132 research outputs found

    The effect of bicarbonated sodium chloride solution on haematological and biochemical parameters in dehydrated dogs

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    Bu çalısmada dehidre köpeklerde laktatlı ringer (LR) ve bikarbonatlı sodyum klorür (BNaCl) solüsyonlarının hematolojik ve biyokimyasal parametrelere etkisinin karsılastırılması amaçlandı. Bu amaçla çalısmada 2?4 aylık 14 saglıklı köpek kullanıldı. Köpekler LR ve BNaCl olmak üzere iki esit gruba ayrıldı. Heriki grupta köpekler 48 saat süreyle gıda ve su kısıtlaması uygulanarak dehidre edildi. Her gruptaki dehidre köpeklere 15 ml/kg/dakika hızında 50 ml /kg LR veya BNaCl solüsyonu uygulandı. Laboratuar analizleri çıkıs (dehidrasyon öncesi), 48 saatlik gıda ve su kısıtlaması sonu (dehidrasyon), solüsyon uygulamasının bitiminde ve postinfüzyon 30., 60., ve 120. dakikalarda gerçeklestirildi. 48 saatlik su ve gıda kısıtlamasının vücut agırlıgında ( %6,4 ± 0,8) ve plazma potasyum konsantrasyonunda önemli düzeylerde azalmaya, Hkt deger ile Hb, plazma TP, sodyum ve laktat konsantrasyonlarında ise önemli düzeyde artısa neden oldugu belirlendi. Solüsyonların uygulanması Hkt deger ile Hb, plazma TP, üre, sodyum, potasyum, klor ve laktat konsantrasyonlarında önemli düzeylerde degisiklige yol açtıgı saptandı. LR grubuna göre, BNaCl grubunda plazma klor ve laktat konsantrasyonlarındaki azalmaların daha fazla oldugu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, metabolik asidozisli dehidre köpeklerin sagaltımında %0,45 NaCl ve %0,65 NaHCO3 solüsyon kombinasyonunun (BNaCl solüsyonun) LR solüsyonundan daha kullanıslı olabilecegi kanısına varıldı. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of lactated Ringer?s (LR) and bicarbonated sodium chloride (BNaCl) solutions on haematological and biochemical parameters in dehydrated dogs. For this purpose, 14 healthy dogs aged 2?4 months were used. The dogs were randomly allocated to LR group (n = 7) or BNaCl group (n = 7). Dehydration was induced by withholding food and water deprivation for 48 hr. Dehydrated dogs in each group were received 50 ml/kg of LR or BNaCl at a flow rate of 15 ml/kg/min. Laboratory analyses were performed at baseline (before dehydration), after the end of fasting for 48 hr, immediately at the end of infusion and post infusion 30., 60., and 120. minuten. Fasting for 48 hr induced significant reductions in body weight (6,4±0,8 %) and plasma potassium concentration while haematocrit (Hct), haemoglobin (Hb), plasma total protein (TP), sodium and lactate values significantly increased. Infusion of the solutions caused significant changes in Hct value, and Hb, plasma TP, urea, sodium, potassium, chloride and lactate concentrations. Decreases in plasma chloride and lactate concentrations were significantly greater in the BNaCl group than in the LR group. In conclusion, intravenous infusion of a combination of %0,45 NaCl and %0,65 NaHCO3 (BNaCl solution) can be more useful than LR solution in the treatment of dehydrated dogs with metabolic acidosis

