38 research outputs found

    Ultrametamorphism in Precambrian granulite terranes: evidence from Mg-AI granulites and calc-silicate granulites of the Eastern Ghats, India

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    High Mg-Al granulites and calc-silicate granulites provide evidence for ultra-high temperatures of metamorphism (ca. 1000°C) at moderate pressures (9-10 kbar) in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. Lack of proper geochronological data prevents the dating of this extreme metamorphism. High Mg-Al granulites contain different subsets of mineral assemblages involving spinel, quartz, sapphirine, cordierite, orthopyroxene, garnet and sillimanite coexisting with either rutile-ilmenite or titanohaematite-ferrianilmenite. These high Mg-AI rocks are poor in Zn and Cr, as reflected primarily in the composition of spinel. Evidence of ultra-high temperature metamorphism comes from (i) textural interpretation of the former coexistence of spinel-cordierite-quartz and sapphirine-quartz and stabilization of the assemblages orthopyroxene-sillimanite-cordierite and spinel-quartz-sapphirine-garnet and (ii) the high Al2O3 content of orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet and/or cordierite. Consideration of the sequence of deduced mineral reactions in petrogenetic grids in the system FMAS attests to an anticlockwise P-T path of evolution for the granulites. In calc-silicate granulites stabilization of nearly pure meionite and of the wollastonite-plagioclase-andradite-rich garnet, wollastonite-scapolite-grandite garnet-calcite association corroborate high temperatures of metamorphism. Conventional mineralogical geothermobarometry in all the rocks record lower temperatures (maximum 950°C) at 9-10 kbar pressures, attributed to resetting of the mineral compositions during cooling. Following peak metamorphism, the rocks firstly experienced near-isobaric cooling followed by near-isothermal decompression. On the basis of the available evidence it appears that non-extensional lithospheric thinning and/or heat input from basic/enderbitic magma are the causes of such ultra-high temperature metamorphism on an anticlockwise path in the Eastern Ghats Belt

    Indo-Antarctic correlation: a perspective from the Eastern Ghats granulite belt, India

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    Available lithological, petrological and geochronological data on the rocks of the Eastern Ghats Belt (EGB), which has a key role to play in any model of Indo-Antarctic correlation in Precambrian and Cambrian times, have been synthesized and interpreted. Longitudinal lithological subdivisions of the belt are mostly not supported by recent geochronological data, which rather suggest a fourfold division based on protolith ages of the ortho- and paragneisses. Mineral ages show prominent tectonothermal events at Mesoproterozoic, Grenvillian and Pan-African times. However, not all of the imprints of all the events are preserved in all the geochronological domains. In the most well-studied Domain II, three phases of metamorphism are recorded -an early ultra high-temperature metamorphism with an anticlockwise P-T path, a second granulite facies event at c. 1000 Ma, with a retrograde trajectory of near-isothermal decompression, and a third of amphibolite facies. The available information, however, is not conclusive as to whether or not the entire EGB experienced polyphase UHT metamorphism. The propagation of the Grenvillian orogenic front in the EGB is identified

    Tourmaline-bearing rocks in the Singhbhum shear zone, eastern India: evidence of boron infiltration during regional metamorphism

