studied were classified into three groups, depending on the estimated efficiency: Group 1 (≤ 0.4 efficiency); Group 2 (>0.4-≤0.7 efficiency); and Group 3 (>0.7 efficiency). A comparison produced several statistical differences (P<0.01) for variables total milk production/year on the farm, total field laborers, farm size, total cows, total cattle heads, calvings, pregnant cows, and served cows

    Assessment of two Superovulation Protocols for Embryo Production in Holstein Cows

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    The aim of this paper was to compare the effects of two superovulation protocols (synchronization of the follicular wave (SFW), and natural estrus (NE) induction of embryos produced for transference in Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, with a body condition (BC) of 2.75-3.5; 40-60 months old; 1-2 previous gestation services, and without reproductive problems. Two superovulation protocols were applied: SFW and NE. SFW was not observed to produce more embryos than NE in the blastocysts and morula stages

    Supplementation with Norgold Concentrate + Molasses-Urea at 3% to Grazing Zebu Bovines During the Growing or Fattening Stages in the Dry Season

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    To determine the production potential of grazing Zebu bovines, using Norgold concentrate + molassesurea at 3% during the growing and fattening stages, 60 young bulls with similar weights and breed characteristics were used. Four experimental groups were made, which grazed for 9h daily, on marvel grass (Dichantium annulatum) + bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) average quality, 3kg of Pennisetum Cuba CT - 115; 1.0; 1.5; and 2.0 kg of Norgold concentrate for groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively, along with mineral salt and water ad libitum. Initial and final live weight, absolute weight, mean daily gain, and consumption were determined. Cost/benefit was also estimated. The animals in treatment 4 reached 401 kg of live weight (47.43% of their weight in comparison to initial live weight at 180 days); the average daily gain and conversion were 716.66 g and 10.37 kg of feed/kg of live weight, respectively. It was concluded that the treatment including 12.0 and 1.5 kg of Norgold concentrate, respectively, had mean daily gains and feed conversion (P < 0,05) higher than the traditional systems based on molassesurea, and other byproducts. The meat production achieved showed a positive cost/benefit ratio, which means that the system is feasible, productive and cost-effective

    Superovulación con sincronización de la onda folicular y con celo natural en vacas Holstein.

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    Se comparó el efecto de dos protocolos de superovulación (sincronización de la onda folicular SOF y el celo natural CN) en la calidad de embriones obtenidos de vacas Holstein. Se seleccionaron 20 vacas Holstein como donantes con una condición corporal de 2,75 a 3,5; edades entre 40 y 60 meses; ciclos normales y que no presentaran problemas reproductivos. Las vacas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas al tratamiento SOF (n = 10) y al tratamiento CN (n = 10). El grupo SOF se sincronizó con dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona más benzoato de estradiol en el día 0 y FSH en dosis decrecientes durante 4 días, 2 veces al día a partir del día 4. En el día 6 se retiró el implante y se aplicó prostaglandina. En el día 8 se inseminó a las 6 am y 6 pm. Al grupo CN se aplicó la FSH dos veces al día durante 4 días en dosis decreciente a partir del día 10. En el día 12 se aplicó prostaglandina y se inseminó el día 14 a las 6 am y 6 pm. En los dos grupos se recuperaron los embriones en forma no quirúrgica, 7 días después de la primera inseminación artificial. Los resultados en embriones transferibles fueron 5,7 + 0,76 y 2,8 + 0,31 (P < 0,05) para SOF y CN, respectivamente. Se concluye que el protocolo de SOF produce mayor cantidad de embriones transferibles (calidad 1 y 2) que el protocolo CN.Superovulation with Synchronization of Follicle Wave and Naturally-Induced Estrus in Holstein CowsABSTRACTThe objective was to evaluate the effect of superovulation (SOV) with synchronization of ovarian follicular wave (SOFW) and natural estrus (NE) on the quality of embryos obtained in Holstein cows. 20 Holstein cows were selected as donors with a body condition score: 2.75 to 3.5; aged between 40 and 60 months; normal cycles; and who have not submitted reproductive problems. The cows were randomly assigned to treatment SOFW (n = 10) and NE (n = 10) treatment. The SOFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progesterone device plus estradiol benzoate at day 0 and FSH in decreasing doses for 4 days, 2 times a day from day 4; at day 6 the implant was removed and applied prostaglandin; on day 8, they were inseminated to 6:00 a.m. and 6 pm. At NE group, FSH was applied twice daily for 4 days in decreasing doses from day 10; prostaglandin on day 12 was applied and inseminated on day 14 at 6 am and 6 pm. In both groups embryos non-surgically seven days after the first IA recovered. The results obtained in transferable embryos were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) SOF and CN, respectively. It is concluded that the protocol SOFW produces more transferable embryos (grade 1 and 2) that the protocol NE

    Superovulación con sincronización de la onda folicular y con celo natural en vacas Holstein.

