1 research outputs found

    Contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions in migraine patients without vestibular involvement

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    Özet: VestibĂŒler flikayeti olmayan migren hastalarâ€șnda kontralateral otoakustik emisyon sĂŒpresyonu Amaç: Bu çalâ€șflmanâ€șn amacâ€ș duyusal modĂŒlasyon bozuklu€una yol açan migren hastalâ€ș€â€ș olan kiflilerde iflitme sistemi refleksi ölĂ§ĂŒmĂŒnde kullanâ€șlan bir test olan kontralateral otoakustik sĂŒpresyon testinin sonuçlarâ€șnâ€șn de€erlendirilmesidir. Yöntem: Çalâ€șflmaya nöroloji poliklini€ine baflvuran, Uluslararasâ€ș Bafla€râ€șsâ€ș Derne€i'nin 2004 yâ€șlâ€ș kriterlerine göre migren tanâ€șsâ€ș alan ve vestibĂŒler flikayeti olmayan gönĂŒllĂŒ migren hastalarâ€ș ve sa€lâ€șklâ€ș gönĂŒl-lĂŒler dahil edildi. BĂŒtĂŒn gönĂŒllĂŒlere tam otolojik muayene, saf ses odyometri testi yapâ€șldâ€ș. Bilateral otoakustik emisyon yanâ€ștâ€ș alâ€șnan 30 gö-nĂŒllĂŒ migren hastasâ€ș ve karflâ€șlafltâ€șrma için yafl ve cinsiyet özellikleri gö-nĂŒllĂŒ hasta grubuna benzeyen 30 sa€lâ€șklâ€ș gönĂŒllĂŒ çalâ€șflmaya dahil edildi. Çalâ€șflmaya dahil edilen gönĂŒllĂŒlere kontralateral 50 dB SPL genifl bant gĂŒrĂŒltĂŒ ile maske yapâ€șlarak 65 dB click uyaran ile maskeli ve maskesiz otoakustik emisyon ölĂ§ĂŒmleri yapâ€șldâ€ș. Her iki gruptan elde edilen veriler karflâ€șlafltâ€șrâ€șldâ€ș. Bulgular: Sa€lâ€șklâ€ș gönĂŒllĂŒlerin de€erlendirilen 60 kula€â€șnâ€șn 40'â€șnda (%67) sĂŒpresyon testi pozitif olarak tespit edilirken migren hastalarâ€șnâ€șn de€erlendirilen 60 kula€â€șndan 30'unda (%50) sĂŒpresyon testi pozitif olarak tespit edildi. Fakat sĂŒpresyon pozitifli€i oranlarâ€șnda ve sĂŒpres-yon emisyon de€erlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlâ€ș bir fark izlenmedi. â€čki grup arasâ€șnda istatistiksel olarak anlamlâ€ș bir fark olmasa da migrenli grupta kontralateral supresyon cevaplarâ€șnda azalma izlendi. Sonuç: VestibĂŒler flikayeti olmayan migren hastalarâ€șnda normal kiflilerle karflâ€șlafltâ€șrâ€șldâ€ș€â€șnda istatistiksel olarak anlamlâ€ș olmasa da kontralateral sĂŒpresyon cevaplarâ€șnda bir azalma izlenmektedir. Daha bĂŒyĂŒk seri içeren yeni çalâ€șflmalar ile kontralateral otoakustik emisyon testi vestibĂŒler flikayeti olmayan migren hastalarâ€șnda odyovestibĂŒler flikayetlerin erken tanâ€șsâ€șnda kullanabilece€i kanaatindeyiz. Anahtar sözcĂŒkler: Kontralateral sĂŒpresyon testi, MOC refleksi, non-vestibĂŒler migren, otoakustik emisyon. Abstract Objective: Our aim was to investigate contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emission for the evaluation of auditory reflex in patients with migraine which is a disease that may cause dysfunction of sensorial modulation. Methods: Voluntary migraine patients without vestibular symptoms who consulted to Neurology Clinic, and diagnosed according to the IHS 2004 criteria, and healthy volunteers were included in the study. All volunteers underwent complete otorhinolaryngologic and puretone audiometric examinations. Thirty voluntary migraine patients with bilateral otoacoustic emission measurements, and 30 healthy volunteers matched in terms of age and sex were included in the study. Otoacoustic emission measurements were obtained with 65 dB SPL click stimulus with and without mask by masking with contralateral 50 dB SPL broad band noise. Responses were compared between two groups. Results: Positive result was obtained in suppression tests in 40 of 60 (67%) ears of healthy volunteers and in 30 of 60 (50%) ears of migraine patients. However, there was no statistically significant difference between groups regarding positive suppression frequency and suppression values. Even though a statistically significant difference between migraine patients without vestibular involvement and control group was not seen, there was a decrease in contralateral suppression responses in the migraine group. Conclusion: Although it is statistically insignificant, we have demonstrated that migraine patients without vestibular symptoms showed a decrease in the suppression values compared to the healthy volunteers. We believe that in new studies with larger series, contralateral otoacoustic emission suppression test can be used as an early tool to diagnose audiovestibular symptoms in migraine patients without any vestibular involvement