5 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis between Sea Surface Salinity Derived from SMOS Satellite Retrievals and in Situ Measurements

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    Validating Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data has become a key component of the Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite mission. In this study, the gridded SMOS SSS products are compared with in situ SSS data from analyzed products, a ship-based thermosalinograph and a tropical moored buoy array. The comparison was conducted at different spatial and temporal scales. A regional comparison in the Baltic Sea shows that SMOS slightly underestimates the mean SSS values. The influence of river discharge overrides the temperature in the Baltic Sea, bringing larger biases near river mouths in warm seasons. The global comparison with two Optimal Interpolated (OI) gridded in situ products shows consistent large-scale structures. Excluding regions with large SSS biases, the mean ΔSSS between monthly gridded SMOS data and OI in situ data is −0.01 PSU in most open sea areas between 60°S and 60°N, with a mean Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) of 0.2 PSU and a mean correlation coefficient of 0.50. An interannual tendency of mean ΔSSS shifting from negative to positive between satellite SSS and in situ SSS has been identified in tropical to mid-latitude seas, especially across the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. A comparison with collocated buoy salinity shows that on weekly and interannual scales, the SMOS Level 3 (L3) product well captures the SSS variations at the locations of tropical moored buoy arrays and shows similar performance with in situ gridded products. Excluding suspicious buoys, the synergetic analysis of SMOS, SMAP and gridded in situ products is capable of identifying the erroneous data, implying that satellite SSS has the potential to act as a real-time 27 Quality Control (QC) for buoy data

    Practical Dynamical-Statistical Reconstruction of Ocean’s Interior from Satellite Observations

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    The algorithms based on Surface Quasi-Geostrophic (SQG) dynamics have been developed and validated by many researchers through model products, however it is still doubtful whether these SQG-based algorithms are worth using in terms of observed data. This paper analyzes the factors impeding the practical application of SQG and makes amends by a simple “first-guess (FG) framework”. The proposed framework includes the correction of satellite salinity and the estimation of the FG background, making the SQG-based algorithms applicable in realistic circumstances. The dynamical-statistical method SQG-mEOF-R is thereafter applied to satellite data for the first time. The results are compared with two dynamical algorithms, SQG and isQG, and three empirical algorithms, multivariate linear regression (MLR), random forest (RF), and mEOF-R. The validation against Argo profiles showed that the SQG-mEOF-R presents a robust performance in mesoscale reconstruction and outperforms the other five algorithms in the upper layers. It is promising that the SQG-mEOF-R and the FG framework are applicable to operational reconstruction

    Practical Dynamical-Statistical Reconstruction of Ocean’s Interior from Satellite Observations

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    The algorithms based on Surface Quasi-Geostrophic (SQG) dynamics have been developed and validated by many researchers through model products, however it is still doubtful whether these SQG-based algorithms are worth using in terms of observed data. This paper analyzes the factors impeding the practical application of SQG and makes amends by a simple “first-guess (FG) framework”. The proposed framework includes the correction of satellite salinity and the estimation of the FG background, making the SQG-based algorithms applicable in realistic circumstances. The dynamical-statistical method SQG-mEOF-R is thereafter applied to satellite data for the first time. The results are compared with two dynamical algorithms, SQG and isQG, and three empirical algorithms, multivariate linear regression (MLR), random forest (RF), and mEOF-R. The validation against Argo profiles showed that the SQG-mEOF-R presents a robust performance in mesoscale reconstruction and outperforms the other five algorithms in the upper layers. It is promising that the SQG-mEOF-R and the FG framework are applicable to operational reconstruction

    Predicting Ocean Temperature in High-Frequency Internal Wave Area with Physics-Guided Deep Learning: A Case Study from the South China Sea

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    Higher-accuracy long-term ocean temperature prediction plays a critical role in ocean-related research fields and climate forecasting (e.g., oceanic internal waves and mesoscale eddies). The essential component of traditional physics-based numerical models for ocean temperature prediction is solving partial differential equations (PDEs), which has immense challenges in terms of parameterization, initial values, and boundary conditions setting. Moreover, the existing machine learning models for ocean temperature prediction have “black box” problems, and the influence of external dynamic factors is not considered. Moreover, it is hard to judge whether the model satisfies certain physical laws. In this paper, we propose a physics-guided spatio-temporal data analysis model based on the widely used ConvLSTM model to achieve long-term ocean temperature prediction and adopt two schemes to train the model in vector output and multiple parallel input and multi-step output. Meanwhile, considering the spatio-temporal correlation, physical information such as oceanic stable stratification is introduced to guide the model training. We evaluate our proposed approach on several popular deep learning models in different timesteps and data volumes in the northern coast of the South China Sea, where the frequent occurrence of internal waves leads to an intensity trend of a local transformation of sea temperature. The results show higher prediction accuracy compared with the traditional LSTM, and ConvLSTM models, and the introduction of physical laws can improve data utilization while enhancing the physical consistency of the model

    Correction of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Products Using Ensemble Learning Method

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    Although salinity satellites can provide high-resolution global sea surface salinity (SSS) data, the satellite data still display large errors close to the coast. In this paper, a nonlinear empirical method based on random forest is proposed to correct two Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L3 products in the tropical Indian Ocean, including SMOS BEC and SMOS CATDS data. The agreement between in-situ data and the corrected SMOS data is better than that between in-situ data and the original satellite data. The root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the satellite SSS data decreased from 0.366 to 0.275 and from 0.367 to 0.255 for SMOS BEC and SMOS CATDS, respectively. The effect of the correction model was better in the Arabian Sea than in the Bay of Bengal. The RMSD of corrected BEC (CATDS) SSS was reduced from 0.44 (0.48) to 0.276 (0.269), and the correlation coefficient was increased to 0.915 from 0.741(0.801) in the Arabian Sea while the correlation coefficient improved less than 0.02 in the Bay of Bengal. The cross-validation results highlight the robustness and effectiveness of the correction model. Additionally, the effects of different features on the correction model are discussed to demonstrate the vital role of geographical information in the correction of satellite SSS data. The proposed method outperformed other machine-learning methods with respect to the RMSD and correlation coefficient