    Bitmiş Li-iyon ikincil pillerinden lityum ve kobalt geri kazanımı

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    In recent years, consumer demand for smaller and more powerful electronic devices has led to a large increase in the usage of batteries worldwide. Advances in sophisticated electronic items such as laptop computers and mobile phones require these batteries to be more sustainable, smaller and lightweight. The gravimetric energy density is 110-160 and 30-50 Wh/kg for lithium ion and lead acid batteries respectively. Owing to its merit, such as a high energy density, a high working voltage, a long cyclic life and negligible memory loss effects, the lithium ion batteries are state of the art and also remain the battery system with the highest potential for future development. With increasing use of such batteries in the developed countries for transportable applications, and large untapped markets in the developing countries, the need for lithium ion batteries will increase by orders of magnitude. This has led to growing concerns worldwide about the disposal of batteries and the potentially harmful impact they may have on the environment. However, spent batteries also represent a concentrated source of high value metal. Therefore, it is important that a system for recycling and regenerating waste lithium ion batteries is developed. Owing to the explosive nature of metallic lithium, spent lithium primary batteries cannot be disposed safely unless metallic lithium is properly removed from them. In contrast, lithium ion secondary batteries use a lithium conducting cathode made from a non-explosive 'mixed oxide', allowing a wider selection of recycling techniques. These mixed oxides often contain valuable cobalt, which has a high economic value for recycling owing to the fact that natural sources for cobalt are limited, and its uses are diverse and steadily increasing. The objective of the present work is to outline the dissolution characteristics of the cathodic active materials from spent lithium ion secondary batteries in sulfuric acid media, and to recover cobalt and lithium separately as their sulfates by sulfate precipitation method using ethanol. Despite long leaching time and high leaching temperature, it was observed that cobalt, which is present in the LiCoO2 compound, dissolved into concentric sulfuric acid media with poor dissolution efficiency. The reason for this is that the oxidation level of the cobalt in the LiCoO2 compound is +3, so it should be reduced to +2. Hydrogen peroxide, known as both good oxidizer and reducer, is an ideal option for this reduction. Using 5% H2O2, at 80oC, at 300 rpm, the LiCoO2 compound was found to dissolve into 4M H2SO4 in an hour with 100% dissolution efficiency. Cobalt was recovered in two steps. During the first step, 92% of the cobalt is recovered as CoSO4 by the use of ethanol at a volume ratio of 3:1. Ethanol removes water ligands from the Co2+ cation, and caused the precipitation of cobalt as cobalt sulfate monohydrate. In the second step, the remaining cobalt was precipitated as cobalt hydroxide (Co(OH)2) by increasing the pH value up to 10 with the addition of lithium hydroxide (LiOH). Lithium, which remained in the solution, was then recovered as lithium sulfate (Li2SO4) with up to 98% recovery efficiency by the addition of ethanol at a 3:1 volume ratio. It was shown that metals could be precipitated separately by this technique depending on their concentrations present in the solution. Using this selective precipitating characteristic of ethanol, it was managed to precipitate the cobalt with high efficiency without promoting the precipitation of the lithium. The advantage of this technique over more classical techniques for salt crystallization is that no temperature shift is needed, and the product will be intrinsically low in water, unlike the more classical separation by crystallization, which requires heat (or at least temperature control) and tends to yield a metal sulfate with a high amount of crystalline water. The leach acids may be reused in feedback loops. Also, it is possible to recover ethanol by distillation. By doing so, the recovered ethanol could be reused for precipitating sulfates from sulfuric acid solutions. The proposed process can be used to treat spent Li-ion secondary batteries, and to recover valuable cobalt and lithium without posing environmental problem.  Keywords: Li-ion batteries, recycling, precipitation method with ethanol, Li and Co recovery. Bu çalışmada, lityum iyon ikincil pillerinde katodik aktif malzeme görevi gören lityum kobalt oksit (LiCoO2) bileşiğinin sülfürik asit ile liç davranışları optimize edilerek, çözeltiye geçen lityum ve kobaltın etanol sülfat çöktürme tekniği ile sülfatları şeklinde çöktürülme şartları incelenmiştir. Yeniden kullanılabilir malzemeleri maksimum seviyede geri kazanmak ve böylece bitmiş pillerin çevreye yapacağı kirliliği minimuma indirmek amaçlanmıştır. 80oC sıcaklıkta 1 saat boyunca çözümlendirme işlemi için kullanılan %5 hidrojen peroksit içeren 4M sülfürik asit çözeltisi ile lityum ve kobaltın tamamı çözeltiye geçmiştir. Çözeltiye geçen kobalt iki aşamada geri kazanılmıştır. Birinci adımda, çözeltideki kobalt iyonları, 3:1 etanol/çözelti hacimsel oranında etanol ilavesiyle CoSO4 şeklinde %92 verim ile çöktürülmüştür. Etanol, çözeltideki sülfat ligant bağlarının kırılmasını sağlayarak kobaltın, kobalt sülfat tuzu (CoSO4) şeklinde çökmesini sağlamıştır. İkinci adımda, etanol ile çökmeyen kobalt iyonları, lityum hidroksit ile pH 10’a getirilerek kobalt hidroksit (Co(OH)2) şeklinde çöktürülmüştür. Çözeltideki lityum iyonları da sülfürik asit ile asitlendirildikten sonra 3:1 etanol/çözelti hacimsel oranında etanol ilavesiyle %98 verim ile lityum sülfat (Li2SO4) şeklinde çöktürülmüştür. Etanol sülfat çöktürme tekniği ile metallerin başlangıç konsantrasyonlarına bağlı olarak selektif olarak çöktürüldükleri gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca diğer metotların aksine etanol sülfat çöktürme metodu ile yapılan çöktürme işleminde sıcaklık değişimine ihtiyaç yoktur ve elde edilen ürün düşük miktarda kristal su içermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Li-iyon pilleri, geri dönüşüm, etanol sülfat çöktürme, Li ve Co kazanımı.&nbsp

