343 research outputs found

    Rivalry in Toyer: The Impact of the Male Gaze and the Final Girl on Theatrical Conflict

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    Although much progress has been made in recent years, traditional gender roles still permeate society. This project investigated gender constructs in relation to choreographed violence and found that females are often victims unless they adopt masculine survival styles, while males are usually aggressors – particularly towards females. Analysis of the characters in the play Toyer by Gardner McKay supported this conclusion

    An Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Pre- and Post- ‘SODOTO’ Model of Intervention in the Mobile Teaching Kitchen

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    Despite improvements in the overall status of malnutrition in India, the numbers remain alarmingly high. In order to address this problem in rural India, the Need for Nutrition Education/Innovation Program (NNEdPro) Global Center for Health and Nutrition, the Remedy Clinic Study Group in Kolkata, and the Inner Wheel Club for Greater Calcutta launched the Bhavishya Shakti Mobile Teaching Kitchen (MTK) project in two slums in Kolkata, India. The Bhavishya Shakti MTK project seeks to ameliorate the level of malnutrition in rural India by improving diet diversity and awareness through cooking demonstrations of sustainable, nutritious, and affordable meals. Locally trained volunteers follow a ‘See One, Do One, Teach One’ (SODOTO) model to transfer nutrition knowledge to their peers

    第12章 遺留分

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    川井健・鎌田薫・棚村政行 編

    第十九章 死亡退職金と相続

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    Evaluation and Stability Analysis of Onshore Wind Turbine Supporting Structures

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    This chapter shows research of stability of supporting structure of onshore wind turbine foundations based on field measurements, finite element (FE) analysis and laboratory experiment. In order to investigate the relation of action-response of tower-foundation system, long-term field measurements were carried out for two existing onshore wind turbines with/without piles for its foundations. Then, the models were built up for three-dimensional nonlinear FE analyses. The damage processes of reaching failure were examined by FE models, and limit state of foundations was individually defined by fatigue limit state of concrete. Consequently, the stress-number of cycle (S-N) diagram derived from both experiment and analysis was discussed for the assessment of existing structure

    第20講 家庭紛争の予防と調停

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    第八章 連帯債務の相続

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