20 research outputs found

    Chronische Schlaflosigkeit – ein häufiger Konsultationsanlass

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    Changes in the attractiveness of medical careers and career determinants during the bachelor's program at Zurich medical schools

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    BACKGROUND: Monitoring the career intentions of medical students during their undergraduate studies could help to address the shortage of physicians, particularly in general practice. This study aimed to investigate changes in medical students' career openness, attractiveness and determinants of medical career choice during their bachelor's studies. METHODS: The design was cross-sectional, recruiting all medical students who started a bachelor's program in one of the four different educational tracks in Zurich, Switzerland, in the fall of 2019 (first survey) and completed it in the summer of 2022 (second survey). Students' perceptions of the attractiveness and determinants of different medical career options were assessed using a structured online questionnaire. Absolute changes between the two-time points were reported in percentage points overall and by educational track. Regression analysis was used to examine the association of student characteristics and determinants of career options with the attractiveness of each option. RESULTS: We surveyed 354 medical students at the beginning and 433 at the end of the bachelor's program (participation rate: 71.1% and 86.9%, respectively). Overall, the proportion of students open to all proposed medical career options decreased (from 52.8% to 43.8%, p = 0.004). The attractiveness of outpatient gynecology or pediatrics increased (from 27.4% to 43.4%, p < 0.001), whereas the attractiveness of both general and specialized inpatient care decreased (from 47.8% to 40.3%, p = 0.05 and from 71.1% to 61.1%, p = 0.006 respectively). There was an increase in the proportion of students who perceived part-time work, autonomy and relationships with patients as important career determinants (from 47.3% to 64.7%, p < 0.001; from 63.3% to 77.8%, p < 0.001; from 80.8% to 89.3%, p = 0.002 respectively), while the importance of reputation and career opportunities decreased (from 42.6% to 26.2%, p < 0.001; from 79.2% to 63.6%, p < 0.001 respectively). The importance of part-time work and relationships with patients were positively associated with the attractiveness of general practice. CONCLUSIONS: During the bachelor's program, the attractiveness of a career in general practice tended to decrease, but the importance of part-time work, autonomy and relationships with patients as career determinants increased. Helping students understand how these determinants relate to general practice may increase their interest in the profession

    The health-related quality of life, mental health and mental illnesses of patients with inclusion body myositis (IBM) : results of a mixed methods systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is a rare neuromuscular disease (NMD) and effective therapies are not available. Thus, it is relevant to determine the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in IBM patients including aspects of mental health and illnesses. OBJECTIVES: To identify and summarize the assessment of HRQoL, mental health and illnesses in IBM, the major factors that determine and influence them as well as the respective influence of IBM in general and compared to other NMD as a systematic review. METHODS: We performed a mixed methods systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was conducted within the databases PubMed, PsycINFO, LIVIVO and the Cochrane Database. Data were narratively summarized and categorized in the physical, psychological and social HRQoL dimensions. RESULTS: The systematic screening totalled 896 articles. Six studies were finally identified, comprising of 586 IBM patients. The applied patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) varied. Quantitatively, the main physical impairments (e.g. weakness, functioning, role perception) were assessed using the general population or other NMD as comparators. Results on social and psychological HRQoL were frequently inconsistent. Qualitatively, psychological and social limitations accompanied IBM related physical deteriorations. CONCLUSIONS: A research gap exists regarding rigour determinants of HRQoL and mental illness in IBM. In-depth qualitative studies could help to prepare the ground for the assessment of long-term HRQoL data combined with appropriately focussed psychological PROMs advancing the understanding of the HRQoL in IBM throughout the course of the disease from a patient perspective. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13023-022-02382-x

    Extreme Sexual Brain Size Dimorphism in Sticklebacks: A Consequence of the Cognitive Challenges of Sex and Parenting?