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    Se comparó el efecto de dos protocolos de superovulación (sincronización de la onda folicular SOF y el celo natural CN) en la calidad de embriones obtenidos de vacas Holstein. Se seleccionaron 20 vacas Holstein como donantes con una condición corporal de 2,75 a 3,5; edades entre 40 y 60 meses; ciclos normales y que no presentaran problemas reproductivos. Las vacas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas al tratamiento SOF (n = 10) y al tratamiento CN (n = 10). El grupo SOF se sincronizó con dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona más benzoato de estradiol en el día 0 y FSH en dosis decrecientes durante 4 días, 2 veces al día a partir del día 4. En el día 6 se retiró el implante y se aplicó prostaglandina. En el día 8 se inseminó a las 6 am y 6 pm. Al grupo CN se aplicó la FSH dos veces al día durante 4 días en dosis decreciente a partir del día 10. En el día 12 se aplicó prostaglandina y se inseminó el día 14 a las 6 am y 6 pm. En los dos grupos se recuperaron los embriones en forma no quirúrgica, 7 días después de la primera inseminación artificial. Los resultados en embriones transferibles fueron 5,7 + 0,76 y 2,8 + 0,31 (P < 0,05) para SOF y CN, respectivamente. Se concluye que el protocolo de SOF produce mayor cantidad de embriones transferibles (calidad 1 y 2) que el protocolo CN.Superovulation with Synchronization of Follicle Wave and Naturally-Induced Estrus in Holstein CowsABSTRACTThe objective was to evaluate the effect of superovulation (SOV) with synchronization of ovarian follicular wave (SOFW) and natural estrus (NE) on the quality of embryos obtained in Holstein cows. 20 Holstein cows were selected as donors with a body condition score: 2.75 to 3.5; aged between 40 and 60 months; normal cycles; and who have not submitted reproductive problems. The cows were randomly assigned to treatment SOFW (n = 10) and NE (n = 10) treatment. The SOFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progesterone device plus estradiol benzoate at day 0 and FSH in decreasing doses for 4 days, 2 times a day from day 4; at day 6 the implant was removed and applied prostaglandin; on day 8, they were inseminated to 6:00 a.m. and 6 pm. At NE group, FSH was applied twice daily for 4 days in decreasing doses from day 10; prostaglandin on day 12 was applied and inseminated on day 14 at 6 am and 6 pm. In both groups embryos non-surgically seven days after the first IA recovered. The results obtained in transferable embryos were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) SOF and CN, respectively. It is concluded that the protocol SOFW produces more transferable embryos (grade 1 and 2) that the protocol NE

    Effect of Algarroba on Grazing Cow Behavior and Milk Production. I. Dry Season.

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    The effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) arborization on grazing cow behavior and milk production was assessed. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures were used per arborization treatment (low arborization, 1-7 trees/ha; mid arborization, 12-16 trees/ha; high arborization, 20-27 trees/ha). Rational grazing was performed. The grass rested for 21-28 days, and sprinklers were used for irrigation. The animalsʼ activity time and the number of animals were registered. Milk production values were compared using ANOVA, following a randomized design with six replicas. No significant differences were observed in the morning grazing (118-203 min), but there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the afternoon, in favor of more arborization (103-125 min), whereas in lands with mid and high arborization, cows ruminated longer, with higher water consumption and milk production, and values between 11.85-13.76 kg/v/day

    Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú in Association with Graminaceae in Dryland Conditions for Final Bovine Fattening Stage

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    To evaluate the factors that affect efficiency in a Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú association, with pastures for bovine fattening, 22 Zebu fattening cycles were studied on a farm of the Rectangulo Livestock Company, in Camagüey, Cuba, between 2002 and 2012. The local soil is brown without carbonates. The climate is tropical humid, and the annual precipitation average is 1 183mm. The factors evaluated were food balance, duration of the fattening cycle, and quantity of animals/cycle. The daily weight gain and expenses/income per operation were also analyzed. The pasture and Leucaena percentages were determined by plant counts. Food balances were estimated. The final value of the population of Leucaena cv Perú was 93% (P <0.05), with an increase in common Bermuda grass and other pastures. Short duration tests showed much higher gains (P <0.05), with values above 1.0 kg/animal/day. The number of animal/cycle (P <0.05) produced higher gains with fewer animals. Forest-grazing in association with Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú-graminaceae under dryland conditions produced mean daily gains above 0.800 kg/animal/day in the final stage of fattening bulls, based on food balances with adequate biological and economic results. The best behavior was observed in the shortest cycles, where the highest final weight/animal values were achieved, with fewer expenses and higher income