158 research outputs found

    Keramische Supraleiter-Quanteninterferometer im Magnetfeld. Rauschreduktion durch gezielte Flußfadenverankerung mittels Antidots

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    Topic of this work is the analysis and improvement of the sensitivity of high-Tcsuperconducting rf-SQUIDs for operation in unshielded environment. The increase ofthe low-frequency noise due vortex motion in an applied magnetic field leads to adrastic reduction of sensibility of the sensors, which affects possible application ofSQUIDs. Aim of this work was the reduction of the vortex motion by simplemeasures, i. e. specially positioned micrometer holes (antidots), in order to achieve afield independent noise performance of the SQUIDs. This work can be divided intothree major parts: 1. The penetration and motion of vortices in rf-Washer SQUIDs with applied magneticfield has been examined and compared with existing models of the surface barrierand the thermal activated vortex motion. 2. Concepts for the reduction of the low frequency noise due to vortex motion havebeen developed. These are based on the pinning of vortices by artificial defectsespecially micrometer holes, so called antidots. 3. The noise reduction due to vortex pinning by antidots in rf-Washer SQUIDs in anapplied magnetic field has been experimentally demonstrated in field-cooled andzero-field cooled measurements. In the frame of this work the connections between the penetration and motion ofvortices into and in the washer of the SQUID on one hand and the low frequencynoise on the other hand are proved and illuminated by different measurements. Thepenetration and motion of single vortices into and in the washer of the SQUIDs hasbeen detected. The reduction of the low frequency noise in applied magnetic fields tothe zero field level is realized by special arrangements of antidots. A shift of the onsetof the increase of the low frequency noise from 8μ\muT for the SQUIDs without antidotsto 40μ\muT in field-cooled measurements and to 25μ\muT in zero-field cooledmeasurements with SQUIDs with antidots is achieved. The developed measurementtechniques are well suited for the further examination of the properties of vortices inrf-Washer SQUIDs and the vortex antidot interaction

    The Constitutionality of Mandatory Alcohol Screening in Canada

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    In 2018, random mandatory alcohol screening became a reality of the Canadian justice system. Before the law had even come into effect, it was being welcomed with open arms by some, and immediately castigated as unconstitutional by others. Compelling arguments for both sides have emerged in the wake of debate. Where Bill C-46 has enacted laws which have adversely affected the rights of drivers, an analysis of the new laws written within the Canadian Criminal Code, warrant an audit of their alignment with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This thesis challenges the constitutionality of section 320.27 (2) of the Canadian Criminal Code against sections 7 and 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In drawing on the public’s perception of the law, an array of precedent provided by the Supreme Court of Canada, and an analysis of both sections 7 and 1 of the Canadian Charter, an argument can be made which corroborates the notion that section 320.27 (2) of the Canadian Criminal Code is unconstitutional

    High-Tensile Wire Fencing NRAES-11

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    Familienzentren und Kindertagesstätten im längsschnittlichen Vergleich: ein Beitrag zur empirischen Implementations- und Evaluationsforschung im Elementarbereich

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    Selders O. Familienzentren und Kindertagesstätten im längsschnittlichen Vergleich: ein Beitrag zur empirischen Implementations- und Evaluationsforschung im Elementarbereich. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2014.Die zentrale Aufgabe dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Wirksamkeit oder Unwirksamkeit einer pädagogischen Innovation empirisch zu dokumentieren. Die Entwicklung von Kindertagesstätten zu Familienzentren im Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, durch einen politischen Beschluss im Jahr 2005 in Gang gesetzt, ist der Rahmenprozess, in dem diese Evaluationsuntersuchung stattfindet. Familienzentren und Kindertagesstätten werden in dieser Arbeit zweimal untersucht, 2007 (Februar) und 2008 (September). Die Evaluationsuntersuchung, die hier vorgestellt wird, stützt sich auf ein längsschnittliches Versuchs- und Kontrollgruppendesign und berichtet über die erste und zweite Messung von Meinungen und Bewertungen von LeiterInnen, Eltern und ErzieherInnen, sie ist also mehrperspektivisch angelegt. Alle 3 Gruppen werden befragt, wie zufrieden sie mit ihrer Situation sind, welche Meinung sie über die Familienzentrenentwicklung haben und welche Angebote ihnen wichtig sind. Die LeiterInnen werden darüber hinaus noch gebeten, zur Abschätzung der treatment fidelity, einige strukturelle Variablen ihrer Einrichtungen zu benennen. Insgesamt werden 12 Einrichtungen, die sich auf dem Wege der Veränderung zu Familienzentren befinden, mit 19 anderen verglichen, die Kindertagesstätten bleiben. Es werden je Messung gut 20 Leiterinnen, über 100 ErzieherInnen und knapp 190 Elternteile untersucht

    Ein praktikabler spieltheoretischer Lösungsvorschlag zur Kostenzuteilung in kooperativen Märkten

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    Es wird die Problematik der Kostenverrechnung (Gemeinkostenzuteilung) anhand der Spieltheorie analysiert. Dabei wird anhand der kooperativen Spieltheorie gezeigt, dass der entwickelte Lösungsvorschlag eine Kernzuteilung bestimmt. Praxisrelevante Konsequenzen werden diskutiert und anhand des Fallbeispiels der Werbildungsrechnung veranschaulicht

    Patterns of violence : narratives of occupied East Timor from invasion to independence, 1975-1999

