1,227 research outputs found
Kepentingan Brazil Menjadi Tuan Rumah Piala Dunia Fifa 2014
This research describes about the interests of Brazil in 2014 FIFA World Cup event. World Cup is one of the sporting events that is highly anticipated by many people because football itself is a very popular sport. 2014 FIFA World Cup hosted by Brazil raised many pros and cons about the ability of Brazil to host the mega sport event. Many Brazilians even protest against the world cup because they think that is just waste of money.The research was conducted using library research methods where the data and information obtained from sources which are relevant to the problem of this research. The study would be analyzed with mercantilism perspective, rational choice theory by Stephen M. Walt and the concept of national interest by Donald E. Nuechterlein.The result of the research shows that Brazil have national interest to achieve by hosting 2014 FIFA world cup. Economically, the government of Brazil hopes Brasil will get great income from tourist visits during the world cup and make Brasil become a tourist destination country. Politically, the government want to increase the prestige of the country by organizing the event successfully. This chance is also used by President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff to win the presidential election in Brazil.Keywords : National Interest, World Cup, FIF
Neuropsychiatric manifestations in inflammatory neuropathies:a systematic review
We conducted a systematic literature review on psychological and behavioral comorbidities in patients with inflammatory neuropathies. In Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), psychotic symptoms are reported during early stages in 30% of patients. Typical associations include mechanical ventilation, autonomic dysfunction, inability to communicate, and severe weakness. Anxiety and depression are frequent comorbidities. Anxiety may increase post-hospital admissions and be a predictor of mechanical ventilation. Post-traumatic stress disorder may affect up to 20% of ventilated patients. Sleep disturbances are common in early-stage GBS, affecting up to 50% of patients. In chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, memory and quality of sleep may be impaired. An independent link between depression and pre-treatment upper limb disability and ascites was reported in POEMS (Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, M-protein, Skin) syndrome, with an association with early death. Hematological treatment of POEMS appears effective on depression. Published literature on psychological/behavioral manifestations in inflammatory neuropathies remains scarce, and further research is needed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Discovery of an unknown conduction mechanism in insulating polymers
Polymer dielectrics are widely used in electrical and electronic apparatus and devices because of their capability to insulate conductors, withstand high fields and suffer negligible conductive losses. Their near-to-zero conductivity has been explained in terms of long-accepted theories of electronic and ionic transport that lead to the accumulation of local net charge regions at high electric fields. Here the authors describe a previously unknown conduction mechanism consisting of small bipolar ultra-fast charge pulses crossing the polymer with the mobility, as large as, 4 to 5 orders of magnitude greater than that of the previously known. The authors show that this motion is a consequence of molecular relaxation processes triggered by the electric field locally enhanced by the pulses themselves. Pulse accumulation at the electrodes increases interface field and thus contributes substantially towards premature failure in insulating dielectrics in DC fields
Evaluation de l’efficacite d’une formulation de fluopyram (Velum prime) contre deux nematodes Radopholus similis et Pratylenchus coffeae, en culture de bananier en Cote d’Ivoire
Les nématodes sont une menace pour la production durable de la banane en Côte d’ivoire. L’usage continu d’une même molécule nématicide, pendant plusieurs saisons de culture, sans alternance avec une autre, est une pratique inefficace dans la lutte contre les phytonematodes. L’objectif de cette étude est d’offrir aux planteurs une gamme élargie de molécules afin d’alterner l’usage des nématicides. L’essai a été mis en place dans une parcelle de bananier dessert, en exploitation industrielle. Cinq traitements avec quatre répétitions ont été distribués de manière aléatoire dans un bloc de Fisher complètement randomisé. Les traitements étudiés ont été : T1 : fluopyram (0,625 l/ha), T2 : fluopyram (1,25 l/ha), T3 : fluopyram (1,875 l/ha), T4 : Oxamyl (100 g/l) à la concentration de 10 l/ha (Nématicide de référence), v) T5 Cadusafos à 100 g/kg, à la dose de 30 g/pied (Nématicide de référence) et T6 : Témoin non traité. Le niveau d’infestation est évalué périodiquement et lorsqu’il atteint le seuil de nuisibilité de 10 individus/g de racine, un traitement nématicide est déclenché. Les résultats ont montré que quelle que soit la concentration de fluopyram, ses fréquences d’application ont été moindres que celle des deux nématicides de référence. Les plants traités avec du fluopyram quelle que soit la concentration ont eu les meilleurs rendements comparativement aux traitements de référence et au témoin. Au niveau des plants chutés, les pourcentages des plants ont été respectivement de 0,3 et 0,4 % lorsque le fluopyram a été appliqué aux concentrations respectives de 0,625 ; 1,25 et 1,875 ml/ha contre 0,6 % avec les traitements de référence (cadusafos à 100 g/kg et oxamyl à 100 g/l) et 5,5 % pour les bananiers témoins n’ayant reçu aucun nématicide. Le fluopyram a réduit les infestations des nématodes à des niveaux plus bas que ceux obtenus avec les nématicides de référence oxamyl et cadusafos, respectivement moins de 30 et 32 % et a donné des rendements meilleurs, plus de 45 %.Mots clés : Fluopyram, Gammes de molécules, seuil de nuisibilité, fréquences d’application.English Title:Evaluation of the efficiency of a formulation of fluopyram (Velum prime) against two Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus coffeae in banana culture in Ivory Coast Nematodes are a threat to the sustainable production of bananas in Côte d’Ivoire. The continuous use of the same nematicide molecule, during several seasons of culture, without alternating it with another one, leads to lose the effectiveness of this one. The objective of this study is to offer planters a large range of molecules in order to rotate the use of nematicides. The trial has been set up on a land of dessert banana, in industrial exploitation. Five treatments with four replicates were randomly distributed in a randomized Fisher block. The treatments studied were : T1 : Fluopyram (0.625 l / ha), T2 : Fluopyram (1.25 l / ha), T3 : Fluopyram (1.875 l / ha), T4 : Oxamyl (100 g / l) at the dose of 10l / ha (reference Nematicide), v) T5 : Cadusafos at 100 g / kg, at the dose of 30 g / plant (reference Nematicide) and T6 : untreated control. The infestation level is periodically evaluated and when it reaches the threshold of 10 individuals / g root (Vawa, 2016), a nematicide treatment is activated. The results showed that whatever the doses of fluopyram, its usages level were lower than the two nematicides of reference. The plants treated with some fluopyram, whatever the dose, had the best yields compared to the treatments of reference and the witness. At the level of the dropped plants, the percentages of the plants were respectively 0.3 % and 0.4 % when the fluopyram was applied at the respective doses of 0.625; 1.25 and 1.875 ml / ha compared to 0.6 % with reference’s treatments (100 g / l Cadusafos and 100 g / l Oxamyl) and 5.5 % for banana plants which did not receive any nematicide. Fluopyram reduced nematode infestations to lower levels as compared to Vydate and control 10 Gr, respectively less than 30 and 32 % and yielded better than 45 %.Key words: Fluopyram, Molecular ranges, nematicides of reference, threshold of harmfulness, frequencies of application
Profil Kemampuan Matematika Dasar Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Tahun Akademik 2013/2014
Kemampuan Matematika Dasar adalah kemampuan yang sangat penting dan harus dimiliki setiap mahasiswa sebagai bekal untuk menempuh perkuliahan di program studi Pendidikan Matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru jurusan Pendidikan Matematika tahun akademik 2013/2014. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 133 mahasiswa, 92 berasal dari jurusan IPA dan 41 dari non-IPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru berada pada kategori rendah; kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan IPA berada pada kategori rendah dan kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan non-IPA berada pada kategori sangat rendah
Using Behavior Over Time Graphs to Spur Systems Thinking Among Public Health Practitioners
Public health practitioners can use Behavior Over Time (BOT) graphs to spur discussion and systems thinking around complex challenges. Multiple large systems, such as health care, the economy, and education, affect chronic disease rates in the United States. System thinking tools can build public health practitioners’ capacity to understand these systems and collaborate within and across sectors to improve population health. BOT graphs show a variable, or variables (y axis) over time (x axis). Although analyzing trends is not new to public health, drawing BOT graphs, annotating the events and systemic forces that are likely to influence the depicted trends, and then discussing the graphs in a diverse group provides an opportunity for public health practitioners to hear each other’s perspectives and creates a more holistic understanding of the key factors that contribute to a trend. We describe how BOT graphs are used in public health, how they can be used to generate group discussion, and how this process can advance systems-level thinking. Then we describe how BOT graphs were used with groups of maternal and child health (MCH) practitioners and partners (N = 101) during a training session to advance their thinking about MCH challenges. Eighty-six percent of the 84 participants who completed an evaluation agreed or strongly agreed that they would use this BOT graph process to engage stakeholders in their home states and jurisdictions. The BOT graph process we describe can be applied to a variety of public health issues and used by practitioners, stakeholders, and researchers
Pengaruh Disiplin, Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Supervisi Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri di Palembang
The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of the principal on the performance of the teachers of the Public Middle School in the Seberang Ulu 1 District of Palembang.The research design uses an associative type. The population in this study were teachers of Public Middle Schools in the Seberang ULU 1 Palembang District, amounting to 305 people. The sampling technique in this study is cluster sampling. The sampling technique uses the Yamane formula to obtain 173 people, the analysis model used uses multiple linear regression methods.The results showed that: 1) There was a significant effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of principals together on the performance of teachers in the Public Middle School in the Seberang ULU 1 Palembang District. 2) There is a significant effect of discipline, personality competence and supervision of principals partially on the performance of teachers in the Public Middle School in Seberang District ULU 1 Palembang.The implications of this study provide results that principals as leaders must be able to provide examples of discipline to teachers accompanied by communication that can lead to compliance. The principal includes his teacher for personality training to improve knowledge, skills, skills, and attitudes to be able to carry out tasks and positions based on the personality needed by a teacher. Furthermore, the principal needs to master the supervision technique so that he can find out the problems that occur in his school
Pemodelan Kinetika Pengeringan Beberapa Komoditas Pertanian Menggunakan Pengering Inframerah
The drying kinetics study was carried out on agricultural commodities using an infrared dryer at temperature 60 °C. The aim of this study was to determine a drying model and effective moisture diffusivity that showed the drying characteristics of cassava slices, banana slices and groundnut pods. The experiments were conducted at three agricultural commodities (cassava, banana, and groundnut) at two capacity levels of 12 kg and 24 kg. Drying was done by arranging the agricultural material on tray of 0.5 kg and 1 kg for the treatment of 12 kg capacity and 24 kg capacity, respectively. A total of 24 trays were inserted into the dryer and every hour sample was taken to analyze the water content by gravimetric method. Data was fitted to four drying models and non-linear regression analysis was used to determine model parameters. The models were compared based on their coefficients of determination (R2) between the experimental and predicted moisture ratios. The results showed that the increase of drying capacity would decrease the drying rate for all agricultural commodities. The Page model was showed to the best for describing the drying behaviour for these agricultural products. Effective moisture diffusivity ranged between 1.34x10-10 m2/s - 3.23x10-10 m2/s
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