49 research outputs found

    Implicit Stacked Autoregressive Model for Video Prediction

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    Future frame prediction has been approached through two primary methods: autoregressive and non-autoregressive. Autoregressive methods rely on the Markov assumption and can achieve high accuracy in the early stages of prediction when errors are not yet accumulated. However, their performance tends to decline as the number of time steps increases. In contrast, non-autoregressive methods can achieve relatively high performance but lack correlation between predictions for each time step. In this paper, we propose an Implicit Stacked Autoregressive Model for Video Prediction (IAM4VP), which is an implicit video prediction model that applies a stacked autoregressive method. Like non-autoregressive methods, stacked autoregressive methods use the same observed frame to estimate all future frames. However, they use their own predictions as input, similar to autoregressive methods. As the number of time steps increases, predictions are sequentially stacked in the queue. To evaluate the effectiveness of IAM4VP, we conducted experiments on three common future frame prediction benchmark datasets and weather\&climate prediction benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance

    A Billion-scale Foundation Model for Remote Sensing Images

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    As the potential of foundation models in visual tasks has garnered significant attention, pretraining these models before downstream tasks has become a crucial step. The three key factors in pretraining foundation models are the pretraining method, the size of the pretraining dataset, and the number of model parameters. Recently, research in the remote sensing field has focused primarily on the pretraining method and the size of the dataset, with limited emphasis on the number of model parameters. This paper addresses this gap by examining the effect of increasing the number of model parameters on the performance of foundation models in downstream tasks such as rotated object detection and semantic segmentation. We pretrained foundation models with varying numbers of parameters, including 86M, 605.26M, 1.3B, and 2.4B, to determine whether performance in downstream tasks improved with an increase in parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first billion-scale foundation model in the remote sensing field. Furthermore, we propose an effective method for scaling up and fine-tuning a vision transformer in the remote sensing field. To evaluate general performance in downstream tasks, we employed the DOTA v2.0 and DIOR-R benchmark datasets for rotated object detection, and the Potsdam and LoveDA datasets for semantic segmentation. Experimental results demonstrated that, across all benchmark datasets and downstream tasks, the performance of the foundation models and data efficiency improved as the number of parameters increased. Moreover, our models achieve the state-of-the-art performance on several datasets including DIOR-R, Postdam, and LoveDA.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publicatio