6 research outputs found

    Towards a variational principle for motivated vehicle motion

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    We deal with the problem of deriving the microscopic equations governing the individual car motion based on the assumptions about the strategy of driver behavior. We suppose the driver behavior to be a result of a certain compromise between the will to move at a speed that is comfortable for him under the surrounding external conditions, comprising the physical state of the road, the weather conditions, etc., and the necessity to keep a safe headway distance between the cars in front of him. Such a strategy implies that a driver can compare the possible ways of his further motion and so choose the best one. To describe the driver preferences we introduce the priority functional whose extremals specify the driver choice. For simplicity we consider a single-lane road. In this case solving the corresponding equations for the extremals we find the relationship between the current acceleration, velocity and position of the car. As a special case we get a certain generalization of the optimal velocity model similar to the "intelligent driver model" proposed by Treiber and Helbing.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX

    Long-lived states in synchronized traffic flow. Empirical prompt and dynamical trap model

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    The present paper proposes a novel interpretation of the widely scattered states (called synchronized traffic) stimulated by Kerner's hypotheses about the existence of a multitude of metastable states in the fundamental diagram. Using single vehicle data collected at the German highway A1, temporal velocity patterns have been analyzed to show a collection of certain fragments with approximately constant velocities and sharp jumps between them. The particular velocity values in these fragments vary in a wide range. In contrast, the flow rate is more or less constant because its fluctuations are mainly due to the discreteness of traffic flow. Subsequently, we develop a model for synchronized traffic that can explain these characteristics. Following previous work (I.A.Lubashevsky, R.Mahnke, Phys. Rev. E v. 62, p. 6082, 2000) the vehicle flow is specified by car density, mean velocity, and additional order parameters hh and aa that are due to the many-particle effects of the vehicle interaction. The parameter hh describes the multilane correlations in the vehicle motion. Together with the car density it determines directly the mean velocity. The parameter aa, in contrast, controls the evolution of hh only. The model assumes that aa fluctuates randomly around the value corresponding to the car configuration optimal for lane changing. When it deviates from this value the lane change is depressed for all cars forming a local cluster. Since exactly the overtaking manoeuvres of these cars cause the order parameter aa to vary, the evolution of the car arrangement becomes frozen for a certain time. In other words, the evolution equations form certain dynamical traps responsible for the long-time correlations in the synchronized mode.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, RevTeX

    The Phase Modulating Micro-Mover Based on the MHD/MET System in the Reference Arm of the Scanning Interferometer

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    The possibility of using a magnetohydrodynamic drive (MHD) and amolecular-electronic transfer (MET) sensor as a single device for moving and precise control of the displacement of a movable mirror, which is part of a scanning interferometer, is considered. A prototype of such a device was developed and experimentally studied. A digital holographic image of the test object was obtained using an optical scheme containing a scanning interferometer with an MHD drive. The important advantages of the MHD drive in the problems of digital recording of hyperspectral holographic images have been discussed