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    In October 2005, the Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR) released Chega!, its massive report detailing the human rights violations committed on all sides during the 1975 to 1999 Indonesian occupation of East Timor. Chega! offers the most comprehensive description of this history of East Timor during this period. This thesis examines the CAVR's treatment of three major events of the occupation period. These events are the Indonesian invasion and conquest of East Timor (1975-1979), the Santa Cruz massacre (November 12, 1991), and the Popular Consultation (1999). For each of these events, the thesis analyzes four major narrative strands: the East Timorese narrative, the Indonesian narrative, the journalists' narrative, and the truth commission's narrative. The focus is on evaluating the current CAVR treatments of these events in light of previous work, as expressed in the other narratives. The East Timorese truth commission sought to find patterns to the violence of the occupation. In the case of the invasion, it offered an extensive discussion of human rights violations committed by the East Timorese resistance, showing how the population suffered from both Indonesian war crimes and suicidal resistance policies. The Commission's treatment of the Santa Cruz massacre focused on what the killings showed about the makeup of the second generation of the resistance, which was devoted to a diplomatic, rather than military, resolution to the East Timorese conflict. Finally, when discussing the Popular Consultation, the CAVR sought to reveal the planning behind the mass destruction of 1999 and to show that the militia violence was not anarchic, but rather conformed to quantifiable aims and strategie

    Indicadores de cambio global en el Parque Nacional Yasuní, Ecuador

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Geografia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 201x-201x, Tutor: Ma Carmen Moreno GarcíaEl objetivo principal de este Trabajo es la implementación de indicadores de cambio global en el Parque Nacional de Yasuní, Ecuador. Para la realización del proyecto fue necesario un viaje de 10 días a Ecuador, cuyo objetivo era la estancia en la Estación científica de Yasuní de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador (PUCE) en el este del Ecuador amazónico. La estancia fue aprovechada para varias reuniones y consulta con expertos en biodiversidad de la zona y el trabajo de campo en los senderos de la estación que se adentran en selva. Gracias a las reuniones se pudo elaborar una lista con una quincena de árboles cuyas fenofases serán utilizadas para probar y medir el cambio global. En el trabajo de campo se buscaron, marcaron y registraron tres ejemplares de cada especie. Se espera que a partir de los datos que se obtendrán del monitoreo, las fenofases de estas especies tengan expresiones que indiquen el cambio global. Se recomienda un monitoreo en las fenofases marcadas en las fichas de las especies que incluye este documento. Palabras clave: Cambio global; fenofases; indicadores ambientales; Parque Nacional Yasuní, Proyecto Dinámica del Bosque Yasun

    Hysteresis and Fractional Matching in Thin Nb Films with Rectangular Arrays of Nanoscaled Magnetic Dots

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    We have investigated the periodic pinning of magnetic flux quanta in thin Nb films with rectangular arrays of magnetic dots. In this type of pinning geometry, a change in the periodicity and shape of the minima in the magnetoresistance occurs for magnetic fields exceeding a certain threshold value. This has been explained recently in terms of a reconfiguration transition of the vortex lattice due to an increasing vortex-vortex interaction with increasing magnetic field. In this picture the dominating elastic energy at high fields forces the vortex lattice to form a square symmetry rather than being commensurate to the rectangular geometry of the pinning array. In this paper we present a comparative study of rectangular arrays with Ni-dots, Co-dots and holes. In the magnetic dot arrays, we found a strong fractional matching effect up to the second order matching field. In contrast, no clear fractional matching is seen after the reconfiguration. Additionally, we discovered the existence of hysteresis in the magnetoresistance in the crossover between the low and the high field regime. We found evidence that this effect is correlated to the reconfiguration phenomenon rather than to the magnetic state of the dots. The temperature and angular dependences of the effect have been measured and possible models are discussed to explain this behavior.Comment: 1 Table, 5 Figure

    Medically unexplained symptoms and attachment theory: The BodyMind Approach

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    © 2019 Payne and Brooks. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.This article discusses how The BodyMind Approach ® (TBMA) addresses insecure attachment styles in medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). Insecure attachment styles are associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and MUS (Adshead and Guthrie, 2015) and affect sufferers' capacity to self-manage. The article goes on to make a new hypothesis to account for TBMA's effectiveness (Payne and Brooks, 2017), that is, it addresses insecure attachment styles, which may be present in some MUS sufferers, leading to their capacity to self-manage. Three insecure attachment styles (dismissive, pre-occupied and fearful) associated with MUS are discussed. TBMA is described and explanations provided of how TBMA has been specifically designed to support people's insecure attachment styles. Three key concepts to support insecure attachment styles involved in the content of TBMA are identified and debated: (a) emotional regulation; (b) safety; and (c) bodymindfulness. There is a rationale for the design of TBMA as opposed to psychological interventions for this population. The programme's structure, facilitation and content, takes account of the three insecure attachment styles above. Examples of how TBMA works with their specific characteristics are presented. TBMA has been tested and found to be effective during delivery in the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS). Improved self-management has potential to reduce costs for the NHS and in General Practitioner time and resources.Peer reviewe

    Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 35, No. 1

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    • Grandmother\u27s Flower Garden: The Quilts of Sadie Ida Christian Laycock • Our Good Old One-Room School Days • A Parade from the Past • The Philip Arndts of Manheim (1797-1888) • Pennsylvania German Cookery • Aldes un Neieshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/pafolklifemag/1109/thumbnail.jp
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