5 research outputs found

    Crisis averted: a world united against the menace of multiple drug-resistant superbugs -pioneering anti-AMR vaccines, RNA interference, nanomedicine, CRISPR-based antimicrobials, bacteriophage therapies, and clinical artificial intelligence strategies to safeguard global antimicrobial arsenal

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    The efficacy of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents in combating bacterial infections faces a grave peril in the form of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), an exceedingly pressing global health issue. The emergence and dissemination of drug-resistant bacteria can be attributed to the rampant overuse and misuse of antibiotics, leading to dire consequences such as organ failure and sepsis. Beyond the realm of individual health, the pervasive specter of AMR casts its ominous shadow upon the economy and society at large, resulting in protracted hospital stays, elevated medical expenditures, and diminished productivity, with particularly dire consequences for vulnerable populations. It is abundantly clear that addressing this ominous threat necessitates a concerted international endeavor encompassing the optimization of antibiotic deployment, the pursuit of novel antimicrobial compounds and therapeutic strategies, the enhancement of surveillance and monitoring of resistant bacterial strains, and the assurance of universal access to efficacious treatments. In the ongoing struggle against this encroaching menace, phage-based therapies, strategically tailored to combat AMR, offer a formidable line of defense. Furthermore, an alluring pathway forward for the development of vaccines lies in the utilization of virus-like particles (VLPs), which have demonstrated their remarkable capacity to elicit a robust immune response against bacterial infections. VLP-based vaccinations, characterized by their absence of genetic material and non-infectious nature, present a markedly safer and more stable alternative to conventional immunization protocols. Encouragingly, preclinical investigations have yielded promising results in the development of VLP vaccines targeting pivotal bacteria implicated in the AMR crisis, including Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium difficile. Notwithstanding the undeniable potential of VLP vaccines, formidable challenges persist, including the identification of suitable bacterial markers for vaccination and the formidable prospect of bacterial pathogens evolving mechanisms to thwart the immune response. Nonetheless, the prospect of VLP-based vaccines holds great promise in the relentless fight against AMR, underscoring the need for sustained research and development endeavors. In the quest to marshal more potent defenses against AMR and to pave the way for visionary innovations, cutting-edge techniques that incorporate RNA interference, nanomedicine, and the integration of artificial intelligence are currently under rigorous scrutiny

    Monkeypox Virus, A Global Public Health Concern and Challenge for Low-income Countries including Pakistan: A Right Time to Nip the Evil in the Bud

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    Monkeypox is a rare zoonotic infection originating in the regions of Central and West Africa. The global threat has been arising since monkeypox is spreading outside of the endemic regions. Pakistan has recently exhausted health funds in a quarrel against SARS-CoV-2, by supplying expensive COVID-19 vaccines to the general public, free of cost. Pakistan’s government has remarkably contributed to lowering the suffering of COVID-19-affected patients by granting the Sehat Sahulat Programme and similar health initiatives to restrict viral propagation in the general public. However, despite all efforts the major constraints are a lack of international funds and limitations on the budget of healthcare systems and medical facilities. Newly emerged cases of monkeypox are very threatening to Pakistan’s economy and health. Therefore, it is very necessary that healthcare authorities take effective measures like surveillance, early identification, separation, monitoring of contacts, immunization, and public awareness in order to stop the spread of the virus and control monkeypox outbreaks

    Emerging One Health Preparedness to Combat National Burden of Diseases in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Insight

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    In order to integrate and enhance the health of people, animals, and the environment, a multidisciplinary “One Health” concept has been coined. However, developing countries have frequently lagged in embracing this innovative vision. Pakistan’s ecology, human health, and animal health have all been severely jeopardized due to a lack of resources. Human health is significantly impacted by the spread and comeback of zoonotic illnesses, especially for people who live in rural regions and frequently interact with domestic or wild animals. More than 75% of zoonotic diseases were transmitted contiguously from animals to humans or indirectly through interactions among agents or vectors (including both humans and other animals). This review article gives critical insights into the most common zoonotic diseases found in Pakistan in addition to underlining the importance of the “One Health” philosophy in the management of these illnesses. Interdisciplinary research efforts are required given the current circumstances in order to politicize sustainable solutions for decreasing the disease burden in human and animal populations simultaneously

    Contemplating Catheter Induced Blood Stream Infections and Associated Risk Factors in Diverse Clinical Settings: A Comprehensive Review

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    Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBSIs) are severe healthcare-associated complication that occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream through a catheter. The risk of CRBSIs is influenced by various factors. Prolonged catheter placement increases the risk, as each day increases the potential for bacterial colonization and bloodstream infection. Proper aseptic technique and a sterile environment during catheter insertion are essential to minimize infection risk. Stringent infection control measures during insertion, including sterile gloves, thorough hand hygiene, and appropriate skin disinfection, are crucial. Inadequate catheter site care and suboptimal catheter management can contribute to CRBSIs. Regular cleaning, disinfection, and dressing changes are necessary to reduce the risk of infection. The type of catheter used also affects infection risk. Central Venous Catheters (CVCs) and arterial catheters, especially those inserted into the jugular or subclavian vein, carry a higher risk of CRBSIs compared to peripheral venous catheters. Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as chemotherapy patients, organ transplant recipients, and those with HIV/AIDS, are more susceptible to CRBSIs. Patients with existing infections, like pneumonia or urinary tract infections, are at a heightened risk of acquiring CRBSIs due to potential cross-contamination. Healthcare professionals who fail to practice thorough hand hygiene before and after catheter-related procedures can introduce pathogens into the bloodstream. Leaving catheters in place when no longer necessary or using them unnecessarily elevates the risk of infection. To prevent CRBSIs, strict infection control protocols, including effective hand hygiene, sterile catheter insertion techniques, routine site care, and prompt catheter removal when no longer needed, are imperative. Healthcare facilities often implement specific protocols to mitigate CRBSI risk and enhance patient safety

    Unmasking the Viral Veil: Exploring the Cardiovascular Intrigue of Pathogenic Infections

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    The intricate interplay between viral infections and cardiovascular complications has garnered significant attention from 2018 to 2023. Extensive research during this period has unveiled substantial connections between various viruses and cardiovascular diseases. Notable examples include Cytomegalovirus (CMV), coxsackievirus, influenza, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), as well as coxsackievirus A and B, enteroviruses, adenovirus, and parvovirus B19. These viruses exert diverse influences on cardiovascular health through various pathways, contributing to endothelial dysfunction, inflicting direct damage on cardiac tissue, and triggering inflammatory responses. The intricate interplay between viral infections and cardiovascular health underscores the importance of considering viral pathogens within the framework of cardiovascular disease development, clinical management practices, and future research initiatives. This systematic review comprehensively scrutinizes the cardiovascular impacts stemming from various viral infections, casting a revealing light on their underlying mechanisms and associated clinical implications. These valuable insights can guide clinical management strategies, preventive measures and further investigations into the complex connection between viral infections and cardiovascular diseases, emphasizing the necessity for ongoing research and vigilance in comprehending and managing these pathogen-induced cardiac manifestations