21 research outputs found

    Adsorption of a semiflexible polymer onto interfaces and surfaces

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    We consider the adsorption of a semiflexible polymer chain onto interfaces and surfaces by using the differential equation of the distribution function G(R,L)G(R,L) of the end-to-end distance RR, which is associated with the moment expansion of the latter. We present the results of the approximative treatment consisting of taking into account the 2nd and 4th moments in the differential equation for G(R,L)G(R,L). The essential features of adsorption of the semiflexible polymer are: {\it i}) the existence of a new local length scale, which results in two-exponential decay of the monomer density of adsorbed polymer; {\it ii}) the binding of the semiflexible polymer is weaker than that for flexible one for both interface and wall. The approximative theory presented is restricted to the regime of weak adsorption, where the effect of the rodlike behavior of the polymer on small scales is weak.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Adsorption of a random heteropolymer with self-interactions onto an interface

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    We consider the adsorption of a random heteropolymer onto an interface within the model by Garel et al. [1] by taking into account self-interactions between the monomers. Within the replica trick and by using a self-consistent preaveraging procedure we map the adsorption problem onto the problem of binding state of a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian. The analysis of the latter is treated within the variational method based on the 2-nd Legendre transform. We have found that self-interactions favor the localization. The effect is intensified with decrease of the temperature. Within a model without taking into account the repulsive ternary monomer-monomer interactions we predict a reentrant localization transition for large values of the asymmetry of the heteropolymer and at low enough temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Localization of a Gaussian polymer in a weak periodic surface potential disturbed by a single defect

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    Using the results of the recently studied problem of adsorption of a Gaussian polymer in a weak periodic surface potential we study the influence of a single rod like defect on the polymer being localized in the periodic surface potential. We have found that the polymer will be localized at the defect under condition u>u_c, where u_c is the localization threshold in the periodic potential, for any infinitesimal strength of the interaction with defect. We predict that the concentration of monomers of the localized polymer decays exponentially as a function of the distance to the defect and is modulated with the period of the surface potential.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Polymer drift in a solvent by force acting on one polymer end

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    We investigate the effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the non-equilibrium drift dynamics of an ideal flexible polymer pulled by a constant force applied at one end of the polymer using the perturbation theory and the renormalization group method. For moderate force, if the polymer elongation is small, the hydrodynamic interactions are not screened and the velocity and the longitudinal elongation of the polymer are computed using the renormalization group method. Both the velocity and elongation are nonlinear functions of the driving force in this regime. For large elongation we found two regimes. For large force but finite chain length LL the hydrodynamic interactions are screened. For large chain lengths and a finite force the hydrodynamic interactions are only partially screened, which in three dimensions results in unusual logarithmic corrections to the velocity and the longitudinal elongation.Comment: 6 page

    Statistical mechanical description of liquid systems in electric field

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    We formulate the statistical mechanical description of liquid systems for both polarizable and polar systems in an electric field in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble, which is the pendant to the thermodynamic description in terms of the free energy at constant potential. The contribution of the electric field to the configurational integral Q~N(E)\tilde{Q}_{N}(\mathbf{E}) in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble is given in an exact form as a factor in the integrand of Q~N(E)\tilde{Q}_{N}(\mathbf{E}). We calculate the contribution of the electric field to the Ornstein-Zernike formula for the scattering function in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble. As an application we determine the field induced shift of the critical temperature for polarizable and polar liquids, and show that the shift is upward for polarizable liquids and downward for polar liquids.Comment: 6 page

    Surface segregation of conformationally asymmetric polymer blends

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    We have generalized the Edwards' method of collective description of dense polymer systems in terms of effective potentials to polymer blends in the presence of a surface. With this method we have studied conformationally asymmetric athermic polymer blends in the presence of a hard wall to the first order in effective potentials. For polymers with the same gyration radius RgR_g but different statistical segment lengths lAl_{A} and lBl_{B} the excess concentration of stiffer polymers at the surface is derived as % \delta \rho _{A}(z=0)\sim (l_{B}^{-2}-l_{A}^{-2}){\ln (}R_{g}^{2}/l_{c}^{2}{)%}, where lcl_{c} is a local length below of which the incompressibility of the polymer blend is violated. For polymer blends differing only in degrees of polymerization the shorter polymer enriches the wall.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, revtex