10 research outputs found

    Education level and work experience affects the likelihood of earning below minimum wage or higher: Evidence from Malaysia

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    Wage is main source of attraction for many workers to work.Wage also increases motivation and self-satisfaction among workers.However, little pay can decrease the workers effort to be more productive at firms.Therefore, minimum wage implemented to provide standard basic wage to all workers regardless their gender, skills and productivity level.Although workers receive same level of basic wage, does factors such as education level and work experience affect the likelihood of earning among the workers? Yes, it is.This study collected 432 survey questionnaires from low skill workers in manufacturing firms to determine the association of education level and work experience on the workers’ income level. Cross tabulation test shows there are association between income level and worker’s education and working experiences.Thus, the results suggest education and longer working experience plays a vital role in increasing the pay level and improves human capital development

    Exploring global and Malaysia’s financial stability impact of COVID-19 pandemic

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    Many believes year 2020 would brought great changes and opportunities for their future. No one ever thought the world economy would be disrupted by Covid-19 outbreak at the same year. High level of health crisis escalates with uncontrollable cases of infection and deaths around the world. All countries have taken unprecedented measures to curb the pandemic by introducing movement control order (MCO), centralized quarantine, closure of country’s border gates, ban the social gatherings, closure of business activities and quarantine order against the population, mask wearing and school closure and so on. Due to the measures taken by the governments to curb the pandemic, current global financial reports show instability and sharp decline in growth projections in many sectors. This paper would explore the effect of COVID-19 on global and Malaysia’s financial stability. Government’s intervention is essential to help the individuals, household and businesses to sustain in long run. This paper can provide useful insights on current financial stability of Malaysia and worldwide

    Implementation of minimum wage policy in Malaysia: manufacturing employers’ perceptions of training provision and fringe benefits

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    Pay and fringe benefits are the highest form of reward for workers.The main aim of the minimum wage policy in Malaysia is to ensure the workers receive ‘fair’ wages and are not exploited. However, the negative impact of minimum wage on firm’s margin profitability has lead employers to make adjustments to the workers’ fringe benefits. Consequently, challenges faced by employers and their response to workers’ fringe benefits become an important research topic. Data were gathered from interviews with six employers in electrical and electronics firms.The main findings require employers to adopt logistical and wage scale adjustments. The results also show that minimum wages do not adversely impact the rate of workers’ allowances.However, there are changes to the percentage of insurance coverage. These findings provide an additional view on the issue of minimum wages and should facilitate in the drafting of better wage strategies in future

    The Relation between Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Financial Performance: Theoretical and Analytics Framework

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    The paper aims to review the relation between Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Performance. We reviewed these variables and develop a Theoretical and Analytics framework. First introduction (study background, Problem Statement, Research Objectives and research questions). Second literature review (A) financial performance such as ROA, ROE, EPS and Tobin’s Q, (B) Corporate Governance as Board of Directors, Board Composition, CEO Duality and Board Size (C) Risk Management. Third, we discussed Underpinning Theories such as, Agency Theory and Institutional Theory. Fourth, we developed a Theoretical Framework where we illustrated (A) Corporate Governance and Financial Performance, (B) Risk Management and Financial Performance (C) Compliance with Accounting Standards and Financial Performance. Finally, we developed a comprehensive reviewing based on above variables


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    The current research presents a bibliometric review of publications on organizational resilience and sustainability publications using the Scopus database for the period 1998–2022 based on the corresponding keywords in the titles of the articles. In this study MS Excel was used for frequency analysis; Harzing’s Publish or Perish to analyze citations and their metrics, while VOSviewer and Bibliometric R-tool with Biblioshiny were employed for visualization and thematic analysis. According to the findings, research on organizational resilience and sustainability gained prominence in 1998 and has steadily increased since 2005. The United States of America recorded the most productive and highest contribution, followed by the United Kingdom. The Journal of Sustainability Switzerland has published the most papers, while the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, is the most productive institution. This research used the Scopus database. Other data sources may be accessed later, and searches may include summaries and keywords instead of document titles. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is one of the first bibliometric review studies combining organizational resilience and sustainability research in the Scopus database

    History and effects of minimum wages in Malaysia

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    This paper focused on history of labor practices and wage system in Malaysia.Free market system and labor policy has changed and improved real wages since colonial era in Malaysia. Moreover, introduction of minimum wages by government is believed to impact many aspects of workers and labor system in Malaysia.Therefore, this paper then specifically analyzes the effects of minimum wages on workers in manufacturing industry in Malaysia. Prominent effects of minimum wages detected in unemployment, poverty and quality of life of developed and developing countries. However, direct impacts of minimum wage to the workers and their employers still unidentified in Malaysia. Thus, this paper interested to discuss the effect of minimum wages on labor productivity and fringe benefits of the workers and their respected employers.Labor productivity is an indicator of workers achievement in competitive world.The effects of minimum wages on worker's fringe benefits such as health insurance, training and allowances also discussed in detail.Data was gathered from survey and interviews with manufacturing workers and their employers in electrical and electronics companies in Malaysia. Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) and Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) found to play a vital roles in setting minimum wages in Malaysia

    Voices of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow: Implications of Female Undergraduate Students' Involvement in Clubs and Associations

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    In this ever-challenging world, every organization requires workers with new skills in the economy. In order to employed and sustained the employees, the employers need the best breed of students to enter the labour market. Do students' involvement in clubs and associations equipped them with the best attributes that are needed in the job market? Based on past studies, there were limited studies conducted on the voices of female students and their developments in joining clubs and associations in the university. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the benefits of joining students' clubs and associations in shaping the female students' development in their undergraduate years. Focus group discussions were conducted in three phases with 24 female respondents to determine the students' involvement in clubs and associations and the impacts on their career developments. Three thematic categories of data emerged from the study, focusing on students' involvement in programs, challenges in conducting programs and future program recommendations. The present study has implications for the university's policies and budgets, student affairs department's training, and schools' infrastructure supports to encourage students' involvement in clubs and associations

    Assessing the Integration of Organizational Resilience and Sustainability: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) rely heavily on the participation of the public sector as a major player in its successful implementation. A sound public administrative system is a standalone goal for sustainable SDG-16 that seeks to develop effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels for the development of mankind. However, the prevalent perception of public sector organizations is that they are overly large, inefficient, wasteful, untruthful, and lack transparency. Therefore, we conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the pillar(s) of organizational sustainability and antecedents of organizational resilience that are frequently studied, highlighting current problems. This study analyzed 53 articles (published between 2008 and 2022) on organizational resilience in relation to sustainability. We review studies published in international journals. The findings show that organizational resilience and sustainability research has advanced significantly during this time and is still a promising field for scholarly investigation. The SLR reveals that most studies were conducted in developed nations, followed by some Asian countries, and there are adequate studies in the private sector, while the public sector has received limited attention from the research community and practitioners. This research gap is presented and discussed