20 research outputs found

    Effects of different pulmonary surfactants in the prevention of postoperative intraabdominal adhesion formation

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    Background: After abdominal surgery, the formation of postoperative adhesion is a serious problem. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of 2 different pulmonary surfactants, poractant and beractant, on adhesion prevention in an experimental model. Materials and Methods: An experimental intraabdominal adhesion model was created in 18 adult female rats by cecal abrasion. The rats were randomly assigned to 3 groups. Group I received no further treatment, whereas groups II and III received intraperitoneal poractant and beractant, respectively, before closing the incision. On the 15th postoperative day, all rats underwent relaparotomy, intraabdominal adhesions were scored macroscopically according to Canbaz scoring system, and the cecum in each animal was evaluated microscopically. Results: The median adhesion scores of group II and III rats were significantly lower when compared with group I (P = .02). Group III had a lower median adhesion score than did group II, but this did not reach significance (P N .05). Conclusion: These observations suggest that intraperitoneal instillation of both pulmonary surfactants is associated with lower adhesion scores, higher adhesion-free cases, and improved histologic findings

    The effect of diosmin on pancreatic injury induced by hepatic ischemia reperfusion in rats

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    Abstract: Background: Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion causes histological injury to the pancreatic cells during transplantation, trauma and emergency surgery. We investigated the effects of diosmin, a phlebotrophic drug with antioxidant and antiinfl ammatory effects, on pancreatic injury in the experimental liver ischemia-reperfusion model. Materials and methods: Forty rats were divided into the four groups: sham (Group 1), control (Group 2), peroperative diosmin (50 mg/kg) treatment (Group 3) and preoperative 10-day diosmin (50 mg/kg) treatment group (Group 4). Ischemia-reperfusion model was carried out by clamping the hepatic pedicle for 60 min and then reperfusing the liver for 90 min. At the end of the procedures, blood and pancreas tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological assessment. Results: According to the results of liver function tests, amylase and the plasma and pancreatic tissue oxidative stress parameters, there was a signifi cant difference between the control and other groups. Histopathologically; the specimens of the Group 2 showed specifi c morphological abnormalities. The groups 3 and 4 showed the pancreas histomorphology similar to the sham group. Pathological scores were signifi cantly different between the Group 2 and other groups. Conclusions: Diosmin can be administered for a protection of destructive effects of hepatic ischemia–reperfusion injury on pancreas both emergent and elective hepatic surgical operations in which possible ischemic periods were expecte

    Effects of diosmine-hesperidine on experimental colonic anastomosis

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    Aim: Our goal was to determine the effects of a diosmine-hesperidine combination on wound healing in a rat model of colonic anastomosis. Materials and methods: In this study, 20 Wistar Albino female rats were randomized into four experimental groups containing fi ve rats in each group. A segment of 1 cm of colon was excised 4 cm proximally to the peritoneal refl ection in all rats without carrying out any mechanical or antibacterial bowel preparation. Colonic anastomosis was performed with interrupted, inverting sutures of 6/0 polypropylene. Beginning from the fi rst postoperative day, the rats in Groups II and IV received 100 mg/kg per day of diosmine-hesperidine via orogastic route by 4F fi ne feeding catheter. Results: A signifi cant difference was detected between groups in terms of their hydroxyproline levels (p<0.05); the hydroxyproline level of Group I was signifi cantly lower than that of the other groups while no signifi cant difference was noted between Groups II and III. Conclusion: The administration of diosmine-hesperidine increased the amount of collagen and bursting pressures at the anastomotic site and thus had favorable infl uences on the healing of colonic anastomosis

    Effects of crt monitor-emitted radiation in rat tissues: preventive effect of vitamin C

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of CRT (cathode ray tube)-monitor-emitted radiation on the oxidant/antioxidant status in kidney, liver, heart, brain tissues of rats and to observe the histo pathological findings of these tissues, and to examine any protective role of vitamin C supplementation. Material and Method: The study carried out on 40 Wistar albino adult female rats. There were 10 animals in each four group (control, vitamin C, computer; and computer plus vitamin C). The computer and computer plus vitamin C groups were exposed to computer monitors while the other groups were not. Vitamin C was administered 250 mg/kg/day orally. In the kidney, liver, heart, and brain tissues, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were measured spectrophotometrically. In addition, histopathological examination is carried out. Results: In the kidney tissues, MDA levels significantly increased in the computer group compared with the computer plus vitamin C group and the control group (p<0.05). Histomorphologic changes were observed in the kidney and liver tissues of the computer group while there were no alterations in other tissues. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that CRT-monitor-emitted radiation leads to oxidative stress and cellular changes in kidney and liver tissues and the antioxidant supplementation like vitamin C could prevent these possible oxidative effects

    Effect of propolis on oxidative stress and histomorphology of liver tissue in experimental obstructive jaundice

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    Background: Propolis is a natural product collected by honey bees from various plant sources. We aimed to determine the possible effects of propolis on oxidative stress and hepatocyte apoptosis in experimental obstructive jaundice. Methods: Thirty rats were divided into three groups: group I, sham-operated; group II, ligation and division of the common bile duct (BDL); group III, BDL followed by oral supplementation of propolis in a daily dose of 100 mg/kg. Liver samples were examined under the light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Hepatocyte apoptosis was quantitated using the transferase-mediated uridine nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. Plasma and liver malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were measured. Results: The plasma and liver levels of MDA were significantly lower in the propolis group than in the BDL group (p 0.05). In the propolis group, the enlargement of hepatocytes, dilatation of canaliculi and the edema regressed. The regenerating and normal hepatocytes were demonstrated. In the TUNEL assay, propolis administration reduced hepatocyte apoptosis. Conclusion: Propolis showed a significant hepatoprotective effect in this experimental obstructive jaundice model. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Ultrastructural view of a promising anti TNF-alpha agent on hepatic ischaemia reperfusion injury

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemia reperfusion causes injury to the liver cells during transplantation, trauma and emergency surgery. We investigated whether the anti TNF-alpha agent, etanercept, can reduce injury in an animal model of ischemia reperfusion owing to the fact that TNF-alpha plays a critical role in the process of inflammation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty rats were divided into three groups: sham (Group 1), control (Group 2), etanercept (5 mg/kg) treatment (Group 3). Ischemia-reperfusion model was carried out by clamping the hepatic pedicle for 45 min and then reperfusing the liver for 60 min. Etanercept (5 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally 5 min prior to reperfusion. At the end of the procedures, blood and liver tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological assessment. RESULTS: Control and treatment groups showed significant differences in hepatic function tests, plasma and tissue oxidative stress parameters. Samples in the control group histopathologically showed morphologic abnormalities specific to ischemia reperfusion. Histomorphologic findings in the treatment groups showed similar features as the sham group. CONCLUSIONS: Our evidence suggests that TNF-alpha plays a key role in liver ischemia reperfusion injury and etanercept may provide a novel therapeutic approach for patients undergoing liver surgical procedure

    Some characteristics of the smoking profiles of pregnant women who applied to a health center in Sakarya

