94 research outputs found

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    Efficient Grammatical Error Correction Via Multi-Task Training and Optimized Training Schedule

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    Progress in neural grammatical error correction (GEC) is hindered by the lack of annotated training data. Sufficient amounts of high-quality manually annotated data are not available, so recent research has relied on generating synthetic data, pretraining on it, and then fine-tuning on real datasets; performance gains have been achieved either by ensembling or by using huge pretrained models such as XXL-T5 as the backbone. In this work, we explore an orthogonal direction: how to use available data more efficiently. First, we propose auxiliary tasks that exploit the alignment between the original and corrected sentences, such as predicting a sequence of corrections. We formulate each task as a sequence-to-sequence problem and perform multi-task training. Second, we discover that the order of datasets used for training and even individual instances within a dataset may have important effects on the final performance, so we set out to find the best training schedule. Together, these two ideas lead to significant improvements, producing results that improve state of the art with much smaller models; in particular, we outperform the best models based on T5-XXL (11B parameters) with a BART-based model (400M parameters).Comment: EMNLP 202

    Machine Learning for SAT: Restricted Heuristics and New Graph Representations

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    Boolean satisfiability (SAT) is a fundamental NP-complete problem with many applications, including automated planning and scheduling. To solve large instances, SAT solvers have to rely on heuristics, e.g., choosing a branching variable in DPLL and CDCL solvers. Such heuristics can be improved with machine learning (ML) models; they can reduce the number of steps but usually hinder the running time because useful models are relatively large and slow. We suggest the strategy of making a few initial steps with a trained ML model and then releasing control to classical heuristics; this simplifies cold start for SAT solving and can decrease both the number of steps and overall runtime, but requires a separate decision of when to release control to the solver. Moreover, we introduce a modification of Graph-Q-SAT tailored to SAT problems converted from other domains, e.g., open shop scheduling problems. We validate the feasibility of our approach with random and industrial SAT problems
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