5 research outputs found

    Comparison of values of crestal bone loss around dental implants: A comparative study

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    Introduction: Many studies have examined values of crestal bone loss according surgical techniques, time of implant placement (immediate post-extraction or after alveolar socket healing), platform switching or convectional platform, surface of the implant, functional loading (immediate or delayed), etc. Methods: This study analyzed a total of 443 dental implants on 115 images: 161 Bredent blueSKY dental implants and 282 Ritter spiral dental implants. All images were taken at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Sarajevo: before implantation and after 1 year of functional loading. Crestal bone loss was measured on the mesial and distal side of each implant from the coronal portion of the abutment to the noticeable margin of the alveolar bone. Results: There is statistically significant differences between Bredent blueSKY and Ritter spiral dental implants regarding mesial (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = āˆ’64.22) and distal (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = āˆ’151.21) bone losses. Conclusion: Platform switching dental implants showed more bone loss on the mesial and distal side of implant than dental implants with conventional platform

    Knowledge of coronavirus 2019 and stress with oral health-care personnel of the Faculty of dentistry in Sarajevo: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Dentists and generally dental personnel work under the risk of being infected by patients suffering from coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), who are unaware that they are infected. The reason lies in the fact that during dental procedures, aerosol is formed with droplets that may contain the virus. Thus, it is extremely important that dental personnel comply with adequate protective measures and equipment during clinical work. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the knowledge of COVID-19 and to determine the amount of stress with dental personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods: Health-care personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics of the University in Sarajevo has been included in the research: teaching staff, clinical doctors, dental nurses, and dental technicians. The research was conducted in April 2020. It was conducted by an anonymous survey that participantā€™s filled-in. Out of 157 distributed questionnaires in paper form, 134 participants responded. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: (1) personal data; (2) knowledge of infection COVID-19 (diagnostic methods, transmission pathways, and prevention measures); and (3) the amount of stress (feelings and thoughts) during epidemic COVID-19 with personnel.Results: The largest number of participants (61.97%) considers that COVID-19 may be transmitted from infected to a healthy person by inhalation of droplets generated through coughing of an infected person and by direct contact with aerosol dispersed from the mouth of the infected patient during dental treatment. The largest number of participants, 80 of them (59.7%) considers that the method of nucleic acid test is used in diagnosing COVID-19. COVID ā€“ 19 had a significantly larger influence on females; they showed higher extent of concern for the claim ā€žI hardly fall asleep because of thinking about it,ā€œ ā€žI try not to talk on this topicā€œ and ā€žIn my mind appear pictures in relation to thisā€œ (p &lt; 0.05).Conclusion: Knowledge of COVID-19 and measures of protection of health-care personnel at the Faculty of dentistry with Clinics in Sarajevo is satisfactory. The largest fear of participants was fear of unconsciously transmitting the infection on people close to them and that members of their families become infected with COVID-19

    Vestibular bone thickness of the mandible in relation to the mandibular canal in a population from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Introduction: Dental implantology is the branch of dentistry that is gaining greater significance because a larger number of patients come with requests of implant placements. During dental implant placements, with patients with whom operation is carried out in the mandible, very frequently nervus alveolaris inferior can be injured. The nerve injury may occur during the implant placement, but the nerve may also be injured in case of harvesting of intraoral bone graft. During the bone graft harvesting, but also during any other procedure in the dentistry that entails working on vestibular side of corpus of the mandible, in order not to injure the nervus alveolaris inferior, it is important to familiarize oneself with the distance of the nerve from the outer vestibular cortex of the mandible. The objective of the study was to assess the vestibular bone thickness of the mandible in relation to the mandibular canal with the help of analysis of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Methods: It was accessed the database of CBCT images taken at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Sarajevo, where out of 700 reviewed CBCT images, an analysis of 322 CBCT images was conducted that satisfied inclusion criteria of the study. CBCT images were taken using of ORTHOPHOS SLX imaging unit. The measurement was conducted by Sidexis program on cross-section of CBCT image. The measurement of vestibular bone thickness was performed, by measuring the distance from the lateral wall of the mandibular canal to buccal mandibular compact bone, in the region of the second premolar, of the first and the second molar. Results: There were statistically significant differences in vestibular bone thickness between men and women on both sides in the region of the second premolar (p < 0.001) and first molar (p = 0.016 right, p = 0.018 left). T-test demonstrated no statistically significant difference in the vestibular bone thickens between men and women on either side in the case of vestibular bone thickness of the center of the second molar (p = 0.397 right, p = 0.743 left). Conclusion: Values of vestibular thickness of the mandible are larger with men than with women in all measuring points; however, statistically more significant differences between genders have been detected in the second premolar and center of the first molar

    Prevalencija temporomandibularnih disfunkcija kod djece podvrgnute fiksnoj ortodontskoj terapiji

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    According to available scientific references and textbooks, there are contradictory views concerning the etiology of signs and symptoms of TMD. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine a correlation between the incidence of signs and symptoms of TMD in children aged 12-18 who do not wear a fixed orthodontic appliance and the incidence of signs and symptoms of TMD in children who wear a fixed orthodontic appliance. Material and Methods: The total number of 120 subjects were included in this survey and divided into two groups. There were 60 respondents in the experimental group that consisted of 30 boys and 30 girls with different types of malocclusion, who were treated with a fixed orthodontic straight wire technique. The remaining 60 respondents, which was a group that also consisted of 30 boys and 30 girls, were patients with neutroclusion. Results: The results of the study have shown that the TMJ clicking sound symptom, the most common symptom of TMD, occurs with almost equal prevalence in both groups of respondents; specifically, 56.4% in orthodontic patients, and 46.6% in the control group respondents. A statistically significantly higher percentage of female respondents in both groups have experienced headache problems (p <0.03). Conclusion: On the basis of the statistics obtained as a result of this research, we can come to the conclusion that there is no correlation between the fixed orthodontic treatment and the development of signs and symptoms of TMDU dostupnoj literaturi postoje oprečna miÅ”ljenja kad je riječ o etiologiji znakova i simptoma temporomandibularnih, tj. čeljusnih disfunkcija. Svrha rada: Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti korelaciju između incidencije znakova i simptoma TMD-a kod djece od 12 do18 godina koja se ne koriste fiksnim ortodontskim aparatom i incidenciju znakova i simptoma TMD-a kod djece koja se njime koriste. Materijal i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 120 ispitanika, a bili su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Njih 60 iz eksperimentalne skupine ā€“ 30 dječaka i 30 djevojčica s različitim tipovima malokluzija ā€“ bilo je u tretmanu fiksnom ortodontskom tehnikom ravnoga luka. Preostalih 60 ā€“ također 30 dječaka i isto toliko djevojčica ā€“ bilo je s neutrookluzijom. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se simptom Å”kljocanja, kao jedan od najčeŔćih znakova TMD-a, pojavljuje približno jednako u objema skupinama ispitanika u postotku od 56,4 % kod ortodontskih pacijenata i 46,6 % kod ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini. Statistički je značajno veći postotak ispitanica u objema skupinama imalo problem s glavoboljom (p < 0,03). Zaključak: Na temelju dobivenih statističkih rezultata možemo zaključiti da ne postoji povezanost između fiksnoga ortodontskog tretmana i pojave znakova i simptoma temporomandibularnih disfunkcij

    Satisfaction and attitudes of the student population about dental aesthetics

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    Introduction: Perceptions of the esthetic appearance of teeth vary in different individuals and can affect satisfaction with the dental appearance, attitudes, and the need for appropriate dental treatment. The research aims to examine the factors influencing the satisfaction with the appearance of the dentition and the attitude toward treatments which improve dental esthetics among students of the faculty of dentistry in comparison to the attitudes of students of non-dental faculties.Methods: The research included a total of 358 students of the Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo who voluntarily filled out a questionnaire created for this research. The questionnaire contained questions related to satisfaction with the appearance of teeth in general, tooth color, tooth position, questions related to the previous, and future desired esthetic restorations and treatments.Results: Female subjects expressed statistically significantly greater dissatisfaction with the appearance of the dentition and did or plan to do treatments that could improve dental esthetics compared to male subjects. Students of the Faculty of Dentistry at final years were significantly more satisfied with the general appearance of teeth and tooth color compared to freshmen students of the Faculty of Dentistry and students of the Faculty of Architecture.Conclusion: Satisfaction with dental appearance is a subjective experience that is influenced by various factors, level, and type of education is among them