9 research outputs found

    Introduction: Themes and Issues in the Study of Indigenous Languages: Sharing Our Words and Worlds in Our Own Voices

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    Copyright © 2011 by Serafín M. Coronel-Molina & John H. McDowell. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system (except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews) without written permission from the authors.This volume is the outcome of the First Symposium on Teaching Indigenous Languages of Latin America (STILLA), organized by the Minority Languages and Cultures of Latin America Program (MLCP) and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), which took place from August 14 to 16, 2008, at Indiana University at Bloomington. This event brought together instructors, practitioners, activists, indigenous leaders, scholars, and learners from around the globe, and was the first initiative of this scope in the world. It included research and pedagogy on the diverse languages and cultures of indigenous populations in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Revitalization of Endangered Languages: Quechua in the Andes

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    The Big Picture According to contemporary linguistic research, currently there are nearly seven thousand languages in the world; it is believed that more than half of these will disappear in the next century. These languages are called «endangered languages», «sleeping languages», «tongues in agony», «moribund languages», etc. The vast majority of languages that fall into these categories are the indigenous languages. Therefore, it is essential to revitalize and document them to prevent thei..

    Introduction: Politics of language from multiple perspectives: Latinidad and Indigenidad

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    The field of politics of language intersects with language policy and planning, lan- guage of politics, language politics, language revitalization, linguistic rights, lan- guage laws, and language regimes. This means that politics of language cannot be completely separated from the above-mentioned fields, since they are intercon- nected in various ways. In addition, it is fundamental to delve into the notion of politics of language not only from disciplinary and multidisciplinary angles, but also from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives