15 research outputs found
Model Kelembagaan Lokal Kabupaten Konservasi Tambrauw di Papua Barat
Komitmen Politik pembentukan Tambrauw sebagai kabupaten konservasi di Papua Barat, mendorong terjadinya perubahan tatakelola pemerintahan konvensional menuju tatakelola konservasi. Dengan demikian kelembagaan sebagai unit yang bertanggungjawab terhadap penyelenggaraan kegiatan kabupaten konservasi perlu dirancang guna mengawal kebijakan kabupaten konservasi dimaksud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang model kelembagaan lokal kabupaten Tambrauw Sebagai Kabupaten Konservasi. Proses rancang bangun model kelembagaan lokal dilaksanakan sejak Bulan Juni 2013- Desember 2017 mengikuti metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Data penelitian diperoleh dari: (1) hasil wawancara Pakar; (2) catatan lapangan, dan (3) data saran perbaikan draf model awal dan hasil observasi observer pada pelaksanaan uji coba (FGD/Konsultasi) dengan skala kecil dan besar. Untuk melihat signifikanis perbandingan model kelembagaan eksis berupa organisasi perangkat daerah (OPD)) dan kelembagaan kabupaten konservasi yang ditawarkan, maka dilakukan Uji-t. Proses rancang bangun kelembagaan lokal kabupaten konservasi dilakukan mengacu pada terhadap 8 prinsip rancangan kunci yang ditawarkan oleh Ostrom tentang kelembagaan pengelolaan yang efektif terhadap sumberdaya alam lokal milik bersama (common property). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, kelembagaan kabupaten konservasi layak dikembangkan sebagai unit yang bertanggungjawab terhadap mekanisme kinerja kabupaten konservasi, dimana bersifat non body dan lebih ditekankan pada fungsi koordinasi oleh Bappeda Kabupaten Tambrauw sebagai coordinator perencanaan pembangunan daerah. Local Institution Model of Tambrauw Conservation in West PapuaAbstractPolitical Commitment to establishing Tambrauw as a conservation district in West Papua, has led to changes in conventional governance towards conservation management. Thus the institution as a unit responsible for organizing conservation district activities needs to be designed to oversee the policies of the conservation district concerned. This study aims to design a local institutional model of Tambrauw Regency as a Conservation District. The design process of the local institutional model was carried out from June 2013 to December 2017 following the research and development method. Research data obtained from: (1) the results of expert interviews; (2) field notes, and (3) data suggesting improvements to the initial model draft and observers' observations on the implementation of trials (FGDs / Consultations) on a small and large scale. To see the significance of the comparison of the existing institutional models in the form of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and the conservation district institutions offered, a t-test was conducted. The design process of the conservation district's local institutional building was carried out about the 8 key design principles offered by Ostrom on effective management institutions for common property. The results showed that conservation district institutions should be developed as a unit responsible for the mechanism of conservation district performance, which is non-body and more emphasized on the coordination function by the Agency for Regional Development Tambrauw Regency as coordinator of regional development planning
HABITAT KELELAWAR BUAH (Dobsonia minor) DI HUTAN TROPIS DATARAN RENDAH NUNI PANTAI UTARA MANOKWARI (Habitat of Fruit Bats (Dobsonia minor) in Nuni Tropical Lowland Forest of Northern Area in Manokwari)
This research has been done in a cave ecosystem at Nuni tropical lowland forest in the northern coastal area of Manokwari, from 21 - 25 May 2005. A descriptive method with the observation technique has been used. The research's stages are; preliminary survey outside the cave's ecosystem to get an easy and proper observation plant for the surronding vegetation. While a survey inside the cave (interior survey) aims to describe the climatic condition, cave's shape and other ecological aspects. The result indicates that this cave ecosystem is located in the northern coastal area of Manokwari or exactly at the coordinate 00Âş46,778 South lattitude and 133Âş55.928 East langitude, at the altitude of 210 metre above sea level. The fruit bats in the Lowland forest of Nuni use this cave as roosting site during the day. The length of this cave is around 800 metre in the form of a tunnel, the height is 8 metre and the floor consist of sharp pointed rocks. The microclimate within the cave has an average temperature of 30Âş C, the relative humidity 81 % while the condition outside the cave; the average temperature is 29.3Âş C and relative humidity is 82 %. The total plant species found arround the bat's cave is 36 species from 27 families, the distribution based on their life stages are; seedlings 22 species, sapplings 15 species, poles 14 species and trees 12 species. The amount of the vegetation, ecologically support significantly the development and existence of these fruit bats.Keyword: Tropical Forest of Nuni, Dobsonia mino
Pemanfaatan Damar oleh Masyarakat di Kampung Bariat Distrik Konda Kabupaten Sorong Selatan
Penelitian ini dilakukan kurang lebih 3 minggu pada 3 November sampai dengan 17 Nopember 2014 di Sorong Selatan. Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan jenis tumbuhan damar oleh masyarakat lokal di kampung Bariat distrik Konda Kabupaten Sorong Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan terlibat dan teknik wawancara dengan responden contoh adalah masyarakat lokal. Penelitian mencatat bahwa ada tiga kategori pemanfaatan damar yaitu getah (kopal), bahan bangunan dan digunakan sebagai bahan kayu bakar. Konservasi tradisional spesies ini oleh masyarakat lokal di Sorong Selatan dilakukan dengan menetapkan ketentuan pohon yang siap dipanen saja (Dbh > 50 cm dan tinggi > 4m). Terdapat pola konservasi pemanfaatan tradisional untuk pemungutan jenis damar putih (Agathis labilladeri Warb.) hanya boleh dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat lokal yang berasal dari marga Kemeray, Konjol, Sawor, dan, semetara jenis damar merah (Vatica sp.) dapat dipungut dan dimanfaatakan oleh seluruh marga pribumi dan masyarakat pendatang
Conservation Policy, Indigeneity, and Changing Traditional Hunting Practices in West Papua
Regional governments are increasingly developing conservation policy initiatives that are framed alongside the empowerment of Indigenous Peoples. This paper examines the case of Tambrauw, West Papua, that set out to establish one of the first ever Conservation Regencies in Indonesia. To understand the implications of conservation policy developments, we explored from an environmental justice perspective the ways that one of the most important forest-based activities of local communities – hunting – has changed in recent years. Data was collected using qualitative methods of participatory observation and interviews between 2015-2018 across three Tambrauw districts. The study shows how policy changes are increasing clashes between local hunters and conservation officials. This has implications for broader issues of conservation policy and local livelihoods, and sheds light on the more recent trend of foregrounding Indigenous identity in forest management. Although on the face of it the emergence of conservation regencies represents a trend in downscaling authority to empower local communities, findings shows that place-based and more locally responsive policies need to be established to address emerging conflicts that can also meet broader conservation outcomes
Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) oleh Masyarakat Kampung Sabun Distrik Aitinyo Tengah Kabupaten Maybrat, Papua Barat
Tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK) potensial di wilayah Maybrat. Jenis HHBK ini dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu pangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Maybrat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2014, untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan cempedak (Artocarpus chempeden) bagi masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Distrik Aitinyo, Kabupaten Maybrat. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara terstruktur pada 15 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian tumbuhan cempedak yang dimanfaatkan adalah buah dan biji. Pengolahan tumbuhan cempedak terbagi atas 3 bentuk, yaitu: pengolahan pada buah masak, buah muda, dan biji, sedangkan pengolahan biji dibagi dalam 4 bagian, yaitu: proses perebusan dan pengukusan, sangrai, pengisian dalam bambu, dan penyimpanan biji. Upaya konservasi cempedak telah dilakukan secara sederhana melalui penanaman pada areal kebun dan pekarangan rumah masyarakat. Penelitian ini juga memperoleh informasi bahwa pemanfaatan cempedak hanya terbatas untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga masyarakat saja. Pengolahan komersil belum dikembangkan. Dengan demikian, pengembangan cempedak sebagai alternatif pangan produk HHBK perlu dilakukan dengan mendorong kerjasama lintas sektor baik pertanian dan kehutanan serta pihak terkait di wilayah Maybrat.Kata kunci: Artocarpus champeden, Masyarakat Kampung Sabun, Kabupaten Maybrat, HHBK, pengolahan buah  Utilization of Cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) by Communities in Sabun Village, Central Aitinyo Sub-district, Maybrat Regency, West Papua ProvinceAbstractCempedak (Artocarpus champeden) is one of the non timber forest products (NTFPs) from the Maybrat district. It is used as a daily food of Maybrat people. The study was conducted from June-July 2014 in Sabun Village, Aitinyo Sub district of the Maybrat Regency, West Papua Province. The objectives of this study were to explore the utilization, harvesting technique, and manufacturing process of cempedak in Sabun villages. Field observations and interviews were used to collect the data of 15 respondents. The result showed that fruits and seeds are part of of the cempedak trees, which is utilised for food. Cempedak processing were divided into 3 parts i.e. the ripe fruit, the unripe fruit, and the seed. Processing of the seed were divided into four parts i.e. boiling, steaming, frying without oil process, filling inside bamboo, and storage. Conservation efforts were conducted by planting cempedak in the garden of villagers’ house. This research also revealed that the utilization process was done for household purposes only. Therefore, the development of cempedak for an alternative food as NTFPs, is necessary to be promoted by collaboration of related stakeholders including forestry and agriculture in Maybrat Regency
Eksplorasi Jenis-Jenis Mamalia di Hutan Lembah Kebar pada Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Tambrauw Utara
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan karakteristik morfometrik satwaliar mamalia, penelitian ini dilakukan di Hutan Lembah Kebar Pada Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Tambrauw Utara dan berlangsung selama 3 minggu terhitung tanggal 7 – 28 April 2022. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan Teknik observasi lapangan, Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan tiga belas individu dan delapan jenis satwa liar mamalia yaitu Bandikut (Echymipera kalubu), Bandikut (Echymipera rufescens), Rusa timor (Rusa timorensis), Babi hutan (Sus scrofa), Kuskus cokelat (Phalanger orientalis), Kuskus totol (Spilocuscus maculatus), Kelelawar codot kecil (Microglossus minimus), Kelelawar kalong besar (Pteropus neohibernicus). Dari kedelapan jenis satwaliar mamalia yang ditemukan terdapat dua mamalia yang termasuk  satwa dilindungi yaitu Kuskus totol (Spilocuscus maculatus) dan Rusa timor (Rusa timorensis)
Customary Forests in West Papua: Contestation of Desires or Needs?