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    Gebelikte sigara kullanımı dünyanın çoğu bölgesinde olduğu gibi ülkemizde de ciddi bir sağlık sorunudur..Nikotin, kullanım sıklığının yüksekliği ve bilinen teratojen ajanlardan olması nedeniyle, ayrıca halk sağlığına etkileri önlenebilir nitelikte olduğu için mücadele edilmesi gereken önemli etkenlerdendir. Sağlıklı kuşakların yetişmesi ancak gebelik sürecinin sağlıklı geçirilmesi ve bilinen risklerden kaçınmakla olanaklıdır. Bu çalışmada gebelerin ve eşlerinin sigara içme sıkılığını, gebelerin sigaranın doğacak bebeklerine vereceği zararlar hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerini ayrıca; bu konuda verilecek sağlık hizmeti gereksinimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı nitelikteki bu çalışmaya, Sakarya Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastanesi 'ne başvuran ve çalışmaya katılmayı kabul eden 205 gebe alınmıştır. Gebelerin %20'sinin gebelik öncesinde sigara içtiği, bunların %37,5'inin gebelikte sigarayı bıraktığı bulunmuştur. Sağlık personeline verilen hizmet içi eğitim programlarında, gebelikte sigara kullanmanın riskleri üzerinde önemle durulmalı ve gebelerin de konuyla ilgili doğum öncesi eğitimi sağlanmalıdır.Smoking in pregnancy is a serious health problem in our country, as it is in many parts of the world. Since it is widely used, known to be a teratogenic agent and its effects on public health are preventable, nicotine is a substance that must be struggled with. Growing healthy generations is only possible with a healthy pregnancy period and by avoiding known risk factors. This study aims to determine the smoking prevalence in pregnant women and their husbands, the awareness of pregnant women about the damage smoking can do to their babies yet to be born and the needs for health education about this issue. 205 pregnant women who applied to Sakarya Kadin Dogum ve Cocuk Hastanesi (Sakarya Hospital of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics) were included in this descriptive study. It was found that 20% of the pregnant women used to smoke prior to pregnancy and 37.5% of these had quit during pregnancy. In the in-service training programs given to health staff, risks of smoking during pregnancy should be strongly emphasized and pregnant women should also also be educated on this issue during pregnancy

    The Ultrastructural Analyses of Meniscus Histology in Osteoarthritic Knees

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    Amaç: Menisküsler dizde birçok işlevi olan fibröz kıkırdak yapısında dokulardır. Menisküsü çıkarılmış dizlerde erken dejeneratif artrit geliştiği birçok çalışmada gösterilmiştir. Osteoartritik dizlerde ise kıkırdak dejenerasyonuyla birlikte menisküslerde de değişiklikler görülmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı dejeneratif dizlerde menisküsün histolojik ve ultrastrüktürel yapısının gösterilmesidir. Yöntem ve Gereçler: Bu amaçla primer varus osteoartriti nedeniyle total diz artroplastisi yapılan dizlerden çıkarılan medial menisküsler incelendi. 20 menisküs ışık mikroskopunda ve transmisyon elektron mikroskobunda incelenerek 2 normal menisküsle karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Patolojik menisküs grubundaki örneklerin ultrastrüktürel incelemesinde kollajen liflerde heterojen dizilim görüldü. Bazı alanlar organize olmayan fibröz bantların konsantrik lamellerinden oluşmaktaydı. Ayrıca bu grupta kollajen liflerde nicelik olarak azalma görüldü. Kontrol grupta nerdeyse tüm kondrositlerde metakromazi görülürken, dejeneratif dizlerdeki menisküslerde hücre proliferasyon bölgesinin matriksinde metakromaziye rastlandı. Dejenere menisküslerde kondrositler oval ve uzamış görüldü. Teritorial matriksin oldukça azaldığı veya hiç olmadığı belirlendi. Bununla birlikte proteoglikan partikül ve fibrillerinden oluşan teritoryal matriksle çevrili tipik kondrosit örneklerine de rastlandı. Normal menisküslerde de çok az sayıda görülebilen sitoplazma içindeki yağ damlacıkları dejenere grupta sayıca ve hacimce çok artmış olarak görüldü. Dejenere menisküslerde görülen diğer bir farklılık ise hücrelerarası matrikste görülen elektron yoğun dev kalsifiye cisimlerdi. Bu çalışmada değerlendirilen önemli bulgulardan biri de dejenere menisküslerdeki azalmış glikozaminoglikan sentezidir.Sonuç: Bu çalışmada osteoartritik diz ekleminde menisküslerdeki ikincil değişiklikler ortaya konmuştur.Objective: Menisci are fibrocartilage tissue that have many functions in the knee joint. Studies showed the early progression of osteoarthrtic changes after meniscectomy. The osteoarthritic knee has some meniscal changes associated with articular cartilage degeneration. This study aimed to investigate the ultrastructural meniscal changes in degenerated knee joints. Materials and Methods: Samples were excised from patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty for primary varus osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Twenty medial menisci were examined histologically by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy and compared with two normal menisci samples. Results: Ultrastructure of the tissue specimens taken from the pathologic meniscus group demonstrated a heterogeneous course in the collagen fibers. It was composed of concentric lamellae of fibrous bundles that were disorganized in some areas. Moreover, the amount of collagen fibers was decreased qualitatively in these groups. While metachromasia was remarkable around nearly all of the chondrocytes in the control group, it was detected especially in the matrix of the cell proliferation region in the degenerated meniscus group. Chondrocytes were oval and elongated cells in the degenerated menisci. The territorial matrix was mostly sparse or absent in the degenerated menisci; however, there were also instances where a typical chondrocyte was surrounded by territorial matrix containing proteoglycan particles and fibrils. Intracytoplasmic small lipid droplets in the chondrocytes of normal meniscus were also present but they were of more frequent occurrence and more prominent in size in the degenerated meniscus group. Electron dense gigantic calcified bodies in the intercellular matrix were also seen in the degenerated menisci specimens. One of the important findings of the study is the decreased synthesis of glycosaminoglycan in the degenerated menisci.Conclusion: This study shows the secondary structural changes of the meniscus in the osteoarthritic knee joint

