120 research outputs found

    Republican Impartiality

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    This article will advocate the political search for truth and justice, which I shall call \u27republicanism\u27, and a technique for finding them, which I shall call \u27representative democracy\u27. \u27Republicanism\u27 is the belief that truth and justice exist and should guide the actions both of individuals and of the state. \u27Representative democracy\u27 is the system in which the citizens select representatives to determine what the laws should be, and to apply them. Republican impartiality provides the standpoint from which different moral intuitions or conceptions of the common good should be evaluated in a just state

    The Law of Peoples

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    Republican Legal Systems

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    This paper discusses the basic attributes of republican legal systems. I will suggest that republican principles provide the only sound basis for a just legal order, and conclude that all laws in all jurisdictions deserve public deference only to the extent that they reflect republican structures of government and legislation

    The Roman Republic and the French and American Revolutions

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    Republican Principles in International Law

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    Speeches: The CICL Lecture on International and Comparative Law

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    The Sources of International Law

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    Republican Philosophy of Law

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    The Influence of Marcus Tullius Cicero on Modern Legal and Political Ideas

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    Marcus Tullius Cicero is the father of modern law and politics. Cicero\u27s influence was significant throughout subsequent European history, but never so much nor so directly as in the emergence of modernity and in the development of modern law and constitutional government. The early moderns became faithful apostles of Cicero\u27s thought and ideals because their world and political circumstances were in many ways closer to those of Cicero than to those of any intervening centuries. The influence of Cicero\u27s legal and political ideas on the modern world illustrates the decisive importance that the study of history can have on legal innovation and social change. The modern world would not have developed where it did, when it did, nor as it did were it not for the life and writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero

    International Relations and International Law

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