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    Selection pressures that act differently on males and females produce numerous differences between the sexes in morphology and behaviour. However, apart from the controversial report that males have slightly heavier brains than females in humans, evidence for substantial sexual dimorphism in brain size is scarce. This apparent sexual uniformity is surprising given that sexually distinct selection pressures are ubiquitous and that brains are one of the most plastic vertebrate organs. Here we demonstrate the highest level of sexual brain size dimorphism ever reported in any vertebrate: male three-spined stickleback of two morphs in an Icelandic lake have 23 % heavier brains than females. We suggest that this dramatic sexual size dimorphism is generated by the many cognitively demanding challenges that males are faced in this species, such as an elaborate courtship display, the construction of an ornate nest and a male-only parental care system. However, we consider also alternative explanations for smaller brains in females, such as life-history trade-offs. Our demonstration of unprecedented levels of sexual dimorphism in brain size in the three-spined stickleback implies that behavioural and life-history differences among the sexes can have strong effects also on neural development and propose

    Characteristics of poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes patients in Swiss primary care

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    BACKGROUND: Although a variety of treatment guidelines for Type 2 diabetes patients are available, a majority of patients does not achieve recommended targets. We aimed to characterise Type 2 diabetes patients from Swiss primary care who miss HbA1c treatment goals and to reveal factors associated with the poorly controlled HbA1c level. METHODS: Cross-sectional study nested within the cluster randomised controlled Chronic Care for Diabetes study. Type 2 diabetes patients with at least one HbA1c measurement ≥ 7.0 % during the last year were recruited from Swiss primary care. Data assessment included diabetes specific and general clinical measures, treatment factors and patient reported outcomes. RESULTS: 326 Type 2 diabetes patients from 30 primary care practices with a mean age 67.1 ± 10.6 years participated in the study. The patients' findings for HbA1c were 7.7 ± 1.3 %, for systolic blood pressure 139.1 ± 17.6 mmHg, for diastolic blood pressure 80.9 ± 10.5 mmHg and for low density lipoprotein 2.7 ± 1.1. 93.3 % of the patients suffered from at least one comorbidity and were treated with 4.8 ± 2.1 different drugs. No determining factor was significantly related to HbA1c in the multiple analysis, but a significant clustering effect of GPs on HbA1c could be found. CONCLUSIONS: Within our sample of patients with poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes, no "bullet points" could be pointed out which can be addressed easily by some kind of intervention. Especially within this subgroup of diabetes patients who would benefit the most from appropriate interventions to improve diabetes control, a complex interaction between diabetes control, comorbidities, GPs' treatment and patients' health behaviour seems to exist. So far this interaction is only poorly described and understood

    Inclusion body myositis—health-related quality of life and care situation during phases of the “patience journey” in Germany: results from a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background To understand the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in inclusion body myositis (IBM) from a holistic perspective on the background of a complex care situation. The focus was on how the patient journey may be structured over the course of this rare disease. Methods An exploratory qualitative study was performed via in-depth semi-structured interviews. Seven patients (males n = 5) with 2011 European Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC) IBM criteria from the German IBM patient registry were interviewed for this study. The dynamic network approach of resilience and the throughput-model of health services research were used to structure the qualitative analysis. Results Our results suggest that IBM patients experience the holistic HRQoL and care situation typically in four phases: (1) uncertainty about physical vulnerability until diagnosis, (2) promising treatment approaches, (3) self-management and dyadic coping, (4) weak body, busy mind and caregiver burden. The homophonous in-vivo code “patience journey” describes the frequently reported emotional perspective of the patient journey. Although the overarching theme of perceived social support varied throughout these phases, a reliable patient-partner-dyad may lead to improved HRQoL in the long-term. Conclusions New hypotheses for future quantitative research were generated to better understand the IBM patients’ burden in the long term. The identified relevance of social support emphasizes the patients’ need to handle IBM as manageable in medical settings. During exhausting phases of IBM progression, more effective care elements for patients and their partners could disclose varying needs. Strengthening multi-professional healthcare services via individualised informational, practical, or emotional support could improve HRQoL, especially since there is no curative treatment available so far