9,698 research outputs found

    Field Induced Supersolid Phase in Spin-One Heisenberg Models

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    We use quantum Monte Carlo methods to demonstrate that the quantum phase diagram of the S=1 Heisenberg model with uniaxial anisotropy contains an extended supersolid phase. We also show that this Hamiltonian is a particular case of a more general and ubiquitous model that describes the low energy spectrum of a class of {\it isotropic} and {\it frustrated} spin systems. This crucial result provides the required guidance for finding experimental realizations of a spin supersolid state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Non-equilibrium dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model: A projection operator approach

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    We study the phase diagram and non-equilibrium dynamics, both subsequent to a sudden quench of the hopping amplitude JJ and during a ramp J(t)=Jt/τJ(t)=Jt/\tau with ramp time τ\tau, of the Bose-Hubbard model at zero temperature using a projection operator formalism which allows us to incorporate the effects of quantum fluctuations beyond mean-field approximations in the strong coupling regime. Our formalism yields a phase diagram which provides a near exact match with quantum Monte Carlo results in three dimensions. We also compute the residual energy QQ, the superfluid order parameter Δ(t)\Delta(t), the equal-time order parameter correlation function C(t)C(t), and the wavefunction overlap FF which yields the defect formation probability PP during non-equilibrium dynamics of the model. We find that QQ, FF, and PP do not exhibit the expected universal scaling. We explain this absence of universality and show that our results compare well with recent experiments.Comment: Replaced with the accepted version, added one figure. 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Semiclassical Limit for SU(2)SU(2) and SO(3)SO(3) Gauge Theory on the Torus

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    We prove that for SU(2)SU(2) and SO(3)SO(3) quantum gauge theory on a torus, holonomy expectation values with respect to the Yang-Mills measure d\mu_T(\o) =N_T^{-1}e^{-S_{YM}(\o)/T}[{\cal D}\o] converge, as T↓0T\downarrow 0, to integrals with respect to a symplectic volume measure μ0\mu_0 on the moduli space of flat connections on the bundle. These moduli spaces and the symplectic structures are described explicitly.Comment: 18 page

    Modulus stabilization of generalized Randall Sundrum model with bulk scalar field

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    We study the stabilization of inter-brane spacing modulus of generalized warped brane models with a nonzero brane cosmological constant. Employing Goldberger-Wise stabilization prescription of brane world models with a bulk scalar field, we show that the stabilized value of the modulus generally depends on the value of the brane cosmological constant. Our result further reveals that the stabilized modulus value corresponding to a vanishingly small cosmological constant can only resolve the gauge hierarchy problem simultaneously. This in turn vindicates the original Randall-Sundrum model where the 3-brane cosmological constant was chosen to be zero.Comment: 12 Pages, 1 figure, Revtex, Version to appear in Euro. Phys. Let

    A projection operator approach to the Bose-Hubbard model

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    We develop a projection operator formalism for studying both the zero temperature equilibrium phase diagram and the non-equilibrium dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model. Our work, which constitutes an extension of Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 106}, 095702 (2011), shows that the method provides an accurate description of the equilibrium zero temperature phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model for several lattices in two- and three-dimensions (2D and 3D). We show that the accuracy of this method increases with the coordination number z0z_0 of the lattice and reaches to within 0.5% of quantum Monte Carlo data for lattices with z0=6z_0=6. We compute the excitation spectra of the bosons using this method in the Mott and the superfluid phases and compare our results with mean-field theory. We also show that the same method may be used to analyze the non-equilibrium dynamics of the model both in the Mott phase and near the superfluid-insulator quantum critical point where the hopping amplitude JJ and the on-site interaction UU satisfy z0J/U≪1z_0J/U \ll 1. In particular, we study the non-equilibrium dynamics of the model both subsequent to a sudden quench of the hopping amplitude JJ and during a ramp from JiJ_i to JfJ_f characterized by a ramp time τ\tau and exponent α\alpha: J(t)=Ji+(Jf−Ji)(t/τ)αJ(t)=J_i +(J_f-J_i) (t/\tau)^{\alpha}. We compute the wavefunction overlap FF, the residual energy QQ, the superfluid order parameter Δ(t)\Delta(t), the equal-time order parameter correlation function C(t)C(t), and the defect formation probability PP for the above-mentioned protocols and provide a comparison of our results to their mean-field counterparts. We find that QQ, FF, and PP do not exhibit the expected universal scaling. We explain this absence of universality and show that our results for linear ramps compare well with the recent experimental observations.Comment: v2; new references and new sections adde

    Single-file diffusion and kinetics of template assisted assembly of colloids

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    We report computer simulation studies of the kinetics of ordering of a two dimensional system of particles on a template with a one dimensional periodic pattern. In equilibrium one obtains a re-entrant liquid-solid-liquid phase transition as the strength of the substrate potential is varied. We show that domains of crystalline order grow as ∼t1/z\sim t^{1/z}, with z∼4z \sim 4 with a possible cross-over to z∼2z \sim 2 at late times. We argue that the t1/4t^{1/4} law originates from {\em single-file} motion and annihilation of defect pairs of opposite topological charge along channels created by the template.Comment: 4 pages pdflatex 4 pdf figure

    An anomalous magnetic phase transition at 10 K in Nd7Rh3

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    The compound, Nd7Rh3, crystallizing in Th7Fe3-type hexagonal structure, has been shown recently by us to exhibit a signature of magnetic phase-coexistence phenomenon below 10 K after a field cycling, uncharacteristic of stoichiometric intermetallic compounds, bearing a relevance to the trends in the field of electronic phase-separation. In order to characterize this compound further, we have carried out dc magnetic susceptibility (chi), electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance and heat-capacity measurements as a function temperature (T= 1.8 to 300 K). The results reveal that this compound exhibits another unusual finding at the 10K-transition in the sense that the plot of chi(T) shows a sharp increase in the field-cooled cycle, whereas the zero-field-cooled curve shows a downturn below the transition. In addition, the sign of magnetoresistance is negative and the magnitude is large over a wide temperature range in the vicinity of magnetic ordering temperature, with a sharp variation at 10 K. The results indicate that the transition below 10 K is first-order in its character.Comment: Appeared in JPCM (Letters) 18 (2006) L40

    Chemotactic predator-prey dynamics

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    A discrete chemotactic predator-prey model is proposed in which the prey secrets a diffusing chemical which is sensed by the predator and vice versa. Two dynamical states corresponding to catching and escaping are identified and it is shown that steady hunting is unstable. For the escape process, the predator-prey distance is diffusive for short times but exhibits a transient subdiffusive behavior which scales as a power law t1/3t^{1/3} with time tt and ultimately crosses over to diffusion again. This allows to classify the motility and dynamics of various predatory bacteria and phagocytes. In particular, there is a distinct region in the parameter space where they prove to be infallible predators.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin Supersolid in Anisotropic Spin-One Heisenberg Chain

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    We consider an S=1 Heisenberg chain with strong exchange (Delta) and single--ion uniaxial anisotropy (D) in a magnetic field (B) along the symmetry axis. The low energy spectrum is described by an effective S=1/2 XXZ model that acts on two different low energy sectors for a given window of fields. The vacuum of each sector exhibits Ising-like antiferromagnetic ordering that coexists with the finite spin stiffness obtained from the exact solution of the effective XXZ model. In this way, we demonstrate the existence of a spin supersolid phase. We also compute the full Delta-B quantum phase diagram by means of a quantum Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 fig
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