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    Frozen-in reaction textures combined with mineral chemistry of tourmaline-bearing metamorphic assemblages provide valuable information about fluid-rock interaction during orogenesis. Tourmaline occurs in four distinct mineralogical associations in the Singhbhum Shear Zone (SSZ) of the Precambrian East Indian craton. The tourmaline-bearing rocks are associated intimately with pelitic to psammopelitic and quartzofeldspasthic rocks, including meta-granite. The rocks were affected by two sets of folding (F1 and F2) and ductile shearing associated with F1 during ca. 1.6-1.8 Ga tectonic activity in this belt. Quantitative geothermobarometry and the stability relations of the metamorphic assemblages developed in the pelitic rocks establish the presence of two episodes of metamorphism; a prograde M1 event that culminated at 480 ± 40 °C, 6.4 ± 0.4 kbar, and an M2 event that caused retrogression of the M1 assemblages. Field and petrographic observations in combination with data on chemical composition of tourmaline indicate three stages of tourmaline growth. The earliest stage is represented by pretectonic (pre_metamorphic) greenish-yellow tourmaline cores in the tourmalinite from the Surda area (Association A). The textural relations demonstrate that in the second stage, greenish-yellow cores of oscillatory zoned tourmaline in the metagranite (albite + quartz + biotite + chlorite ± muscovite ± apatite ± magnetite, Association C), very fine tourmaline grains in muscovite schist (muscovite ± quartz, Association B) and greenish yellow cores of tourmaline in biotite-muscovite schist (biotite + muscovite + magnetite + chlorite + apatite+ quartz, Association D) crystallized during the F1-M1 events. Post-tectonic, greenish-blue tourmaline, belonging to the third stage, replaces the earlier tourmaline grains along their margins and cracks. Compositionally, tourmalines of all four associations fall in the alkali group. Most of the data fall in the dravite field with a few analyses straddling the boundary between schorl and dravite. An abrupt compositional change was noted across the different color zones in the tourmaline grains. This change is explained by one or more of the coupled substitutions, Al(NaR)-1, CaR(NaAl) -1, and Mg(Fe) -1, where R = Mg + Fe2+ + Mn. Integrating the field, petrographic, and phase-compositional data, it has been demonstrated that tourmaline growth in the second and third stages was induced by infiltration-driven, B metasomatism during prograde metamorphism of the rocks. Deep-seated magma was the source of the B-bearing hydrothermal fluid

    Aluminous and alkali-deficient tourmaline from the Singhbhum Shear Zone, East Indian shield: Insight for polyphase boron infiltration during regional metamorphism

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    In the western part of the Singhbhum Shear Zone (SSZ), East Indian Shield, borosilicate-bearing veins of variable thickness (tens of micrometers to 1 m thick) are hosted in kyanite-quartzite and kyanite-mica schist. The veins have been classified into three types, which are, from oldest to youngest, generation I (tourmaline), II (dumortierite + tourmaline), and III (tourmaline) veins. Alkali- and Mg-rich tourmaline [XMg = Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.68 ± 0.09; X = Na, Ca, K, {square} (vacancy) = 0.40 ± 0.12] is the sole borosilicate in generation I veins, which have been folded in response to regional deformation. Generation II veins were emplaced along shear bands (1 mm to 1 m thick) developed parallel to the axial planes of these folds. Long axes of fibrous dumortierite and prismatic tourmaline of generation II veins are oriented along the shear bands and have been bent around lenticular remnants of host kyanite-quartzite. Generation III veins have a dendritic pattern, crosscut generation II veins and show aggregates of fibrous to acicular tourmaline. Prismatic tourmaline in generation II veins is optically zoned with a green tourmaline core that is variably replaced and rimmed by blue tourmaline. Fibrous to acicular tourmaline in generation III veins is comprised up of blue tourmaline with compositions similar to the rim composition of prismatic tourmaline in generation II veins. Green and blue tourmaline is aluminous (Al total >7 apfu) and alkali-deficient (X = 0.71 ± 0.08). High YAl content, high X, low XMg (0.19 ± 0.10), and excess cation charge indicate tourmaline in generation II veins is rich in an "oxy-foitite" component. Foitite-rich tourmaline in generation III veins has tetrahedral Al and a slightly lower Mg-content and X than those of generation II veins. Optical zoning in prismatic tourmaline corresponds to an abrupt compositional change with paragenetically older green tourmaline having higher Al and XMg, but lower alkali content in the X-site than the blue tourmaline rim. The compositional variation in green and blue tourmaline can be explained by a combination of coupled substitutions represented by AlO[R(OH)]-1 and Al(NaR)-1, where R = (Fe2+ + Mg). Pseudosections in the system Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O constructed from bulk chemical compositions of the studied rocks and the P-T slopes of two isochors computed from brine-rich inclusions trapped in quartz grains indicate that borosilicate formation in generation II and III veins occurred within 4.1 ± 0.5 kbar and 377 ± 21 ° C. The mineral assemblages and textures suggest that the borosilicate-bearing veins formed from infiltration-driven alteration of host kyanite-quartzite and kyanite-mica schist along structurally controlled conduits by more than one batch of chemically distinct boron-rich aqueous fluids

