2,596 research outputs found

    Journey of water in pine cones

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    Pine cones fold their scales when it rains to prevent seeds from short-distance dispersal. Given that the scales of pine cones consist of nothing but dead cells, this folding motion is evidently related to structural changes. In this study, the structural characteristics of pine cones are studied on micro-/macro-scale using various imaging instruments. Raindrops fall along the outer scales to the three layers (bract scales, fibers and innermost lignified structure) of inner pine cones. However, not all the layers but only the bract scales get wet and then, most raindrops move to the inner scales. These systems reduce the amount of water used and minimize the time spent on structural changes. The result shows that the pine cones have structural advantages that could influence the efficient motion of pine cones. This study provides new insights to understand the motion of pine cones and would be used to design a novel water transport system.119Ysciescopu

    Heat shock factor 1 mediates the longevity conferred by inhibition of TOR and insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathways in C. elegans

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    Target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling is an evolutionarily well-conserved pathway that regulates various physiologic processes, including aging and metabolism. One of the key downstream components of TOR signaling is ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) whose inhibition extends the lifespan of yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, and mice. Here, we demonstrate that the activation of heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1), a crucial longevity transcription factor known to act downstream of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) pathway, mediates the prolonged lifespan conferred by mutations in C.elegans S6K (rsks-1). We found that hsf-1 is required for the longevity caused by down-regulation of components in TOR signaling pathways, including TOR and S6K. The induction of a small heat-shock protein hsp-16, a transcriptional target of HSF-1, mediates the long lifespan of rsks-1 mutants. Moreover, we show that synergistic activation of HSF-1 is required for the further enhanced longevity caused by simultaneous down-regulation of TOR and IIS pathways. Our findings suggest that HSF-1 acts as an essential longevity factor that intersects both IIS and TOR signaling pathways.X1144sciescopu

    Measurement of real pulsatile blood flow using x-ray PIV technique with CO2 microbubbles

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    Synchrotron X-ray imaging technique has been used to investigate biofluid flows in a non-destructive manner. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of the X-ray PIV technique with CO2 microbubbles as flow tracer for measurement of pulsatile blood flows under in vivo conditions. The traceability of CO2 microbubbles in a pulsatile flow was demonstrated through in vitro experiment. A rat extracorporeal bypass loop was used by connecting a tube between the abdominal aorta and jugular vein of a rat to obtain hemodynamic information of actual pulsatile blood flows without changing the hemorheological properties. The decrease in image contrast of the surrounding tissue was also investigated for in vivo applications of the proposed technique. This technique could be used to accurately measure whole velocity field information of real pulsatile blood flows and has strong potential for hemodynamic diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.1155Ysciescopu

    Energy- and Time-Dependent Branching to Competing Paths in Coupled Unimolecular Dissociations of Chlorotoluene Radical Cations

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    The energy- and time-dependent branching to the competing dissociation paths are studied by theory for coupled unimolecular dissociations of the o-, m-, and p-chlorotoluene radical cations to C7H7+ (benzylium and tropylium). There are four different paths to C7H7+, three to the benzylium ion and one to the tropylium ion, and all of them are coupled together. The branching to the multiple paths leads to the multiexponential decay of reactant with the branching ratio depending on both internal energy and time. To gain insights into the multipath branching, we study the detailed kinetics as a function of time and internal energy on the basis of ab inito/RRKM calculations. The number of reaction steps to C7H7+ is counted for each path. Of the three isomers, the meta mostly goes through the coupling, whereas the para proceeds with little or no coupling. In the beginning, some reactants with high internal energy decay fast to the benzylium ion without any coupling and others rearrange to the other isomers. Later on all three isomers dissociate to the products via long-lived intermediates. Thus, the reactant shows a multiexponential decay and the branching ratio varies with time as the average internal energy decreases with time. The reciprocal of the effective lifetime is taken as the rate constant. The resulting rate-energy curves are in line with experiments. The present results suggest that the coupling between the stable isomers is thermodynamically controlled, whereas the branching to the product is kinetically controlled.X1111Ysciescopu

    Journey of water in pine cones

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    Comparison of the functional features of the pump organs of Anopheles sinensis and Aedes togoi

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    Mosquitoes act as vectors for severe tropical diseases. Mosquito-borne diseases are affected by various factors such as environmental conditions, host body susceptibility, and mosquito feeding behavior. Among these factors, feeding behavior is affected by the feeding pump system located inside the mosquito head and also depends on the species of mosquito. Therefore, the 3D morphological structures of the feeding pumps of Aedes togoi and Anopheles sinensis were comparatively investigated using synchrotron X-ray microscopic computed tomography. In addition, the feeding behaviors of their pumping organs were also investigated using a 2D X-ray micro-imaging technique. An. sinensis, a malarial vector mosquito, had a larger feeding pump volume than Ae. togoi in the static or resting position. Interestingly, the two species of mosquitoes exhibited different feeding behaviors. Ae. togoi had a higher feeding frequency and expansion ratio than An. sinensis. Ae. togoi also exhibited F-actin localization more clearly. These distinctive variations in feeding volumes and behaviors provide essential insight into the blood-feeding mechanisms of female mosquitoes as vectors for tropical diseases.1124Ysciescopu

    Association of early atherosclerosis with vascular wall shear stress in hypercholesterolemic zebrafish

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    Although atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease, the role of hemodynamic information has become more important. Low and oscillating wall shear stress (WSS) that changes its direction is associated with the early stage of atherosclerosis. Several in vitro and in vivo models were proposed to reveal the relation between the WSS and the early atherosclerosis. However, these models possess technical limitations in mimicking real physiological conditions and monitoring the developmental course of the early atherosclerosis. In this study, a hypercholesterolaemic zebrafish model is proposed as a novel experimental model to resolve these limitations. Zebrafish larvae are optically transparent, which enables temporal observation of pathological variations under in vivo condition. WSS in blood vessels of 15 days post-fertilisation zebrafish was measured using a micro particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique, and spatial distribution of lipid deposition inside the model was quantitatively investigated after feeding high cholesterol diet for 10 days. Lipids were mainly deposited in blood vessel of low WSS. The oscillating WSS was not induced by the blood flows in zebrafish models. The present hypercholesterolaemic zebrafish would be used as a potentially useful model for in vivo study about the effects of low WSS in the early atherosclerosis.1144Ysciescopu

    Strength assessment of stiffened blast walls in offshore installations under explosions

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    Offshore installations are exposed to hydrocarbon explosions and/or fire accidents. Especially, explosions lead to serious damages to human, safety, and environment. To minimise and prevent the damage from explosions, blast walls are generally installed in oil and gas production structures. Typical blast walls are classified into flat, corrugated, and stiffened types. Among them, corrugated blast walls are frequently used for reasons such as construction, cost, and energy absorption. However, it has been known that a corrugated type of blast wall buckles between the web and flange under the explosion loads, and loses its stiffness. It means that the buckling phenomenon of a blast wall is closely related to the structural strength. This study investigates on the structural characteristics of a blast wall under quasi-static and dynamic (explosion) loads with or without a flat-plated stiffener. Finally, it can be concluded that the flat type of stiffeners are located at the buckling region to delay the buckling and improve the strength of blast walls

    A study on fire design accidental loads for aluminum safety helidecks

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    The helideck structure must satisfy the safety requirements associated with various environmental and accidental loads. Especially, there have been a number of fire accidents offshore due to helicopter collision (take-off and/or landing) in recent decades. To prevent further accidents, a substantial amount of effort has been directed toward the management of fire in the safety design of offshore helidecks. The aims of this study are to introduce and apply a procedure for quantitative risk assessment and management of fires by defining the fire loads with an applied example. The frequency of helicopter accidents are considered, and design accidental levels are applied. The proposed procedures for determining design fire loads can be efficiently applied in offshore helideck development projects