The challenge of integrating ecological, economic and social aspects of forest management is still a critical issue among stakeholders who agree on community-based forestry and the rights of indigenous peoples. In West Papua, the contrast of abundant natural resources with serious social inequalities and structured poverty is a continuing challenge for implementing a social forestry program. The process of establishing customary territories in West Papua is an important milestone in recognising its community entities. Is this scheme definitively able to answer the interests of access and management of indigenous peoples? This can help in achieving the sacred goal of protecting 70% of the forest area. This paper examines the dynamics of forest management in West Papua by the parties in customary forests. The low area designated for customary territories in West Papua, which has only reached 2,554.2 hectares, and the absence of a decree on the existence of customary forests is a form of injustice to the interests of local communities. The social forestry acceleration program intended to end the uncertainty surrounding customary forests is still in process. The roles of both on-site and off-site parties have not been optimal in realising customary forests in West Papua due to the complex and incomplete translation process at the site level. The results of the review show that interest is still focused on achieving an indicative-annual figure, which is still dominated by the village forest scheme. Hopefully, this year's acceleration of customary forests will become a milestone in West Papua, based on mutual need and desire
The Sausapor Declaration: Challenges in promoting good governance to protect customary communities and natural resources in Tambrauw district, West Papua
The Sausapor Declaration has served as a stepping stone towards convening and balancing the dynamics of governmental politics, conservation efforts, the protection of customary communities’ rights, and the sustainable management of natural resources in Tambrauw District. The Declaration supported the establishment of Tambrauw as a Conservation District, while also acknowledging the rights of customary communities in shaping political priorities of the local government, which include: a) stewardship of extensive remaining tropical forests (91.9% forest cover); b) management of protected areas, which represent 77-80% of the total area of the District; c) acknowledging the cultural traditions of five major indigenous groups; and, d) securing the active support of formal institutions for these goals. Two stages have shaped the effort to establish the Conservation District. The first stage involved the period prior to the formal declaration, while the second ecompasses development and implementation of related policies. Establishing local regulations and protecting local communities required extensive lobbying with the provincial and national government, as well as advocacy in various seminars, including both national and international conferences that provided strategic opportunities for securing support for the Conservation District. These steps have been instrumental in gaining legitimacy and public support for relevant conservation policies and for protecting the rights of customary communities. As one example, the review of Tambrauw spatial planning documents (RTRW) led to prioritizing eco-tourism as a leading sector for economic development, along with the creation of an overall agropolitan and renewable energy strategy
This study was conducted at Syurgar ecoutourism site, subdistrict of Sausapor Tambrauw district. Data was collected from June to July 2020 using survey method, direct catching, cage trap and interview. This study aimed to list the wildlife species, especially Birds, Mammals Herpetofauna, and Butterflies in order to complete data of the government of Tambrauw District for the purpose of Syurgar ecotourism development. This study recorded that there were 15 birds’ species of 13 families, 12 mammals’ species of 6 family, 4 herpetofauna’s species of 4 families, and 25 butterflies of 4 families. Syurgar has a potential to be a birdwatching site. There are several appealing birds, including Lesser bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea minor), king bird of paradise (Cincinurus regius), blyth’s hornbill (Rhyncetores plicatus), sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Endemic species of mammals include long-beaked echidna (Zaglosus bruijnii), dorcopsis/forest’s wallaby (Dorcopsis sp.), northern common cuscus (Phalanger orientalis), common spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus maculates), old world fruit bats (Dobsonia sp.), great flying fox (Pteropus neohibernicus). Endemic species of herpetofauna include frogs (Papurana sp.), Papua wrinkled ground frog (Cornufer papuensis). Eventually, some butterflies’ species include redeye bushbrown (Mycalesis aethiops), bushbrown (Mycalesis elia), and Papuan gull (Cepora abnormis). It is strongly suspected that several birds, mammals, herpetofauna, and butterflies have not been recorded due to time constraints. Therefore, further study is recommended for data completion.