    Pressure-temperature-deformation history for a part of the mesoproterozoic fold belt in north Singhbhum, eastern India

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    The supracrustal rocks in the easternmost part of the Proterozoic fold belt of North Singhbhum, eastern India, are folded into a series of large upright folds with variable plunges. The regional schistosity is axial-planar to the folds. The folds were produced by a second phase of deformation (D2) and were preceded by D1 deformation, which gave rise to isoclinal folds (mapped outside the study area) and the locally preserved, bedding-parallel schistosity. A shearing deformation during D2 was responsible for the sheath-like geometry of a major fold. The axial planes were curved by D3 warping. The first metamorphic episode (M1) of low-pressure type produced andalusite porphyroblasts prior to, or in the early stage of, D1 deformation. The main metamorphism (M2), responsible for the formation of chloritoid, kyanite, garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts, was late- to post-D2 in occurrence. The Staurolite isograd separates two zonal assemblages recorded in the high-alumina and the low-alumina pelitic schists. Geothermobarometric calculations indicate the peak metamorphic temperature to be 550 °C at 5.5 kb. Fluid composition in the rocks before and during M2 metamorphism was buffered and fluid influx, if any, was not extensive enough to overcome the buffering capacity of the rocks. From M1 to M2, the P-T path is found to have a clockwise trajectory, that is consistent with a tectonic model involving initial asthenospheric upwelling and rifting, followed by compressional deformation leading to loading and heating

    Mid-crustal contact metamorphism around the Chimakurthy mafic-ultramafic complex, Eastern Ghats Belt, India

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    Pelitic rocks were thermally metamorphosed at the contact of the Chimakurthy mafic-ultramafic igneous complex, Eastern Ghats Belt, India. The rocks show progressive change in mineralogy from biotite-sillimanite-quartz-garnet-K-feldspar (association I, 150 m from the intrusive contact) to garnet-spinel-cordierite-K-feldspar-sillimanite (association II, 20-30m from the intrusive contact) to cordierite-K-feldspar-(cordierite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar symplectite after osumilite)-spinel-FeTiAl oxides with/without garnet (associations III and IV, 5m from the intrusive contact), and finally to spinel-orthopyroxene-cordierite-K-feldspar (association V, xenoliths). Oxide mineral clots in associations III and IV resemble emery-type rocks. Initial mineral reactions involved biotite-dehydration melting with partial segregation of the melt. Down-temperature mineral reactions were largely diffusion controlled and preservation of symplectitic and coronitic textures in microdomains is common. Interpretation of reaction textures in relevant petrogenetic grids for the sytems KFMASH and FMAS and combined with geothermobarometry suggest that the pelitic rocks were thermally metamorphosed at c. 6 kbar pressure along a heating-cooling trajectory within the temperature interval between c. 750°C and c. 1000°C

    Mineral chemistry and reaction textures in metabasites from the Eastern Ghats belt, India and their implications

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    Three types of mafic granulites, namely two pyroxene-plagioclase granulite (MG), two pyroxene-plagioclase-garnet granulite (GMG) and spinel-olivine-plagioclase-two pyroxene granulite (SMG) are exposed at Sunkarimetta, Eastern Ghats belt, India. The mafic granulites exhibit a foliation concordant with that in associated granulite facies quartzofeldspathic gneisses. Textural characteristics and mineral chemical data suggest the following mineral reactions: olivine + plagioclase = spinel + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene (SMG), orthopyroxene + plagioclase = garnet + quartz (GMG), clinopyroxene + plagioclase = garnet + quartz (GMG) and plagioclase + hemoilmenite + quartz = garnet + ilmenite + O2 (GMG). Geothermobarometry indicates maximum P-T conditions of metamorphism at c. 8.5 kbar, 950°C

