4 research outputs found

    Fe, cultura y sexualidad: Hacia una comprensión queer de su interrelación en el contexto del Sur Global

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    Inclusive churches propose to explore a path of revision and adaptation of queer faith in our Global South contexts. The way initiated is promising, and indeed the inclusive churches —together with queer theologians and their allies— are setting a course towards adapting Christianity to people\u27s contexts instead of the traditional way of adapting contexts to Christian faith

    Regresando de Narnia: Entre la Encrucijada de Armarios y Templos

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    This issue of Queer Connection presents the work of authors who have left the infancy of Narnia, covering topics ranging from queer poetics, honest conversations about sexuality in the Roman Catholic Church, and online Eucharists to the deconstruction of Islamic texts for the acceptance of queer people. All of these studies point toward liberation and societal transformation. In Christianity, the TLL has made reflecting on oppression and liberation possible. Still, its novelty lies in reflecting faith elaborated within a practice of liberation done by oppressed people through their movements. In this sense, liberation is transformation and change, a new world in which agency is recovered

    «Escándalo, es un escándalo»: Encarnación, liberación y evangelio desde una perspectiva teológica queer/cuir

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    This article explores the inherent scandal within theological discourse, particularly regarding the portrayal of Jesus as both human and divine and the necessity to acknowledge his humanity alongside his divinity. Throughout Western history, individuals of diverse gender and sexual identities have been marginalized within Christianity, underscoring the need for theological discourse to evolve alongside social dynamics and policies. In the Global South, Latin America and the Caribe emerge as a locus of diverse theological perspectives challenging hegemonic narratives, notably cis-heteropatriarchal and Eurocentric theologies. Queer theologies from this context aim to dismantle oppressive power structures and advocate for inclusivity and dignity for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. By engaging with these perspectives, theological discourse can transcend symbolic oppression and foster genuine multiculturalism grounded in justice and equality