    Reconstruction of cervical esophagus defectswith three different techniques

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    Servikal özafagus defektlerinin onarımı, rekonstrüktif cerrahinin en zor konularından biridir. Bu defektler hipofarinks tümörleri ve primer servikal özafagus tümörleri sonucu gelisir. Ideal rekonstrüksiyon yönteminin, onkolojik cerrahi ile aynı seansta yapılabilir, erken fonksiyon saglayabilir ve düsük morbidite oranına sahip bir teknik olması gereklidir. Bu çalısmada üç farklı teknikle servikal özafagus onarımları, literatür bilgileriyle birlikte ayrıntılı olarak sunulmustur. Olguların biri pektoralis major kas deri flebi, digeri deltopektoral fleple ve en son olgu da servikohumeral flep ve deri grefti ile rekonstrükte edilmistir. Olguların tümünde oral alımı erken dönemde saglanmıstır.Yutma fonksiyonun en erken zamanda saglanmasının, yöntem seçiminde temel belirleyici oldugunu düsünmekteyiz. Sonuç olarak bu çalısmada her ne kadar üç farklı yöntem, farklı cerrahların seçimi olarak sunulmus ise de, bu yöntemler kendi avantaj ve dezavantajlarına sahiptir. Deltopektoral flepde parsiyel nekroz gelismesi, servikohumeral flebin ise geciktirme islemine ihtiyaç duyması nedeniyle, sunulan yöntemler içinde pektoralis major kas deri flebi ile onarımdaha basarılı bunmustur.Reconstruction of defects of the cervical esophagus is one of the most difficult tasks in reconstructive surgery. These defects are generally seen after tumors of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus. The method of reconstruction, which will be selected, therefore, must be reliable, a one-stage procedure with minimal morbidity and one that restores function in the shortest time possible. In this article, we present our experience with three different techniques: the pectoralis major musculocutaneous flap, the deltopectoral flap and a combination of cervicohumeral flap and skin grafting. Oral feeding was established early in all cases.We are of the opinion that the time for swallowing ability after operation is the one of the most important factors in determining the technique chosen for reconstruction of defects of the cervical esophagus. In conclusion, although three different techniques were presented in this study according to the surgeons choice, each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Since the partial necrosis in deltopectoral flap and necessity of the delay process in cervicohumeral flap were complications of the techniques, pectoralis major myo-cutaneous flap may be accepted as a more suitable reconstruction technique

    Effects of topically applied contractubex® on epidural fibrosis and axonal regeneration in injured rat sciatic nerve

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    AIM: To investigate the effects of Contractubex (R) (Cx) on peripheral nerve regeneration and scar formation. MATERIAL and METHODS: A surgical procedure involving sciatic nerve incision in 24 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats followed by epineural suturing was performed. In weeks 4 and 12 following surgery, macroscopic, histological, functional, and electromyographic examinations of the sciatic nerve were conducted. RESULTS: No significant difference was found between the Cx group and the control group in terms of sciatic function index (SFI) and distal latency results at week 4 (p>0.05). However, significant improvements in the Cx group were observed in SFI amplitudes and nerve action potentials at week 12 (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Significant improvements were found in the amplitudes of nerve action potentials in the treatment group after weeks 4 and 12 (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). Macroscopically and histopathologically, epidural fibrosis decreased (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). For both measurement times, the treatment group had significantly higher numbers of axons (week 4, p<0.05; week 12, p<0.001), and the treatment group had better results regarding its axon area (weeks 4 and 12, p<0.001) and myelin thickness (weeks 4 and 12, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Cx, which is applied topically in peripheral nerve injury, affects axonal regeneration and axonal maturation positively and reduces the functional loss

    Histopathologic Evaluation of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Hypothyroidism-Induced Rats

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    It is speculated that thyroid hormones may be involved in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pathogenesis. A literature scan, however, demonstrated conflicting results from studies investigating the relationship between hypothyroidism and NAFLD. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate NAFLD, from the histopathologic perspective, in hypothyroidism-induced rats. Wistar rats were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group consumed water containing methimazole 0.025% (MMI, Sigma, USA) for 12 weeks and the control group consumed tap water. At the end of week 12, serum glucose, ALT, AST, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, TSH, fT4, fT3, visfatin, and insulin assays were performed. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and “Oil Red-O” for histopathologic examination of the livers. In our study, we detected mild hepatosteatosis in all hypothyroidism-induced rats. There was statistically significant difference with respect to obesity between the two groups (p<0.001). The mean fasting blood glucose was 126.25 ± 23.4 mg/dL in hypothyroidism-induced group and 102.63 ± 15.51 mg/dL in the control group, with a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.032). The two groups did not differ statistically significantly with respect to visfatin levels (p>0.05). In conclusion, we found that hypothyroidism-induced rats had mild hepatosteatosis as opposed to the control group histopathologically. Our study indicates that hypothyroidism can cause NAFLD

    Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon Pratiği

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    Transplantasyon; Temel Tıbbi Bilimler, Moleküler Tıp, Genetik ve İmmünolojiden klinik uygulamalardan destek alan multidisipliner bir tıp dalıdır. Temel bilimlerdeki başarılı çalışmaların kliniğe uygulanması, klinikte karşılaşılan sorunların da, oluşturulan deneysel hayvan modellerinde irdelenmesi, elde edilen bilgilerin klinik uygulamalara aktarılması; diğer deyişle tecrübelerin “Translational” özellikli olması günümüz transplantasyon çalışmalarında bir gerekliliktir. İmmün sistemin bileşenlerinin ve reaksiyonlarının iyi bilinmesi, hücreler arası ilişkilerde greftin reddi ya da kabul edilmesinin şartlarını doğru anlamak ve uygun laboratuvar yöntemleri ile klinik durumun aydınlatılması transplantasyonda stratejik önemdedir. Bu nedenle, klinik transplantasyon çalışmaları yapanlar temel bilimler bilgileri ile de donanımlı olmalıdırlar. Multidisipliner bir dal olma bilinci ile yapılan klinik transplantasyon çalışmalarında başarı yakalanmaktadır. Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon kitabımızda tüm yönleri ile transplantasyonun organizmaya etkileri ve bunların klinik sonuçlarını, çalışmalarımızın ışığında sunmayı ve tartışmayı hedefledik. Editör: Prof.Dr. Mesut İzzet TİTİZ Yardımcı Editör: Doç.Dr. Pınar AT

