82 research outputs found

    Explosive synchronization in weighted complex networks

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    The emergence of dynamical abrupt transitions in the macroscopic state of a system is currently a subject of the utmost interest. Given a set of phase oscillators networking with a generic wiring of connections and displaying a generic frequency distribution, we show how combining dynamical local information on frequency mismatches and global information on the graph topology suggests a judicious and yet practical weighting procedure which is able to induce and enhance explosive, irreversible, transitions to synchronization. We report extensive numerical and analytical evidence of the validity and scalability of such a procedure for different initial frequency distributions, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks, as well as for both linear and non linear weighting functions. We furthermore report on the possibility of parametrically controlling the width and extent of the hysteretic region of coexistence of the unsynchronized and synchronized states

    Assortativity and leadership emergence from anti-preferential attachment in heterogeneous networks

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    Many real-world networks exhibit degree-assortativity, with nodes of similar degree more likely to link to one another. Particularly in social networks, the contribution to the total assortativity varies with degree, featuring a distinctive peak slightly past the average degree. The way traditional models imprint assortativity on top of pre-defined topologies is via degree-preserving link permutations, which however destroy the particular graph's hierarchical traits of clustering. Here, we propose the first generative model which creates heterogeneous networks with scale-free-like properties and tunable realistic assortativity. In our approach, two distinct populations of nodes are added to an initial network seed: one (the followers) that abides by usual preferential rules, and one (the potential leaders) connecting via anti-preferential attachments, i.e. selecting lower degree nodes for their initial links. The latter nodes come to develop a higher average degree, and convert eventually into the final hubs. Examining the evolution of links in Facebook, we present empirical validation for the connection between the initial anti-preferential attachment and long term high degree. Thus, our work sheds new light on the structure and evolution of social networks

    Unveiling the connectivity of complex networks using ordinal transition methods

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    Ordinal measures provide a valuable collection of tools for analyzing correlated data series. However, using these methods to understand the information interchange in networks of dynamical systems, and uncover the interplay between dynamics and structure during the synchronization process, remains relatively unexplored. Here, we compare the ordinal permutation entropy, a standard complexity measure in the literature, and the permutation entropy of the ordinal transition probability matrix that describes the transitions between the ordinal patterns derived from a time series. We find that the permutation entropy based on the ordinal transition matrix outperforms the rest of the tested measures in discriminating the topological role of networked chaotic R\"ossler systems. Since the method is based on permutation entropy measures, it can be applied to arbitrary real-world time series exhibiting correlations originating from an existing underlying unknown network structure. In particular, we show the effectiveness of our method using experimental datasets of networks of nonlinear oscillators.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Relay synchronization in multiplex networks

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    Relay (or remote) synchronization between two not directly connected oscillators in a network is an important feature allowing distant coordination. In this work, we report a systematic study of this phenomenon in multiplex networks, where inter-layer synchronization occurs between distant layers mediated by a relay layer that acts as a transmitter. We show that this transmission can be extended to higher order relay configurations, provided symmetry conditions are preserved. By first order perturbative analysis, we identify the dynamical and topological dependencies of relay synchronization in a multiplex. We find that the relay synchronization threshold is considerably reduced in a multiplex configuration, and that such synchronous state is mostly supported by the lower degree nodes of the outer layers, while hubs can be de-multiplexed without affecting overall coherence. Finally, we experimentally validated the analytical and numerical findings by means of a multiplex of three layers of electronic circuits.the analytical and numerical findings by means of a multiplex of three layers of electronic circuits

    Synchronization centrality and explosive synchronization in complex networks

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    Synchronization of networked oscillators is known to depend fundamentally on the interplay between the dynamics of the graph's units and the microscopic arrangement of the network's structure. For non identical elements, the lack of quantitative tools has hampered so far a systematic study of the mechanisms behind such a collective behavior. We here propose an effective network whose topological properties reflect the interplay between the topology and dynamics of the original network. On that basis, we are able to introduce the "synchronization centrality", a measure which quantifies the role and importance of each network's node in the synchronization process. In particular, we use such a measure to assess the propensity of a graph to synchronize explosively, thus indicating a unified framework for most of the different models proposed so far for such an irreversible transition. Taking advantage of the predicting power of this measure, we furthermore discuss a strategy to induce the explosive behavior in a generic network, by acting only upon a small fraction of its nodes

    Deterministic and stochastic cooperation transitions in evolutionary games on networks

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    Although the cooperative dynamics emerging from a network of interacting players has been exhaustively investigated, it is not yet fully understood when and how network reciprocity drives cooperation transitions. In this work, we investigate the critical behavior of evolutionary social dilemmas on structured populations by using the framework of master equations and Monte Carlo simulations. The developed theory describes the existence of absorbing, quasi-absorbing, and mixed strategy states and the transition nature, continuous or discontinuous, between the states as the parameters of the system change. In particular, when the decision-making process is deterministic, in the limit of zero effective temperature of the Fermi function, we find that the copying probabilities are discontinuous functions of the system's parameters and of the network degrees sequence. This may induce abrupt changes in the final state for any system size, in excellent agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation results. Our analysis also reveals the existence of continuous and discontinuous phase transitions for large systems as the temperature increases, which is explained in the mean-field approximation. Interestingly, for some game parameters, we find optimal "social temperatures" maximizing/minimizing the cooperation frequency/density.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure