74 research outputs found

    On homomorphism of oriented graphs with respect to push operation

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    An oriented graph is a directed graph without any cycle of length at most 2. To push a vertex of a directed graph is to reverse the orientation of the arcs incident to that vertex. Klostermeyer and MacGillivray defined push graphs which are equivalence class of oriented graphs with respect to vertex pushing operation. They studied the homomorphism of the equivalence classes of oriented graphs with respect to push operation. In this article, we further study the same topic and answer some of the questions asked in the above mentioned work. The anti-twinned graph of an oriented graph is obtained by adding and pushing a copy of each of its vertices. In particular, we show that two oriented graphs are in a push relation if and only if they have isomorphic anti-twinned graphs. Moreover, we study oriented homomorphisms of outerplanar graphs with girth at least five, planar graphs and planar graphs with girth at least eight with respect to the push operation

    On chromatic number of colored mixed graphs

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    An (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed graph GG is a graph with its arcs having one of the mm different colors and edges having one of the nn different colors. A homomorphism ff of an (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed graph GG to an (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed graph HH is a vertex mapping such that if uvuv is an arc (edge) of color cc in GG, then f(u)f(v)f(u)f(v) is an arc (edge) of color cc in HH. The \textit{(m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed chromatic number} χ(m,n)(G)\chi_{(m,n)}(G) of an (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed graph GG is the order (number of vertices) of the smallest homomorphic image of GG. This notion was introduced by Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Raspaud (2000, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 80, 147--155). They showed that χ(m,n)(G)≤k(2m+n)k−1\chi_{(m,n)}(G) \leq k(2m+n)^{k-1} where GG is a kk-acyclic colorable graph. We proved the tightness of this bound. We also showed that the acyclic chromatic number of a graph is bounded by k2+k2+⌈log(2m+n)log(2m+n)k⌉k^2 + k^{2 + \lceil log_{(2m+n)} log_{(2m+n)} k \rceil} if its (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed chromatic number is at most kk. Furthermore, using probabilistic method, we showed that for graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta its (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed chromatic number is at most 2(Δ−1)2m+n(2m+n)Δ−12(\Delta-1)^{2m+n} (2m+n)^{\Delta-1}. In particular, the last result directly improves the upper bound 2Δ22Δ2\Delta^2 2^{\Delta} of oriented chromatic number of graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta, obtained by Kostochka, Sopena and Zhu (1997, J. Graph Theory 24, 331--340) to 2(Δ−1)22Δ−12(\Delta-1)^2 2^{\Delta -1}. We also show that there exists a graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta and (m,n)(m,n)-colored mixed chromatic number at least (2m+n)Δ/2(2m+n)^{\Delta / 2}

    Outerplanar and planar oriented cliques

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    The clique number of an undirected graph GG is the maximum order of a complete subgraph of GG and is a well-known lower bound for the chromatic number of GG. Every proper kk-coloring of GG may be viewed as a homomorphism (an edge-preserving vertex mapping) of GG to the complete graph of order kk. By considering homomorphisms of oriented graphs (digraphs without cycles of length at most 2), we get a natural notion of (oriented) colorings and oriented chromatic number of oriented graphs. An oriented clique is then an oriented graph whose number of vertices and oriented chromatic number coincide. However, the structure of oriented cliques is much less understood than in the undirected case. In this paper, we study the structure of outerplanar and planar oriented cliques. We first provide a list of 11 graphs and prove that an outerplanar graph can be oriented as an oriented clique if and only if it contains one of these graphs as a spanning subgraph. Klostermeyer and MacGillivray conjectured that the order of a planar oriented clique is at most 15, which was later proved by Sen [S. Sen. Maximum Order of a Planar Oclique Is 15. Proc. IWOCA'2012. {\em Lecture Notes Comput. Sci.} 7643:130--142]. We show that any planar oriented clique on 15 vertices must contain a particular oriented graph as a spanning subgraph, thus reproving the above conjecture. We also provide tight upper bounds for the order of planar oriented cliques of girth kk for all k≥4k \ge 4

    Erratum for "On oriented cliques with respect to push operation"

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    An error is spotted in the statement of Theorem~1.3 of our published article titled "On oriented cliques with respect to push operation" (Discrete Applied Mathematics 2017). The theorem provided an exhaustive list of 16 minimal (up to spanning subgraph inclusion) underlying planar push cliques. The error was that, one of the 16 graphs from the above list was missing an arc. We correct the error and restate the corrected statement in this article. We also point out the reason for the error and comment that the error occurred due to a mistake in a particular lemma. We present the corrected proof of that particular lemma as well. Moreover, a few counts were wrongly reported due to the above mentioned error. So we update our reported counts after correction in this article

    On oriented cliques with respect to push operation

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    To push a vertex vv of a directed graph G→\overrightarrow{G} is to change the orientations of all the arcs incident with vv. An oriented graph is a directed graph without any cycle of length at most 2. An oriented clique is an oriented graph whose non-adjacent vertices are connected by a directed 2-path. A push clique is an oriented clique that remains an oriented clique even if one pushes any set of vertices of it. We show that it is NP-complete to decide if an undirected graph is underlying graph of a push clique or not. We also prove that a planar push clique can have at most 8 vertices. We also provide an exhaustive list of minimal (with respect to spanning subgraph inclusion) planar push cliques

