37 research outputs found

    Direct observation of a surface resonance state and surface band inversion control in black phosphorus

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    We report a Cs-doping-induced band inversion and the direct observation of a surface resonance state with an elliptical Fermi surface in black phosphorus (BP) using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. By selectively inducing a higher electron concentration (1.7 × 1014 cm−2) in the topmost layer, the changes in the Coulomb potential are sufficiently large to cause surface band inversion between the parabolic valence band of BP and a parabolic surface state around the point of the BP Brillouin zone. Tight-binding calculations reveal that band gap openings at the crossing points in the two high-symmetry directions of the Brillouin zone require out-of-plane hopping and breaking of the glide mirror symmetry. Ab initio calculations are in very good agreement with the experiment if a stacking fault on the BP surface is taken into account. The demonstrated level of control over the band structure suggests the potential application of few-layer phosphorene in topological field-effect transistors

    Structural and electronic properties of epitaxial multilayer h-BN on Ni(111) for spintronics applications

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is a promising material for implementation in spintronics due to a large band gap, low spin-orbit coupling, and a small lattice mismatch to graphene and to close-packed surfaces of fcc-Ni(111) and hcp-Co(0001). Epitaxial deposition of h-BN on ferromagnetic metals is aimed at small interface scattering of charge and spin carriers. We report on the controlled growth of h-BN/Ni(111) by means of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Structural and electronic properties of this system are investigated using cross-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron spectroscopies which confirm good agreement with the properties of bulk h-BN. The latter are also corroborated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, revealing that the first h-BN layer at the interface to Ni is metallic. Our investigations demonstrate that MBE is a promising, versatile alternative to both the exfoliation approach and chemical vapour deposition of h-BN

    Field Emission Studies of Heat Treated Mo Substrates

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    Molybdenum can be used as a substrate for the bi alkali antimonide photocathodes utilized for the generation of high brightness electron beams in a superconducting radio frequency SRF photoinjector cavities. Operation at high field strength is required to obtain a low emittance beam, thus increasing the probability of field emission FE from the cathode surface. Usually, substrates are heated in situ before alkali de position to remove oxide layers from the surface. FE on Mo substrates was measured by means of a field emission scanning microscope FESM . It turned out that in situ heat treatment HT of the Mo surface significantly changes the FE behaviour by activation of new emitters. For a better understanding of the mechanism for enhanced emission after in situ heating a witness Mo sample was investigated using x ray photoelectron spectroscop

    Evolution of electronic structure of few-layer phosphorene from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of black phosphorous

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    A complete set of tight-binding parameters for the description of the quasiparticle dispersion relations of black phosphorous (BP) and N-layer phosphorene with N = 1 ...∞ is presented. The parameters, which describe valence and conduction bands, are fit to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data of pristine and lithium doped BP. We show that zone-folding of the experimental three-dimensional electronic band structure of BP is a simple and intuitive method to obtain the layer-dependent two-dimensional electronic structure of few-layer phosphorene. Zone folding yields the band gap of N-layer phosphorene in excellent quantitative agreement to experiments and ab initio calculations. A combined analysis of optical absorption and ARPES spectra of pristine and doped BP is used to estimate a value for the exciton binding energy of BP

    Atomically precise semiconductor-graphene and hBN interfaces by Ge intercalation

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    The full exploration of the potential, which graphene offers to nanoelectronics requires its integration into semiconductor technology. So far the real-world applications are limited by the ability to concomitantly achieve large single-crystalline domains on dielectrics and semiconductors and to tailor the interfaces between them. Here we show a new direct bottom-up method for the fabrication of high-quality atomically precise interfaces between 2D materials, like graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and classical semiconductor via Ge intercalation. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and complementary DFT modelling we observed for the first time that epitaxially grown graphene with the Ge monolayer underneath demonstrates Dirac Fermions unaffected by the substrate as well as an unperturbed electronic band structure of hBN. This approach provides the intrinsic relativistic 2D electron gas towards integration in semiconductor technology. Hence, these new interfaces are a promising path for the integration of graphene and hBN into state-of-the-art semiconductor technology

    Electrical resistivity, magnetism and electronic structure of the intermetallic 3d/4f Laves phase compounds ErNi2Mnx

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    The non-stoichiometric intermetallic compounds RENi2Mnx (RE = rare earth) with the cubic MgCu2-type structure display a large variety of magnetic properties which is due to a complex interplay between the degrees of freedom of the 3d and 4f electrons and their interactions. We performed a comprehensive study of the electrical resistivity, magnetic properties and the electronic structure of ErNi2Mnx (x =0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25) compounds by employing a suitable set of complementary experimental approaches. We find an increase in electrical resistance compared to ErNi2 upon Mn doping, the residual resistivity ratio decreases with increasing manganese content. The Curie temperature exhibits a sharp increase to around 50 K for Mn concentrations x 0.5, whereas the saturation magnetization decreases with growing Mn content x 0.5. Valence band X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals an increasing intensity of Mn 3d states near Fermi energy in dependence of Mn concentration and Curie temperature. Resonant photoelectron spectroscopy of ErNi2Mn0.75 reveals that the photoemission decay channels dominate the valence band spectra across the Er N5 and Mn L3 X-ray absorption maxima, whereas the L3VV Auger dictates the resonant valence band spectra close to and at the Ni L3 X-ray absorption edge

    Spectroscopic characterization of N

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