164 research outputs found

    Análise sobre o impacto do fator de risco ESG no retorno das ações de tecnologia que compõem o Nasdaq-100

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Economia.Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal contribuir para o debate acerca do impacto e relação do fator de risco ESG – Enviromental (Ambiente), Social e Governance (Governança) – para com o desempenho econômico-financeiro das ações das empresas de tecnologia que compõem o Nasdaq-100. Para este fim, buscou-se contemplar os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de pesquisa, com a premissa de propor um resgate bibliográfico e teórico e construir uma análise econométrica, através dos modelos de regressão linear múltipla (MQO) e o modelo multifatorial, de maneira a investigar o efeito do fator de risco ESG no retorno dos ativos. A ideia por detrás é incorporar se a presença, ou não, de tais critérios de análise nas políticas das grandes companhias são refletidos em preço, risco e volatilidade, considerando um horizonte de curto e médio prazo. Através do levantamento de todo o universo das empresas de tecnologia listadas no Nasdaq-100, usando um sistema de pontuação ESG – ESG Score –, estudos de métricas socioambientais combinadas, definindo-as como RSE (Responsabilidade Social Empresarial) e o próprio retorno das ações e dos índices a questão a ser observada teve como foco responder se aqueles ativos com classificações ESG robustas, em média, recebem um prêmio pago pelo mercado pela ótica de maiores retornos

    Juvenile IGF-I: An Early Bio-marker for Feed Efficiency in Pigs

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    At Iowa State University, purebred Yorkshire pigs have been divergently selected for increased and decreased feed efficiency based on residual feed intake for ten generations. In this study, juvenile IGF-I serum concentrations were measured in these divergently selected lines, with the goal of validating juvenile IGF-I as an early blood bio-marker to help select young piglets for later feed efficiency performance. Previous findings (Bunter et al., 2002, 2005, 2010) and this validation study support that lower juvenile IGF-I concentration in piglets is genetically correlated with increased grow-finish feed efficiency. IGF-I concentration is a moderately heritable trait that is more cost and time effective to measure than feed intake and feed efficiency. These characteristics make IGF-I a useful bio-marker for feed efficiency in swine

    Identifying Dietary Fiber Components that Best Predict the Digestible and Metabolizable Energy Content in Nine Corn Co-Products Fed to Growing Pigs

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the best dietary fiber (DF) assay to estimate the effect of DF concentration on energy digestibility, and to predict the digestible (DE) and metabolizable (ME) energy of 9 corn co-products: conventional corn bran, corn bran with solubles, corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) conventionally produced, reduced oil DDGS, uncooked DDGS, high protein distillers dried grains, dehulled degermed corn, corn germ meal, and corn gluten meal. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE), and the DE and ME of the 9 feed ingredients were determined in 20 growing pigs (BW = 25.9 ± 2.5 kg). Feed ingredients were analyzed for the concentration of dietary fiber: NDF, TDF, total non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), and 5 constituent monosaccharides of NSP, namely arabinose (Ara), xylose (Xyl), mannose (Man), glucose (Glc), and galactose (Gal). The concentration of xylose in NSP was the DF assay that best explained variation due to DF concentration in digestibility of energy, DE, and ME values, and can be used to predict the DE and ME values in corn co-products

    Genetic Parameters and Effect of WUR Genotype on Piglet Response to Co-Infection with PRRS and PCV2b, with or without Vaccination for PRRS

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    Commercial crossbred nursery piglets were either vaccinated or not using a modified live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus vaccine and all pigs were co-infected with PRRS virus (PRRSV) and porcine circovirus type 2b (PCV2b) 28 days later. Genetic correlations indicate that traits associated with primary exposure to PRRSV infection (PRRS viral load (VL) of vaccinated pigs prior to co-infection and PRRS VL of non-vaccinated pigs post co-infection) are genetically the same trait. The WUR single nucleotide polymorphism on chromosome 4, previously associated with reduced PRRS VL under PRRSV-only infection, was associated with significantly reduced PRRS VL following vaccination and co-infection (for non-vaccinated pigs), but also with reduced PCV2b VL of vaccinated pigs. These results indicate a significant effect of WUR genotype on PRRS VL upon primary PRRS exposure, whether in a PRRSV-only or PRRS and PCV2b co-infected population, but also with PCV2b VL of vaccinated pigs under PRRS and PCV2b co- infection

