42 research outputs found

    Sixty years after the Freedom Charter

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    Abstract: Can the Freedom Charter be used to make it possible for the oppressed anywhere, to dream and speak of their freedom and to make it a reality

    Arts and Culture : taking centre stage on the globe

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    Abstract: During the struggle, Funda was an oasis of Arts and Culture; how can it be a place for hooligans now, when non-racialism, non-sexism and democracy are being nurtured? The Arts flourish within a cultural context where the human spirit claims freedoms and overruns barriers


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    Abstract: The poem “Madiba” imagines the afterlife as a gathering of old friends reunited. It is a celebration of the unique human qualities of the giants of our liberation movement – the warmth and laughter as well as the integrity and dignity which we so much value. The positive images remain, keeping these heroes and heroines alive in our memories to sustain us in the face of our own challenges

    The routes of the thoughts and the thoughts of the routes

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    Abstract: “Culture is simultaneously the fruit and a determinant of a people’s history by the positive or negative influence it exerts on the evolution of relationships between (human beings) and their environment and (among human beings) within society as well as among different societies.” Amilcar Cabra

    The Fate of the Word

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    I believe that I have been asked to find out, to ponder over what the fate of the word is in my country, South Africa. Well, it is said that, that which does not come to an end must be ominous. What starts as being ominous is also ominous; what continues being endlessly not ominous is ominous; in other words, the essence of life is the fact of it always being under change

    Challenge : Social Cohesion in our Nation

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    Abstract: Slowly like the rising sun, it is dawning on us, as we wriggle out of the past: we find the present most perilous, and the future daunting with its quiet and relentless refusal to completely reveal itself

    An African vision : over the shoulder and upfront

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    Abstract: We, the people of the African continent believe that the African continent belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity - Do we?

    How can we promote reading and appreciation for African arts, culture, heritage and history and World arts and heritage on our Continent?

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    Abstract: It is my suggestion that what we were supposed to do in Ghana was not to be an event but a process. We must therefore emerge from there with an interim steering committee to be backed by the AU, the Thabo Mbeki Foundation and the Pan African Writers’ Association