103 research outputs found

    Density-temperature scaling of the fragility in a model glass-former

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    Dynamical quantities such as the diffusion coefficient and relaxation times for some glass-formers may depend on density and temperature through a specific combination, rather than independently, allowing the representation of data over ranges of density and temperature as a function of a single scaling variable. Such a scaling, referred to as density - temperature (DT) scaling, is exact for liquids with inverse power law (IPL) interactions but has also been found to be approximately valid in many non-IPL liquids. We have analyzed the consequences of DT scaling on the density dependence of the fragility in a model glass-former. We find the density dependence of kinetic fragility to be weak, and show that it can be understood in terms of DT scaling and deviations of DT scaling at low densities. We also show that the Adam-Gibbs relation exhibits DT scaling and the scaling exponent computed from the density dependence of the activation free energy in the Adam-Gibbs relation, is consistent with the exponent values obtained by other means

    Dependence of the fragility of a glass former on the softness of interparticle interactions

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    We study the influence of the softness of the interparticle interactions on the fragility of a glass former, by considering three model binary mixture glass formers. The interaction potential between particles is a modified Lennard-Jones type potential, with the repulsive part of the potential varying with an inverse power qq of the interparticle distance, and the attractive part varying with an inverse power pp. We consider the combinations (12,11) (model I), (12,6) (model II) and (8,5) (model III) for (q,p) such that the interaction potential becomes softer from model I to III. We evaluate the kinetic fragilities from the temperature variation of diffusion coefficients and relaxation times, and a thermodynamic fragility from the temperature variation of the configuration entropy. We find that the kinetic fragility increases with increasing softness of the potential, consistent with previous results for these model systems, but at variance with the thermodynamic fragility, which decreases with increasing softness of the interactions, as well as expectations from earlier results. We rationalize our results by considering the full form of the Adam-Gibbs relation, which requires, in addition to the temperature dependence of the configuration entropy, knowledge of the high temperature activation energies ino rder to determine fragility. We show that consideration of the scaling of the high temperature activation energy with the liquid density, analyzed in recent studies, provides a partial rationalization of the observed behavior

    The Adam-Gibbs relation for glass-forming liquids in 2, 3 and 4 dimensions

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    The Adam-Gibbs relation between relaxation times and the configurational entropy has been tested extensively for glass formers using experimental data and computer simulation results. Although the form of the relation contains no dependence on the spatial dimensionality in the original formulation, subsequent derivations of the Adam-Gibbs relation allow for such a possibility. We test the Adam-Gibbs relation in 2, 3, and 4 spatial dimensions using computer simulations of model glass formers. We find that the relation is valid in 3 and 4 dimensions. But in 2 dimensions, the relation does not hold, and interestingly, no single alternate relation describes the results for the different model systems we study.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in two, three and four dimensions

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    The breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation between diffusivity and viscosity at low temperatures is considered to be one of the hallmarks of glassy dynamics in liquids. Theoretical analyses relate this breakdown with the presence of heterogeneous dynamics, and by extension, with the fragility of glass formers. We perform an investigation of the breakdown of the SE relation in 2, 3 and 4 dimensions, in order to understand these interrelations. Results from simulations of model glass formers show that the degree of the breakdown of the SE relation decreases with increasing spatial dimensionality. The breakdown itself can be rationalized via the difference between the activation free energies for diffusivity and viscosity (or relaxation times) in the Adam-Gibbs relation in three and four dimensions. The behavior in two dimensions also can be understood in terms of a generalized Adam-Gibbs relation that is observed in previous work. We calculate various measures of heterogeneity of dynamics and find that the degree of the SE breakdown and measures of heterogeneity of dynamics are generally well correlated but with some exceptions. The two dimensional systems we study show deviations from the pattern of behavior of the three and four dimensional systems both at high and low temperatures. The fragility of the studied liquids is found to increase with spatial dimensionality, contrary to the expectation based on the association of fragility with heterogeneous dynamics

    Is the glassy dynamics same in 2D as in 3D? The Adam Gibbs relation test

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    It has been recognized of late that even amorphous, glass-forming materials in two dimensions (2D) are significantly affected by Mermin-Wagner type long wavelength thermal fluctuation which is inconsequential in three (3D) and higher dimensions. Thus any study of glassy dynamics in 2D should first remove the effect of such fluctuations. The present work considers the question of whether the role of spatial dimension on glassy dynamics is only limited to such fluctuations, or whether the nature of glassy dynamics is intrinsically different in 2D. We address this issue by studying the relationship between dynamics and thermodynamics within the framework of the Adam-Gibbs (AG) relation and its generalization the Random First Order Transition (RFOT) theory. Using two model glass-forming liquids we find that even after removing the effect of long wavelength fluctuations, the AG relation breaks down in two dimensions. Then we consider the effect of anharmonicity of vibrational entropy - a second factor highlighted recently that can qualitatively change the nature of dynamics. We explicitly compute the configurational entropy both with and without the anharmonic correction. We show that the anharmonic correction reduces the extent of deviation from the AG relation, but even after taking into account its effects, the AG relation still breaks down in 2D. It is also more prominent if one considers diffusion coefficient rather than α\alpha-relaxation time. Overall, the impact of the anharmonicity of vibration is larger than the long wavelength fluctuation in determining the qualitative relation between timescales and entropy. The extent and nature of deviation from the AG relation crucially depends on the attractive vs. repulsive nature of the inter-particle interaction. Thus our results suggest that the glassy dynamics in 2D may be intrinsically different from that in 3D

    Glass Transition in Supercooled Liquids with Medium Range Crystalline Order

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    The origins of rapid dynamical slow down in glass forming liquids in the growth of static length scales, possibly associated with identifiable structural ordering, is a much debated issue. Growth of medium range crystalline order (MRCO) has been observed in various model systems to be associated with glassy behaviour. Such observations raise the question about the eventual state reached by a glass former, if allowed to relax for sufficiently long times. Is a slowly growing crystalline order responsible for slow dynamics? Are the molecular mechanisms for glass transition in liquids with and without MRCO the same? If yes, glass formers with MRCO provide a paradigm for understanding glassy behaviour generically. If not, systems with MRCO form a new class of glass forming materials whose molecular mechanism for slow dynamics may be easier to understand in terms of growing crystalline order, and should be approached in that manner, even while they will not provide generic insights. In this study we perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a number of glass forming liquids in two dimensions and show that the static and dynamic properties of glasses with MRCO are different from other glass forming liquids with no predominant local order. We also resolve an important issue regarding the so-called Point-to-set method for determining static length scales, and demonstrate it to be a robust, order agnostic, method for determining static correlation lengths in glass formers