5 research outputs found

    Thinking in a different language: the Orientalist Senkovskii and ‘Orientalism’

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    The Wellcome Library, London, Institute of Oriental Studies, MoscowThis article deals with the research methods of an alumnus of the University of Wilno, the controversial Russian Orientalist Osip Ivanovich Senkovskii (1800–1859). His attitude towards the scholarly and literary production of his contemporaries—the Austrian Orientalist von Hammer-Purgstall, Russian historian Karamzin, and Russian poet Zhukovskii—is reflected in his letters to his teacher Joachim Lelewel. Senkovskii, at the time considered even a ‘literary clown’ in his popular writings, criticised the leading Western theories of Eastern culture. His views about the necessity to learn the East from inside as opposed to the theories of the European Orientalists found support only 150 years later in the works of the Palestinian scholar Edward W. Said (1935–2003)

    LEONAS VI ARABUS? Nežinomas fragmentas iš Leono VI taktikos arabiško vertimo

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    The aim of this article is to introduce a hitherto unknown Arabic quotation from the military manual written originally in Greek under the name of the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI (886-912). This quotation is found in the fourteenth century Arabic military treatise At-tadbīrāt as-sulṭānīyya fī siyāsat aṣ-ṣanā’i’ al-ḥtarbīyya written by a Mamlūk high ranking officer, a “colonel” Ibn Mankalī. Greek quotations and longer passages found in military manuals of the Arabs are of great importance. They allow a modern historian to evaluate Byzantine influence on Arab military thought and, moreover, occasionally give some ideas on medieval Arab military intelligence.Straipsnio tikslas - supažindinti su iki šiol buvusia nežinoma arabiška citata iš karybos sąvado, kurio originalas, parašytas graikų kalba, priskiriamas Bizantijos imperatoriui Leonui VI (886-912). Ši citata yra XIV amžiaus arabų karybos traktate At-tadbīrāt as-sulṭānīyya fī siyāsat aṣ-ṣanā’i’ al-ḥtarbīyya, kurio autorius yra aukšto rango Mamlūkų valdininkas, “pulkininkas” Ibn Mankalī. Arabų karybos sąvaduose aptinkamos graikiškos citatos ir ilgesnės ištraukos yra labai svarbios. Jos ne tik leidžia dabartiniams istorikams įvertinti Bizantijos įtaką arabų karybos minčiai, bet ir atskleidžia viduramžių arabų karybos laimėjimus