7 research outputs found

    Recycling and Upcycling in the Practice of Waste Management of Construction Giants

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of recycling and upcycling technologies on the level of efficiency of large construction companies in the context of waste management practice. The research methodology was based on regression analysis and factorial analysis of variance. Based on the assessment of waste management efficiency in the context of recycling (upcycling), the positive dynamics of the efficiency of its implementation was determined in comparison with traditional waste disposal. The levels of the relationship among net profit, investment in waste management, and recycling efficiency for the companies under study were determined. Regression analysis of the impact of recycling efficiency on the performance of the companies under study in the context of waste management demonstrated a positive effect of an increase in the efficiency of recycling (upcycling) on the net profit of all companies under study. However, at the same time, there was a different effect and degree of influence of this indicator according to the formed scenarios. Despite the high efficiency of recycling (upcycling), the prospective increase in its level does not have a proportional relationship with profit but depends on the development factors of the construction company. Two-way analysis of variance demonstrated a strong influence of the efficiency of recycling (upcycling) and waste disposal on waste management efficiency. It was proven that companies that currently have a high level of recycling (upcycling) efficiency are practically not focused on traditional waste disposal, since recycling has a more significant and positive impact on the effectiveness of their activities

    Vacuum system for EBIS charge breeder of the RAON heavy ion accelerator

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    An Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) will be utilized for charge breeder in the RAON heavy ion accelerator facility. The vacuum system for the RAON EBIS charge breeder is crucial part for the achievable charge state, breeding efficiency, and purity of the charge-bred beam. A strict vacuum level of about 10-11 mbar is required in the ion trap. The pumping system of the RAON EBIS charge breeder consists of turbo pumps (TMPs), cryo-pumps, and non-evaporable getter (NEG) ZAO modules. The material for the ion trap structures and vacuum chamber was chosen and handled carefully to satisfy the vacuum requirements in the manufacturing step with vacuum firing at 1050 degrees C for 2 h. A vacuum test of the ion trap section has been performed with baking, and final vacuum level reached 2.3 x 10-11 mbar. In this paper, the vacuum system of the RAON EBIS and test procedures and results are presented and discussed

    Simulation and design of an electron beam ion source charge breeder for the californium rare isotope breeder upgrade

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    An electron beam ion source (EBIS) will be constructed and used to charge breed ions from the californium rare isotope breeder upgrade (CARIBU) for postacceleration into the Argonne tandem linear accelerator system (ATLAS). Simulations of the EBIS charge breeder performance and the related ion transport systems are reported. Propagation of the electron beam through the EBIS was verified, and the anticipated incident power density within the electron collector was identified. The full normalized acceptance of the charge breeder with a 2 A electron beam, 0.024π  mm mrad for nominal operating parameters, was determined by simulating ion injection into the EBIS. The optics of the ion transport lines were carefully optimized to achieve well-matched ion injection, to minimize emittance growth of the injected and extracted ion beams, and to enable adequate testing of the charge bred ions prior to installation in ATLAS

    Development of an EBIS charge breeder for the Rare Isotope Science Project

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    In Korea, a heavy ion accelerator facility called RAON is being designed to produce various rare isotopes for the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) (Jeong, 2016) [1], (Moon, 2014) [2]. This facility is designed to use both In-flight Fragment (IF) and Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) techniques in order to produce a wide variety of RI beams for nuclear physics experiments. An Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) will be used for charge breeding of Rare Isotope (RI) beams in the ISOL system. The charge-to-mass ratio (q/A) of the RI beams after charge breeding is ???1/4. The highly charged RI beams will be accelerated by a linac post-accelerator and delivered to a low energy (???18 MeV/u) experimental hall or the IF system. The RAON EBIS will use a 3 A electron gun and a 6 T superconducting solenoid for high capacity, high efficiency, and short breeding time. In front of the charge breeder, an RFQ cooler-buncher will be used to deliver a bunched beam with small emittance to the EBIS charge breeder. The main design of the RAON EBIS has been carried out on the basis of several beam analyses and technical reviews. In this paper, current progress of the development of the RAON EBIS charge breeder will be presented