    Contrasting parageneses in the manganese silicate-carbonate rocks from Parseoni, Sausar Group, India and their interpretation

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    Mn silicate-carbonate rocks at Parseoni occur as conformable lenses within metapelites and calc-silicate rocks of the Precambrian Sausar Group, India. The host rocks are estimated to have been metamorphosed at uppermost P-T conditions of 500-550° C and 3-4 kbar. The Mn-rich rocks contain appreciable Fe, reflected in the occurrence of magnetite (MnO 1%), magnetite (MnO 15%) and magnetite (MnO 10%). Two contrasting associations of pyroxmangite, with and without tephroite, developed in the Mn silicate-carbonate rocks under isothermal-isobaric conditions. The former assemblage formed in relatively Fe-rich bulk compositions and equilibrated with a metamorphic fluid having a low XCO2 (<0.2), and the latter equilibrated with a CO2-rich fluid. Rhodochrosite+magnetite+quartz protoliths produced the observed mineral assemblages on metamorphism. Partitioning of major elements between coexisting phases is somewhat variable. Fe shows preference for tephroite over pyroxmangite at the ambient physical conditions of metamorphism. Oxygen fugacity during metamorphism was monitored at or near the QFM buffer in tephroite bearing domains, and the fluid composition was buffered by mineral reactions in respective domains. As compared to other metamorphosed Mn deposits of the Sausar Group, the Mn silicate-carbonate rocks at Parseoni were, therefore, metamorphosed at much lower fO2 through complex mineral-fluid interactions

    Petrology of granulites from Anakapalle-evidence for Proterozoic decompression in the Eastern Ghats, India

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    The granulite complex at Anakapalle, which was metamorphosed at ~1000 Ma, comprises orthopyroxene granulites, leptynite, khondalite, mafic granulites, calc-silicate rock, spinel granulites, and two types of sapphirine granulites-one quartz-bearing and migmatitic and the other devoid of quartz and massive. Reaction textures in conjunction with mineral-chemical data suggest several continuous and discontinuous equilibria in these rocks. In orthopyroxene granulites, dehydration-melting of biotite in the presence of quartz occurred according to the reaction biotite+quartz= garnet (Py37)+K-feldspar+orthopyroxene + liquid. Later, this garnet broke down by the reaction garnet (Py37)+quartz = orthopyroxene + plagioclase. Subsequently, coronal garnet (Py30) and quartz were produced by the same reaction but proceeding in the opposite direction. In spinel granulites, garnet (Py42) and sillimanite were produced by the breakdown of spinel in the presence of quartz. In the two types of sapphirine granulites, garnet with variable pyrope content broke down according to the reaction garnet = sapphirine + sillimanite + orthopyroxene. The highest pyrope content (59 mol %) was noted in garnets from quartz-free sapphirine granulites compared with the quartz-bearing one (53 mol % pyrope). The calculated positions of the mineral reactions and diserete P-T points obtained by thermobarometry define a retrograde P-T trajectory during which a steep decompression of ~1.5 kbar from P-Tmax of 8 kbar and 900 °C was followed by near-isobaric cooling of ~300 °C. During this decompression, garnet with variable pyrope contents in different rocks broke down on intersection with various divariant equilibria. Near-isobaric cooling resulted in the formation of coronal garnet around second-generation orthopyroxene and plagioclase replacing earlier porphyroblastic garnet in orthopyroxene granulites. It has been argued that the deduced P-T trajectory originated in an extensional regime involving either a crust of near-normal thickness of a slightly overthickened crust owing to magmatic underaccretion