5 research outputs found

    Localization of the E. coli Dps protein molecules in a silicon wires under removal of residual salt

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    The work is related to the removal of residual salts in hybrid structures formed as a result of silicon wires arrays combining with a nanomaterial of natural origin – bacterial ferritin-like protein Dps. The study of the morphology and composition of the surface and the bulk part of the hybrid structure as a result of combination and subsequent washing in water was carried out. The method of metal-assisted wet chemical etching was used to obtain silicon wires arrays. To obtain recombinant protein, Escherichia coli BL21*(DE3) cells with chromatographic purification were used as producers. The combination of silicon wires with protein molecules was carried out by layering them in laboratory conditions, followed by drying. The residual salt found earlier in the hybrid material was removed by washing in water. The resulting hybrid material was studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A well-proven complementary combination of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy together with ion etching was used to study the morphology of the hybrid material “silicon wires – bacterial protein Dps” and the composition with physico-chemical state respectively. In arrays of silicon wires with a wire diameter of about 100 nm and a distance between them from submicron to nanometer sizes, protein was found as a result of layering and after treatment in water. At the same time, the amount of residual NaCl salt is minimized on the surface of the hybrid structure and in its volume. The obtained data can be used in the development of coating technology for the silicon wires developed surface available for functionalization with controlled delivery of biohybrid materia

    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of hybrid 3T3 NIH cell structures with internalized porous silicon nanoparticles on substrates of various materials

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    The work is related to the study of a biohybrid material based on mammalian 3T3 NIH mouse fibroblast cells with immobilized porous silicon particles including nanocrystals about 10 nm in size by photoelectron spectroscopy. The influence of the surface material of the substrate on which the biohybrid material is grown on the possibility of conducting studies of the physico-chemical state of the developed surface is studied. Nickel as well as gold and titanium, known for their biocompatibility, were used as surface materials for cell growth and subsequent internalization of silicon particles. The method of optical microscopy in the reflected light mode was used to assess the distribution of cells on surfaces. It is shown that the nickel surface is not suitable for the synthesis and subsequent studies of biohybrid structures. At the same time, on the surface of gold and titanium, cellular material and structures based on it are available for measurements, including by photoelectron spectroscopy, a high-precision method for studying the atoms charge state and the physico-chemical state of the surface as a whole. The X-ray photoelectronic spectra show all the main components expected to be detected after drying and subsequent vacuuming of the studied objects: the surface material of the substrates and arrays of cell cultures grown on the substrates. No signal from silicon atoms was detected on the nickel surface. In the case of a gold surface, the proximity of the binding energies of the gold core levels (substrate) and silicon (internalized particles) leads to the fact that the signal of gold atoms, which is significant in its intensity, does not allow detecting a signal from silicon atoms, which is weaker in intensity. The signal of silicon atoms in biohybrid structures is reliably detected only when using titanium substrates, including for a control sample containing porous silicon nanoparticles without incubation in cells. Thus, it is shown that the surface of the titanium foil can be used for studies by photoelectron spectroscopy of a biohybrid material based on mammalian 3T3 NIH mouse fibroblast cells with immobilized porous silicon particles.The obtained result is important for high-precision diagnostics of the physico-chemical state of biohybrid materials and structures based on them with a low content of silicon atoms when solving problems of studying the compatibility and possibilities of using silicon nanomaterials for medical, including therapeutic and other applications

    Electronic structure and composition of tin oxide thin epitaxial and magnetron layers according to synchrotron XANES studies

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    The materials of the tin-oxygen system and thin-film structures based on them are modern and actual for the creation of a wide range of electronic devices, for example, resistive gas sensors of high sensitivity and short response time with low energy consumption and high manufacturability. An important direction in the study of such materials and structures is the control of properties with variations in technological formation regimes. Information on the composition, local atomic and electronic structure of thin layers of the tin-oxygen system with varying approaches to their production is in demand. The work is devoted to the study of the electronic structure of thin layers of tin oxides obtained by modern methods of molecular beam epitaxy and magnetron sputtering. A study of the local partial density of electronic states in the conduction band by X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy of tin and oxygen has been carried out. The data were obtained using high-intensity synchrotron radiation, which allows varying the monochromatized radiation quantum energy without loss in intensity, that is necessary to obtain high-resolution X-ray spectral data. It is shown that the composition, local atomic surrounding, electronic spectrum and their features depend on the technology of formation and storage conditions of the studied structures. Synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy data show the presence of intermediate oxides of the tin-oxygen system in the studied materials after prolonged storage in laboratory conditions. The data obtained indicate the possibility of controlled variation in the composition, local atomic surrounding and electronic spectrum of thin-film structures of tin oxides of small thickness. The results of the work can be used in the formation and subsequent modification of thin and ultrathin layers of tin oxides by magnetron sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy, as well as in their further application as active layers of microelectronics device

    Peculiarities of electronic structure of silicon-on-insulator structures and their interaction with synchrotron radiation

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    SOI (silicon-on-insulator) structures with strained and unstrained silicon layers were studied by ultrasoft X-ray emission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy with the use of synchrotron radiation techniques. Analysis of X-ray data has shown a noticeable transformation of the electron energy spectrum and local partial density of states distribution in valence and conduction bands in the strained silicon layer of the SOI structure. USXES Si L2,3 spectra analysis revealed a decrease of the distance between the L2v′ и L1v points in the valence band of the strained silicon layer as well as a shift of the first two maxima of the XANES first derivation spectra to the higher energies with respect to conduction band bottom Ec. At the same time the X-ray standing waves of synchrotron radiation (λ~12–20 nm) are formed in the silicon-on-insulator structure with and without strains of the silicon layer. Moreover changing the synchrotron radiation grazing angle θ by 2° leads to a change of the electromagnetic field phase to the opposite

    Localization of the E. coli Dps protein molecules in a silicon wires matrix according to scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    The work is related to the study of the morphological features of silicon wires arrays combined with a nanomaterial of natural origin, a bacterial ferritin-like protein Dps, and their relationship with the composition of the surface and interior. A silicon wires array was formed by metal-assisted wet chemical etching. To obtain recombinant protein, Escherichia coli BL21*(DE3) cells were used as producers, and purification was carried out by the chromatography method. The combination of silicon wires with protein molecules was carried out by layering under laboratory conditions, followed by drying. The resulting hybrid material was studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The initial silicon wires array had sharp boundaries on the surface. The diameter of the silicon wires was about 100 nm, while the distances between the wires can vary widely, reaching several hundred nanometres or be less than 100 nanometres, depending on the formation conditions, in the absence of noticeable transition layers. The pores formed in this way are available for filling with protein during deposition. The effectiveness of using the scanning electron microscopy method to study the morphology of the hybrid material “silicon wires – bacterial protein Dps” as well as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy method together with ion etching for the investigation of the composition and physico-chemical of the hybrid material was demonstrated. Complementary results have shown that the molecular culture, which is a solution of oligomers of the recombinant Dps protein of E.coli bacterial cells, can penetrate deep into the pores of the silicon wires array with an extremely developed surface. The possibility of the control of the filling of silicon wires arrays by varying the pore morphology and other modes of formation of structures and their surface has been demonstrated. The obtained data can be used to study the possibilities of the functionalization of the developed surface of silicon wires by their driven coating with controlled delivery of biohybrid material