    Recovery Of Metallic Values From Spent Li-ion Secondary Batteries And Metallic Cobalt Production By Fray-farthing-chen (ffc) Cambridge Process

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Bu tez çalışmasında, bitmiş lityum iyon ikincil pillerinden metalik değerlerin geri kazanım şartları incelenmiştir. Yeniden kullanılabilir malzemeleri maksimum seviyede geri kazanmak ve böylece bitmiş pillerin çevreye yapacağı kirliliği minimuma indirmek amaçlanmıştır. Sülfürik asit ve hidrojen peroksit ortamı içerisinde çözümlendirilen kobalt, iki aşamada geri kazanılmıştır. Birinci aşamada, çözeltideki kobalt iyonları, 3:1 etanol/çözelti hacimsel oranında etanol ilavesiyle CoSO4 şeklinde %92 verim ile çöktürülmüştür. Etil alkol, çözeltideki sülfat ligant bağlarının kırılmasını sağlayarak kobaltın, kobalt sülfat tuzu (CoSO4) şeklinde çökmesini sağlamıştır. İkinci aşamada etanol ile çökmeyip çözeltide bulunan kobalt iyonları, lityum hidroksit ile pH’nin 10’a getirilerek kobalt hidroksit (Co(OH)2) şeklinde çöktürülmüştür. Çözeltideki lityum iyonları da sülfürik asit ile asitlendirildikten sonra 3:1 etanol/çözelti hacimsel oranında etanol ilavesiyle %98 verim ile lityum sülfat (Li2SO4) şeklinde çöktürülmüştür. Benzer şekilde çözeltideki bakır iyonları 3:1 etanol/çözelti hacimsel oranında etanol ilavesiyle %96’lık bir verim ile bakır sülfat (CuSO4.3H2O) şeklinde geri kazanılmıştır. Etanol katkılı sülfat çöktürme tekniği ile metallerin başlangıç konsantrasyonlarına bağlı olarak seçimli olarak çöktürüldükleri gösterilmiştir. Alüminyum ise %99’luk bir verim ile alüminyum hidroksit (Al(OH)3) şeklinde çöktürülmüştür. Tez çerçevesinde deneylerle optimize edilmiş bu proses, satılabilir kalitede ürün üreten ve çevre sorunu yaratmayan bir prosestir. Üretilen kobalt sülfat, daha sonra 1100oC’de ısıl işlem görerek kobalt okside dönüştürülmüştür. Bu üretilen kobalt oksit de çeşitli numune hazırlama işlemlerinden geçirildikten sonra Fray-Farthing-Chen (FFC) Cambridge prosesinde işlem görmüştür. Katodun kobalt oksit, anodun grafit, elektrolitin %1’den az CaO içeren CaCl2 olan ve işlem sıcaklığı 900oC olan FFC Cambridge prosesinde çeşitli voltaj değerleri tatbik edilerek kobalt oksitten metalik kobalt üretimi optimize edilmiştir. Akım verimleri ve içerdiği kalıntı oksijen miktarları göz önüne alındığında 0,7-1,1voltaj değerlerinde en iyi sonuç elde edilmiştir. Bu voltaj değerlerinde 1000 ppm’in altında kalıntı oksijen içeren ve %80 ve üstü akım verimleri ile metalik kobalt başarılı bir şekilde üretilmiştir. Bu yöntemle kobalt oksitten kobalt üretimi, ilk defa bu tez çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir.In this PhD work, the possibility of recovering metallic values from end-of-life Li-ion secondary batteries was investigated. It was aimed to maximise the recovery of the reusable materials and thereby minimise the environmental impact resulting from end of life batteries. Cobalt, which was digested using a combination of hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric acid, was recovered in two steps. During the first step, 92 % of the cobalt is recovered as CoSO4 by the use of a 3:1 ethanol: solution volume ratio. The ethyl alcohol removes water ligands from the Co2+ cation, and caused the precipitation of cobalt as cobalt sulphate monohydrate. In the second step, the remaining cobalt was precipitated as cobalt hydroxide (Co(OH)2) by increasing the pH value up to 10 with the addition of lithium hydroxide (LiOH). Upon acidified by sulphuric acid, lithium, which remained in the solution, was then recovered as lithium sulphate (Li2SO4) with up to 98% recovery efficiency by the addition of ethanol 3:1 volume ratio. Following digestion in sulphuric acid, copper was recovered with 96% recovery efficiency as copper sulphate (CuSO4.3H2O) with the addition of ethanol at 3:1 volume ratio. It was demonstrated that metals could be precipitated separately by the ethanol precipitation technique depending on their concentrations present in the solution. Aluminium was recovered as aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3) with 99% recovery efficiency. The proposed process has the potential to generate commercial products without affecting the environment. The cobalt sulphate was subsequently converted into cobalt (II,III) oxide at 1100oC. Following the preparation procedure, the cobalt (II,III) oxide was subjected to Fray-Farthing-Chen (FFC) Cambridge Process. In this process, a preformed oxide pellet was used as a cathode, a graphite rod as an anode, and a CaCl2 salt containing less than 1% CaO as an electrolyte. The operating temperature used was 900oC. The process was optimised with respect to varying cell voltages. Within a cell voltage range of 0.7-1.1 V, the best results were achieved in terms of current efficiency and the residual oxygen content in the pellets. In this voltage range, metallic cobalt was successfully produced with an oxygen content of less than 1000 ppm, and with a current efficiency of at least 80 %. In this PhD work, it was demonstrated that cobalt could be produced from its oxide for the first time.DoktoraPh

    Studies of Gold Adsorption from Chloride Media

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    In this paper, adsorption of gold from chloride media using commercial sorbent (Lewatit TP 214 (L-214)) and biomass residue (rice hull (RH)) were investigated. The different adsorption parameters, sorbent dosage, contact time, temperature and pH of solution on adsorption (%) were studied in detail on a batch sorption. Before the RH was activated, adsorption (%) was poor compared with L-214. However, after the RH was activated at 1000 degrees C under an argon atmosphere, the gold adsorption (%) increased four-fold. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to explore the feasibility this material as an adsorbent for the removal of gold from aqueous solutions. The adsorption equilibrium data were best fitted with the Langmuir isotherm model. The maximum adsorption capacities, Q(max), at 25 degrees C were found to be 93.46 and 108.70 mg/g for the activated rice hull (ARH) and L-214, respectively. Thermodynamic calculations using Delta H degrees, Delta S degrees, Delta G degrees and E-a values indicate that the adsorption process was spontaneous and endothermic

    Recovery of Ruthenium Via Zinc in the Presence of Accelerator

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    In this study, the recovery of ruthenium from spent bath solutions via cementation reaction with zinc powder was investigated. Studied parameters included the quantity of zinc, reaction temperature, reaction time and sodium chloride additions to understand their effects on the reaction. Tests were performed in a temperature controlled water-bath with temperatures between 20 and 70 A degrees C at atmospheric pressure. Furthermore, in order to determine activation energy of cementation reaction, several mathematical kinetic models were used and the activation energy, which was calculated from best fit, was found to be 12.48 kJ/mol. Addition of sodium chloride to the solution greatly accelerated the cementation reaction, in that, more the addition of sodium chloride, the better was the precipitation efficiency. In the absence of sodium chloride at 25 A degrees C a percentage of ruthenium recovery was below 75% whereas 1000 mg sodium chloride addition at 65 A degrees C ensured a percentage of ruthenium recovery more than 95%. This corresponded to more than about 28% increase