3 research outputs found


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    In this study, the germination requirements of three species from alpine belt of Uludağ Mount; Gypsophila olympica Boiss., Matthiola montana Boiss. and Silene rhynchocarpa Boiss. We tested thegermination under (20 °C) dark, (20 °C) continuous light, and photoperiod 20/10 °C (12/12h) with distilled water. Different germination behaviour was found for these three species from closely related habitat conditions. G. olympica showed similar germination percentages in dark, light and photoperiod, and germinated faster in light (3.9 days). S. rhyncocarpa germinated 100 % at all the threeconditions but faster in dark with 2.0 days. M. montana seeds were found to require light for germination. The germination was 27.2 % at dark, whereas the seeds were germinated 90 % under photoperiod.The results can be useful for both in situ and ex situ conservation of these plant species

    Nutrient status in soil of Ski runs in the sub-alpine belt of Uludag mountain, Bursa, Turkey

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    Abstract: Large areas of land are disturbed in sensitive bio-diverse mountain environments by Ski runs. Restoration of vegetation on such disturbed mountain sites may be hampered by soil degradation but the severity and nature of the constraints is not well understood. This study was designed to compare the water holding and nutritional status of soil in three Ski runs which had different construction dates and disturbance levels, and the adjacent undisturbed site in the Abies bornmuelleriana forest community in the sub-alpine belt of Uludag Mountain (Bithynian Olympus). The values of soil parameters were depressed in proportion to the disturbance level. Water holding capacity (WHC), total nitrogen (N), organic carbon (C) and calcium (Ca 2+ ), magnesium (Mg 2+ ) and potassium (K + ) contents (mg kg -1 dry weight) of soils in the Ski run which had the highest disturbance level were lower than that of the undisturbed adjacent sites. However, the results indicated that the soil parameters were less degraded when secondary vegetation was growing on the disturbed areas


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    Bu çalışmada, Uludağ alpin bölgesinde yetişen Gypsophila olympica Boiss., Matthiola montana Boiss. ve Silene rhynchocarpa Boiss. türlerinin çimlenme gereksinimleri araştırılmıştır. Çimlenme üçfarklı ortamda ve saf su ortamında test edilmiştir: Karanlık (20 °C), ışık (20 °C), fotoperiyot 20/10 °C(12/12 saat). G. olympica türünün her üç ortamda da benzer çimlenme yüzdeleri gösterdiği, fakat ışıkta daha hızlı çimlendiği bulunmuştur (3.9 gün). S. rhynchocarpa her üç durumda da % 100 oranında çimlenmiş fakat karanlıkta daha çabuk çimlenmiştir (2.0 gün). M. montana tohumlarında ışık ihtiyacı tespit edilmiştir. Karanlıkta % 27.2 ve fotoperiyotta % 90 oranında çimlenme bulunmuştur. Elde ettiğimiz bu veriler, bir tanesi tehlike altında olan bu türlerin ileride muhtemel ex situ veya in situolarak korunmalarına kaynak oluşturabilir