    Diet by Genotype Interaction in Yorkshire Pigs Divergently Selected for Feed Efficiency

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    For ten generations, purebred Yorkshire pigs were divergently selected for increased and decreased feed efficiency based on residual feed intake when fed a standard corn and soybean-meal based diet. In this study, gilts and barrows bornin generations 8, 9, and 10were fed either a standard diet or an alternative diet that incorporated by-products while reducing corn and soybean-meal, resultingina lower energy, higher fiber diet. Genotypeby diet interactions were investigatedby estimating heritabilities, genetic correlations, response to selection,and genome wide associations for six traits based on thesetwo diets. Results indicate that feed efficiency is a genetically complex trait that appears to be genetically different depending on the diet fed. Thus, genetic gains made by selection on standard diets may not be fully expressed in swine production systems that use alternative diets, particularly those incorporating by-products

    Effect of Low Energy, High Fiber Diets on Digestibility Traits in Pigs Selected for Residual Feed Intake

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    In this study, barrows and gilts from the Iowa State University Residual Feed Intake selection lines were fed two diets. The first, the Control diet, was corn and soybean-meal based, and was high in energy yet low in fiber content. The second, the Fiber diet, substituted in corn bran, wheat middlings, and soybean hulls, and resulted in a lower energy and higher fiber diet. These two diets were fed to pigs that had previously been selected for increased and decreased feed efficiency over the course of 8 generations based on residual feed intake. Fecal grab samples were collected from these pigs during the first and third finishing growth-phases with the objective of evaluating differences in dry matter, gross energy, nitrogen, and neutral detergent fiber digestibility between the two genetic lines and the two diets. This study observed beneficial increases in digestibility of fibrous feed components in pigs selected for increased feed efficiency

    Effect of WUR Genotype and PRRS Vaccination on Pigs Co-Infected with PRRS and PCV2b

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    Average daily gain (ADG) and viral load (VL) were evaluated for pigs co-infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSV) and porcine circovirus type 2b (PCV2b). Pigs were pre-selected for WUR genotype (a marker on chromosome 4 associated with weight gain and VL under PRRSV-challenge), half were vaccinated for PRRS, and half were not. Results indicate that vaccination for PRRS resulted in slower growth prior to co-infection and that the AB WUR genotype was associated with faster growth prior to co-infection, lower PRRS VL, and lower PCV2b VL in vaccinated pigs

    Genetic Analysis of Reproductive Traits and Antibody Response in PRRS Infected Sows

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    The genetic components of reproductive performance and antibody response of 641 commercial sows were assessed in a commercial herd that faced a PRRS outbreak. Antibody response after the PRRS outbreak was highly heritable and had high genetic correlations with reproductive traits. Many genomic regions were associated with antibody response in this study. These results indicate that there is a significant genomic component associated with PRRS antibody response and its high genetic correlations with reproductive traits during PRRS suggest that this trait could be used as an indicator trait to reduce the impact of PRRS on reproductive performance

    Development of New Measurements and Tools to Mitigate Fescue Toxicosis in Beef Cattle

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    The objective of this study was to identify new ways to determine the severity of fescue toxicosis and identify genetic differences in fescue impacted traits as a basis in understanding how cattle could be selected for tolerance to fescue toxicosis. We identified across breed and within breed differences in heat stress related traits and growth rate in pregnant cows exposed to toxic fescue. In addition, new biomarkers were identified to differentiate susceptible and tolerant cattle in the form of specific fecal and vaginal microbes. Finally, we identified differentially expressed (DE) genes in high versus low tolerant cattle on toxic fescue. These findings may allow more accurate diagnosis of fescue toxicosis and provide a glimpse into the genes and microorganisms that may impact tolerance or susceptibility to toxic fescue
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