    Homomorphisms of signed planar graphs

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    Signed graphs are studied since the middle of the last century. Recently, the notion of homomorphism of signed graphs has been introduced since this notion captures a number of well known conjectures which can be reformulated using the definitions of signed homomorphism. In this paper, we introduce and study the properties of some target graphs for signed homomorphism. Using these properties, we obtain upper bounds on the signed chromatic numbers of graphs with bounded acyclic chromatic number and of signed planar graphs with given girth

    Walk-powers and homomorphism bound of planar graphs

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    As an extension of the Four-Color Theorem it is conjectured that every planar graph of odd-girth at least 2k+12k+1 admits a homomorphism to PC2k=(Z22k,{e1,e2,...,e2k,J})PC_{2k}=(\mathbb{Z}_2^{2k}, \{e_1, e_2, ...,e_{2k}, J\}) where eie_i's are standard basis and JJ is all 1 vector. Noting that PC2kPC_{2k} itself is of odd-girth 2k+12k+1, in this work we show that if the conjecture is true, then PC2kPC_{2k} is an optimal such a graph both with respect to number of vertices and number of edges. The result is obtained using the notion of walk-power of graphs and their clique numbers. An analogous result is proved for bipartite signed planar graphs of unbalanced-girth 2k2k. The work is presented on a uniform frame work of planar consistent signed graphs

    Analogous to cliques for (m,n)-colored mixed graphs

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    Vertex coloring of a graph GG with nn-colors can be equivalently thought to be a graph homomorphism (edge preserving vertex mapping) of GG to the complete graph KnK_n of order nn. So, in that sense, the chromatic number χ(G)\chi(G) of GG will be the order of the smallest complete graph to which GG admits a homomorphism to. As every graph, which is not a complete graph, admits a homomorphism to a smaller complete graph, we can redefine the chromatic number χ(G)\chi(G) of GG to be the order of the smallest graph to which GG admits a homomorphism to. Of course, such a smallest graph must be a complete graph as they are the only graphs with chromatic number equal to their order. The concept of vertex coloring can be generalize for other types of graphs. Naturally, the chromatic number is defined to be the order of the smallest graph (of the same type) to which a graph admits homomorphism to. The analogous notion of clique turns out to be the graphs with order equal to their (so defined) "chromatic number". These "cliques" turns out to be much more complicated than their undirected counterpart and are interesting objects of study. In this article, we mainly study different aspects of "cliques" for signed (graphs with positive or negative signs assigned to each edge) and switchable signed graphs (equivalence class of signed graph with respect to switching signs of edges incident to the same vertex).Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1411.719

    On relative clique number of colored mixed graphs

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    An (m,n)(m, n)-colored mixed graph is a graph having arcs of mm different colors and edges of nn different colors. A graph homomorphism of an (m,n(m, n)-colored mixed graph GG to an (m,n)(m, n)-colored mixed graph HH is a vertex mapping such that if uvuv is an arc (edge) of color cc in GG, then f(u)f(v)f(u)f(v) is also an arc (edge) of color cc. The (m,n)m, n)-colored mixed chromatic number of an (m,n)(m, n)-colored mixed graph GG, introduced by Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and Raspaud [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 2000] is the order (number of vertices) of the smallest homomorphic image of GG. Later Bensmail, Duffy and Sen [Graphs Combin. 2017] introduced another parameter related to the (m,n)(m, n)-colored mixed chromatic number, namely, the (m,n)(m, n)-relative clique number as the maximum cardinality of a vertex subset which, pairwise, must have distinct images with respect to any colored homomorphism. In this article, we study the (m,n(m, n)-relative clique number for the family of subcubic graphs, graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta, planar graphs and triangle-free planar graphs and provide new improved bounds in each of the cases. In particular, for subcubic graphs we provide exact value of the parameter

    Chromatic number of signed graphs with bounded maximum degree

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    A signed graph (G,Σ) (G, \Sigma) is a graph positive and negative (Σ\Sigma denotes the set of negative edges). To re-sign a vertex vv of a signed graph (G,Σ) (G, \Sigma) is to switch the signs of the edges incident to vv. If one can obtain (G,Σ′) (G, \Sigma') by re-signing some vertices of (G,Σ) (G, \Sigma), then (G,Σ)≡(G,Σ′) (G, \Sigma) \equiv (G, \Sigma'). A signed graphs (G,Σ) (G, \Sigma ) admits an homomorphism to (H,Λ) (H, \Lambda ) if there is a sign preserving vertex mapping from (G,Σ′)(G,\Sigma') to (H,Λ)(H, \Lambda) for some (G,Σ)≡(G,Σ′) (G, \Sigma) \equiv (G, \Sigma'). The signed chromatic number χs((G,Σ))\chi_{s}( (G, \Sigma)) of the signed graph (G,Σ)(G, \Sigma) is the minimum order (number of vertices) of a signed graph (H,Λ)(H, \Lambda) such that (G,Σ) (G, \Sigma) admits a homomorphism to (H,Λ)(H, \Lambda). For a family F \mathcal{F} of signed graphs χs(F)=max(G,Σ)∈Fχs((G,Σ))\chi_{s}(\mathcal{F}) = \text{max}_{(G,\Sigma) \in \mathcal{F}} \chi_{s}( (G, \Sigma)). We prove 2Δ/2−1≤χs(GΔ)≤(Δ−1)2.2(Δ−1)+22^{\Delta/2-1} \leq \chi_s(\mathcal{G}_{\Delta}) \leq (\Delta-1)^2. 2^{(\Delta-1)} +2 for all Δ≥3\Delta \geq 3 where GΔ\mathcal{G}_{\Delta} is the family of connected signed graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta. \end{abstract
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