454 research outputs found

    Balance de la Estrategia de Acompañamiento PedagĂłgico en Áreas Rurales de PerĂș en la LĂłgica del Presupuesto de Resultados

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    This research analyzes a learning coaching strategy called Acompañamiento Pedagógico promoted by the ministry of Education of Peru since 2008 focusing in rural multi-grade (Spanish and bilingual) schools aiming to improve learning outcomes. It focuses on the learning achievements of its students and also seeks providing advice for improving functioning of the current strategy. The first goal was to determine if there is a significant difference in learning achievements in Spanish reading and comprehension and mathematics between coached and non-coached schools and were performed mixed-designed ANOVAs tests. The finding of statistically significant interactions between receiving coaching for 3-years disclosures an effective strategy in order to increase the goal of any educational system, the learning of students. The second goal of the research was analyzing if the present learning coaching strategy meets the standards set by the national results-based budgeting approach. For that purpose, a documentary review of policy design, focalization and expenditure were performed, finding a design inconsistency, some coverage problems and absence of clear standards and organization parameters

    Tourisme et politique du livre et de la lecture en Bretagne : enjeux politiques d’une construction identitaire rĂ©gionale

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    Le processus de dĂ©centralisation culturelle en marche dĂšs les annĂ©es 1970 a opĂ©rĂ© un transfert de compĂ©tences de l’État vers les collectivitĂ©s territoriales et renforcĂ© les mĂ©canismes de concurrence et de distinction dans la course Ă  l’“identitĂ©â€ culturelle locale et rĂ©gionale. DĂšs lors, le “tourisme”, envisagĂ© au prisme d’une nouvelle catĂ©gorie d’intervention de l’action publique – “la politique culturelle” –, n’apparaĂźt plus uniquement comme une ressource Ă©conomique mais Ă©galement comme une ressource politique mettant en Ă©vidence les stratĂ©gies rĂ©gionales de rĂ©ification d’une histoire et d’un territoire spĂ©cifiques. Le regard portĂ© sur la sociogenĂšse d’une politique du livre et de la lecture en Bretagne – comme focale de l’analyse d’enjeux de luttes constituĂ©s, pour un ensemble d’acteurs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, autour d’un objet culturel – tend Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler le travail d’homogĂ©nĂ©isation et d’imposition de reprĂ©sentations d’une identitĂ© culturelle ; et Ă©galement Ă  retracer le processus d’institutionnalisation des catĂ©gories de “tourisme” et de “rĂ©gion”.The process of cultural decentralization started in the 70’s, and carried out a transfer of competences from the State to the territorial collectivities which reinforced the competition and distinctive mechanisms in the running for local and regional cultural identity. Thereby, “tourism” is considered as a new category of intervention within the public action: “the cultural policy”; and no longer only as an economic resource, but also a political one, highlighting the regional strategies creating a reification of a history and a specific territory. The social genesis in regards of the policy of the book and reading in Brittany – as support of the analysis of struggling issues constituted, for a group of heterogeneous protagonists, around a cultural object – tends to reveal the process of homogenization and imposition of cultural identity’s representations; which can also be retraced to the institutionalized process of categories within “tourism” and off the “region”

    School-level inequality measurement based categorical data: a novel approach applied to PISA

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    This paper introduces a new method to measure school-level inequality based on Item Response Theory (IRT) models. Categorical data collected by large-scale assessments poses diverse methodological challenges hinder measuring inequality due to data truncation and asymmetric intervals between categories. I use family possessions data from PISA 2015 to exemplify the process of computing the measurement and develop a set of country-level mixed-effects linear regression models comparing the predictive performance of the novel inequality measure with school-level Gini coefficients. I find school-level inequality is negatively associated with learning outcomes across many non-European countries

    VĂ­ctor A. NĂșñez Regueiro (1934-2009). In Memoriam

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    Contextos tematicos y ordenamientos funerarios en el cementerio Aguada Orilla Norte

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    Fil: Sempé de Gómez Llanes, María Carlota. Laboratorio Anålisis Ceråmico. Facultad Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Baldini, Lidia Nélida. División Arqueología; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Un estilo de panteĂłn caracterĂ­stico del cementerio de La Plata

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    Fil: Sempé de Gómez Llanes, María Carlota. Laboratorio Anålisis Ceråmico. Facultad Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Baldini, Marta Inés. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Teaching Culture in the Argentinian EFL Classroom: Beliefs, Practice and Challenges

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    The need to address culture in EFL/ESL classrooms has been stressed by scholars in the SLA field for decades (see Kramsch, 1993, 2009, 2011; Byram, 1988; Liddicoat & Scarino, 2013). The original intention of working with culture in the English classes as a means to develop language proficiency –sociocultural competence– was expanded, and nowadays, the focus is on the role culture instruction has in developing empathy and respect for other ways of living and in promoting reflection about learners’ own lifestyle –intercultural competence (Byram, 1988, 2008; Deardoff, 2006). This new focus on cultural instruction is reflected in national curriculums around the globe (Lavrenteva & Orland-Barak, 2015). However, in most cases, curricula do not offer clear guidance to teachers on how to address this relevant topic in their classrooms explicitly, which is the case of the Argentinian national guidelines for the teaching of foreign languages (Ministerio de EducaciĂłn de la RepĂșblica Argentina, 2012) and the Buenos Aires Province curriculum (DirecciĂłn General de Cultura y EducaciĂłn de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2011). Moreover, little is known about what Argentinian teachers know about culture instruction, the objectives they perceive as underlying the need to address it, and their actual practice tackling the topic. This case study seeks to fill this gap and collaborate to the EFL field by exploring Argentinian EFL Secondary School teachers’ beliefs about culture and its teaching and the way they address it in their classrooms in Mar del Plata, Argentina, through the use of questionnaires, a follow-up interview, and written class artifacts and following a qualitative content analysis approach. The findings of this research revealed a mismatch between theory and practice when it comes to culture instruction, and the challenges teachers often face when working with it. These findings are expected to inform current EFL teacher practices as well as future teacher preparation through a localized lens

    EvaluaciĂłn de uso de informes de la EvaluaciĂłn Censal de Estudiantes en la escuela

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    Informe final del estudio cualitativo del uso de evaluaciones de aprendizajes, especĂ­ficamente de la evaluaciĂłn censal de estudiantes (ECE) en la escuela peruana


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    Esta presentaciĂłn tiene como objetivo reflexionar respecto al carĂĄcter patrimonial de las prĂĄcticas de intervenciĂłn cultural consistentes en la realizaciĂłn de graffiti y/o grabados a lo largo del Ășltimo siglo en ĂĄreas urbanas y rurales. Para este propĂłsito, se abordan los graffiti emplazados en contextos arqueolĂłgicos rurales del Área del Sistema Serrano de Ventania ubicada en el sector sur del Área Ecotonal HĂșmedo Seca Pampeana -particularmente sobre los partidos del sudoeste bonaerenses de Saavedra y Tornquist-, asĂ­ como tambiĂ©n aquellos emplazados en un sector del ejido urbano de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, -partido de General PueyrredĂłn ubicado en el sudeste bonaerense -. En este trabajo, se aplica el concepto de patrimonio en su sentido constructivista, se lo considera una construcciĂłn social colectiva cuyo significado se relaciona a las memorias, las necesidades e intereses del presente, en el marco de los cuales diversas prĂĄcticas y bienes culturales pueden ser considerados patrimoniables. En este sentido, se propone discutir la categorĂ­a de graffiti y reflexionar acerca de su constituciĂłn como evidencia material arqueolĂłgica y como parte del patrimonio cultural histĂłrico
