31 research outputs found

    Global branching laws by global Okounkov bodies

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    Let G′G' be a complex semisimple group, and let G⊆G′G \subseteq G' be a semisimple subgroup. We show that the branching cone of the pair (G,G′)(G, G'), which (asymptotically) parametrizes all pairs (W,V)(W, V) of irreducible finite-dimensional GG-representations WW which occur as subrepresentations of a finite-dimensional irreducible G′G'-representation VV, can be identified with the pseudo-effective cone, \overline{\mbox{Eff}}(Y), of some GIT quotient YY of the flag variety of the group G×G′G \times G'. Moreover, we prove that the quotient YY is a Mori dream space. As a consequence, the global Okounkov body Δ(Y)\Delta(Y) of YY, with respect to some admissible flag of subvarieties of YY, is fibred over the branching cone of (G,G′)(G, G'), and the fibre Δ(Y)(W,V)\Delta(Y)_{(W, V)} over a point (W,V)(W, V) carries information about (the asymptotics of) the multiplicity of WW in VV. Using the global Okounkov body Δ(Y)\Delta(Y), we easily derive a multi-dimensional generalization of Okounkov's result about the log-concavity of asymptotic multiplicities

    Okounkov bodies for ample line bundles

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    Let L→X\mathscr{L} \rightarrow X be an ample line bundle over a nonsingular complex projective variety XX. We construct an admissable flag X0⊆X1⊆...⊆Xn=XX_0 \subseteq X_1 \subseteq...\subseteq X_n=X of subvarieties for which the associated Okounkov body for L\mathscr{L} is a rational polytope

    Okounkov bodies for ample line bundles with applications to multiplicities for group representations

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    Let L→X\mathscr{L} \rightarrow X be an ample line bundle over a complex normal projective variety XX. We construct a flag X0⊆X1⊆⋯⊆Xn=XX_0 \subseteq X_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq X_n=X of subvarieties for which the associated Okounkov body for L\mathscr{L} is a rational polytope. In the case when XX is a homogeneous surface, and the pseudoeffective cone of XX is rational polyhedral, we also show that the global Okounkov body is a rational polyhedral cone if the flag of subvarieties is suitably chosen. Finally, we provide an application to the asymptotic study of group representations.Comment: supersedes the preprint arXiv:1007.191

    Global Okounkov bodies for Bott-Samelson varieties

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    We use the theory of Mori dream spaces to prove that the global Okounkov body of a Bott-Samelson variety with respect to a natural flag of subvarieties is rational polyhedral. In fact, we prove more generally that this holds for any Mori dream space which admits a flag of Mori dream spaces satisfying a certain regularity condition. As a corollary, Okounkov bodies of effective line bundles over Schubert varieties are shown to be rational polyhedral. In particular, it follows that the global Okounkov body of a flag variety G/BG/B is rational polyhedral. As an application we show that the asymptotic behaviour of dimensions of weight spaces in section spaces of line bundles is given by the counting of lattice points in polytopes.Comment: A new and simpler definition of a good flag is introduced, and Bott-Samelson varieties are shown to admit such flag