    Diosmin ameliorates intestinal injury induced by hepatic ischemia reperfusion in rats

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    Background: Hepatic ischemia-reperfusion causes histologic injury to the intestinal mucosa. We investigated the effects of diosmin, a phelobotrophic drug with antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects, on intestinal injury in the experimental liver ischemia-reperfusion model. Materials and methods: Fourty rats were divided into four groups: sham group (Group 1), control group (Group 2), perop diosmin group (50 mg/kg) treatment group (Group 3) and preop 10-day diosmin (50 mg/kg) treatment group (Group 4). Ischemia-reperfusion model was carried out by clamping the hepatic pedicle for 60 min and then reperfusing the liver for 90 min. At the end of procedures, blood and ileum tissue samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological assessments. Results: According to the results of liver function tests (AST, ALT and LDH) there was a significant difference between the control and other groups (p<0.001 for all). According to the plasma and ileum oxidative stress parameters (MDA, GSH-Px and XO), there was a significant difference between the control and other groups (p<0.05 for all). Histopathologically; the specimens in Group 2 showed specific morphological abnormalities (the epithelial lining of the apical surface of villi was degenerated and desquamated to the lumen). Group 3 and 4 showed Heal histomorphology similar to the sham group. Pathological scores were significantly different between Group 2 and other groups. Conclusions: Diosmin can be administered for protection from destructive effects of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury on intestine in both emergent and elective hepatic surgical operations in which the possible ischemic periods are expected (Tab. 4, Fig. 1, Ref. 39). Full Text in free PDF www.bmj.sk

    The protective eff ect of diosmin on hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury: an experimental study

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    Liver ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is an important pathologic process leading to bodily systemic eff ects and liver injury. Our study aimedto investigate the protective eff ects of diosmin, a phlebotrophic drug with antioxidant and anti-infl ammatory eff ects, in a liver IRI model.Forty rats were divided into ? groups. Sham group, control group (ischemia-reperfusion), intraoperative treatment group, and preoperativetreatment group. Ischemia reperfusion model was formed by clamping hepatic pedicle for a ?? minute of ischemia followed by liver reperfusionfor another ?? minutes. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were measured as antioaxidant enzymes in the liver tissues,and malondialdehyde (MDA) as oxidative stress marker, xanthine oxidase (XO) as an oxidant enzyme and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)as antioaxidant enzyme were measured in the liver tissues and the plasma samples. Hepatic function tests were lower in treatment groupsthan control group (p<?.??? for ALT and AST). Plasma XO and MDA levels were lower in treatment groups than control group, but plasmaGSH-Px levels were higher (p<?.?? for all). Tissue MDA levels were lower in treatment groups than control group, but tissue GSH-Px, SOD,CAT and XO levels were higher (p<?.?? for MDA and p<?.??? for others). Samples in control group histopathologically showed morphologicabnormalities specifi c to ischemia reperfusion. It has been found that both preoperative and intraoperative diosmin treatment decreases cellulardamage and protects cells from toxic eff ects in liver IRI. As a conclusion, diosmin may be used as a protective agent against IRI in electiveand emergent liver surgical operations