10 research outputs found

    Modified Power law Inflation: solution to the graceful exit problem and improvement of dark energy models

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    We study power law inflation (PLI) with a monomial potential and find a novel exact solution. It is well known that conventional PLI with exponential potential is inconsistent with the Planck data. Unlike the standard PLI, present model does not suffer from graceful exit problem and it agrees fairly well with recent observations. We have calculated the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio which are in very good agreement with recent observational data and also comparable with other modified inflationary models. A technique has been used which shows that the large cosmological constant reduces with expansion of the Universe in case of the power law inflation. The coupling of the inflaton with gravitation is the main point in this technique. The basic assumption here is that the two metric tensors in the gravitational and the inflaton parts correspond to different conformal frames which is in contradiction with the conventional power law inflation where the inflaton directly coupled with the background metric tensor. This fact has direct application to different dark energy models and assisted quintessence theory

    Generalized phenomenological models of dark energy

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    It was first observed at the end of the last century that the universe is presently accelerating. Ever since, there have been several attempts to explain this observation theoretically. There are two possible approaches. The more conventional one is to modify the matter part of the Einstein Field Equations and the second one is to modify the geometry part. We shall consider two phenomenological models based on the former, more conventional approach within the context of General Relativity. The phenomenological models in this paper consider a Λ\Lambda term as a function of a¨a\frac{\ddot{a}}{a} and ρ\rho where aa and ρ\rho are the scale factor and matter-energy density respectively. Constraining the free parameters of the models with latest observational data gives satisfactory values of parameters as considered by us initially. Without any field-theoretic interpretation, we explain the recent observations with a dynamical cosmological constant.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Lorentzian wormhole in the framework of loop quantum cosmology

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    In this paper, we construct a traversable static Lorentzian wormhole in the effective scenario of Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), where the field equations are modified due to the ultraviolet (UV) corrections introduced at large space-time curvatures. A stable wormhole can be constructed in the effective scenario without the violation of Null energy condition (NEC) by physical matter at the throat. The NEC is effectively violated due to the corrections in the field equations from LQC, resolving the Weyl curvature singularity at the throat. However, the physical matter does violate the Strong energy condition (SEC), suggesting the interesting possibility that dark energy can be harnessed into a wormhole. A possible explanation for this is the presence of inherent pressure isotropy in the UV-corrected field equations (discussed and compared to braneworld wormholes in the discussion). No additional exotic ingredient (violating NEC) is required, avoiding quantum instabilities. The tidal forces at the throat do not diverge and also the throat is found to be stable. The wormhole features an attractive geometry. LQC can resolve both types of curvature singularities appearing at the black hole center and wormhole throat, without exotic matter.Comment: 10 Pages, 4 Figure

    Traversable Lorentzian wormhole on the Shtanov-Sahni braneworld with matter obeying the energy conditions

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    In this paper we have explored the possibility of constructing a traversable wormhole on the Shtanov-Sahni braneworld with a timelike extra dimension. We find that the Weyl curvature singularity at the throat of the wormhole can be removed with physical matter satisfying the NEC ρ+p0\rho+p \geq 0, even in the absence of any effective Λ\Lambda-term or any type of charge source on the brane. (The NEC is however violated by the effective matter description on the brane arising due to effects of higher dimensional gravity.) Besides satisfying NEC the matter constituting the wormhole also satisfies the Strong Energy Condition (SEC), ρ+3p0\rho+3p \geq 0, leading to the interesting possibility that normal matter on the brane may be harnessed into a wormhole. Incidentally, these conditions also need to be satisfied to realize a non-singular bounce and cyclic cosmology on the brane\cite{Sahni4} where both past and future singularities can be averted. Thus, such a cyclic universe on the brane, constituted of normal matter can naturally contain wormholes. The wormhole shape function on the brane with a time-like extra dimension represents the tubular structure of the wormhole spreading out at large radial distances much better than in wormholes constructed in a braneworld with a spacelike extra dimension and have considerably lower mass resulting in minimization of the amount of matter required to construct a wormhole. Wormholes in the Shtanov-Sahni (SS) braneworld also have sufficiently low tidal forces, facilitating traversability. Additionally they are found to be stable and exhibit a repulsive geometry. We are left with the intriguing possibilty that both types of curvature singularity can be resolved with the SS model, which we discuss at the end of the concluding section.Comment: 31 Pages, 16 Figure

    Skyrme Fluid in Anisotropic Universes with a Cosmological Constant

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    Cosmological solutions are obtained in an anisotropic Kantowski-Sachs and Bianchi Type-I universes considering a cosmological constant with Skyrme fluid as a matter source. The solutions in both the KS and Bianchi-I universes obtained here are found to differ significantly, specially with some striking difference like Bianchi-I universe admitting only oscillatory solutions for a particular type of matter configuration. Some new and interesting cosmological solutions are obtained due to the Skyrme fluid in the universe. The anisotropy parameter with the evolution of the universe for both the cases are determined and plotted for comparative study.Comment: The analysis is incomplete and vast change is being done which will reflect major modifications in our obtained result

    Lorentzian wormholes in an emergent universe

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    A non-singular Emergent Universe (EU) scenario within the realm of standard Relativistic physics requires a generalization of the Equation of State (EoS) connecting the pressure and energy density. This generalized EoS is capable of describing a composition of exotic matter, dark energy and cosmological dust matter. Since the EU scenario is known to violate the Null Energy Condition, we investigate the possibility of presence of static, spherically symmetric and traversable Lorentzian wormholes in an EU. The obtained shape function is found to satisfy the criteria for wormhole formation, besides the violation of the NEC at the wormhole throat and ensuring traversability such that tidal forces are within desirable limits. Also, the wormhole is found to be stable through linear stability analysis. Most importantly{importantly}, the numerical value of the emergent universe parameter BB as estimated by our wormhole model is in agreement with and lies within the range of values as constrained by observational data in a cosmological context. Also, the negative sign of the second EU parameter AA as obtained from our wormhole model is in agreement with the one required for describing an EU, which further indicates on the existence of such wormholes in an emergent universe without{without} accounting for any additional exotic matter field or any modification to the gravitational sector.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure