10 research outputs found
Karakteristik Pasteurella Multocida Penyebab Pasteurellosis pada Babi di Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tengggara Timur
The number of commercial pigs in East Nusa Tenggara has grown fast with a population of 1,739,481, and has become more potential. However, the mixed farming model has become one of the factor of potentially high in the transmission of disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms. One of the microorganism is Pasteurella multocida which causes pasteurellosis, has been identified in 25% of slaughtered pigs (Maes et al., 2001). One of the clinical symptom due to pasteurellosis in pigs is the occurrence of bronchopneumonia in pulmo and inflammation in various visceral organs, such as the heart and kidneys. the phenotypic characteristization of this bacteria, will be very helpful in designing a comprehensive prevention and treatment programs of pig pasteurellosis.
The aim of the research was to determine the characteristics of P. multocida related to pasteurellosis and recording of the disease in Kupang, NTT. This research also find out the phenotipyc characteristics of P. multocida species from pigs and the possibility of transmission among sensitive species.
A total of 30 swine lung samples of pulmo were obtained from slaughterhouse in Kupang to carry out this study. Pulmo taken from slaughtered pigs that showed clinical respiratoric symptoms such as dyspnoea and the presence of serous to mucopurulent nasal exudates, and the specific lesions of gray hepatization in pulmo. The collected samples were then processed for histopathological and microbiological studies.
Out of the total 30 sample, 15 samples were found to be suspected for pasteurellosis, and 3 samples were successfully confirmed to be positive for Pasteurella multocida. Varied macroscopic changes showed pathognomonic lesions as multifocal hemorrhage and congestion of the pulmonary lobes. Serous to mucopurulent exudate were found in lumen bronchus. Multi lobes grayed hepatization and multifocal hemorrhage were observed in the pulmo. Histopatologic analysis showed three types of pneumonia that were multifocal suppurative bronchopneumonia with neutrophil infiltration into alveoli and bronchioles; non-suppurative pneumonia as fibrinous bronchopneumonia with severe congestion, and chronic bronchiolitis with infiltration of mononuclear cell and thickening of fibrous tissue on bronchioles. Bacterial culture from the samples showed circular, convex and non hemolytic colony on blood agar base. Gram staining's showed Gram negative microorganism with coccoid bipolar structure, which are some of the characteristic of the microorganism..
It was concluded that the samples is having P. multocida infection. Although, some isolate on MacConkey showed lactose fermentation and tolerance to bile salts that were not the nature of the microorganism, isolation and identification from other organs needed to be done, for example from the heart and kidneys, are needed.
Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sambiloto( Andrographis Paniculata Nees) terhadap Histopatologi Pankreas Mencit ( Mus Musculus ) Diabetes Melitus (DM) Tipe I
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which damage the beta cells (β) which led to the destruction of langerhans of pancreas gland. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by increased blood glucose levels and progressive changes to the structure of the histopathology of the pancreas. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ethanol extract of sambiloto leaf ( Andrographis paniculata Nees) on pancreatic histopathology of Alloxan induced diabetic mice. This research is an experimental research design by Post Test Randomized Control Group Design Experim ental animals used were mice ( Mus musculus) 12 sample of mice ±2 weeks old were adapted for 5 days. Mice were divided into 4 groups, namely, negative control, positive contro l (3 days of alloxan injection) and diabetic mice treated with the ethanol extract of sambiloto leaf with 2 different doses (doses I =2,2mg/kg and dosesII=4,4mg/kg) for 14 days. On day15, mice were necropsy and pancreas were collected for further Hematoxiline Eosin (HE) coloration. The results showed that DM alloxan induced type 1 mice (Mus musclus), the pancreas characterized by the occurrence of necrosis, langerhans islet was not bounded clear and breakthe linkage of the langerhans islet with a Cinar while on ethanol extract therapy of sambiloto leaf dose 2,2 mg/kg and 4,4 mg/kg in mice DM type I showed the results an improvement on the langerhans islet. Based on these results, it can be concluded that a dose of 2,2 mg/kg and 4,4 mg/kg is effective dose to repair the structure of langerhans islet of mice Type I DM, but it is more adv isable to us a therapeutic dose of 4,4 mg/kg because it changes the structure of Langerhans islet
Studi Anatomi Lambung Kelelawar Buah (Pteropus Vampyrus) dengan Pewarnaan Histokimia Periodic Acid Shiff (PAS)
Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has a large enough population of bats. A fruit bat (Pteropus vampyrus) is one of such species. Gastric in mammals consist of three region that is fundus, cardia and pylorus. This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the distribution pattern of constituent cells of gastric in Pteropus vampyrus to other mammals. Pteropus vampyrus is anaesthetized with ketamine 20 mg/kg and xylazine 2 mg/kg intramuscularly. In the anesthetized state, the perfusion of the heart is done by opening the chest cavity. Further observation is to the gastric in macroanatomy and then gastric organs were fixed by 10% formalin and then stain with histochemical staining (PAS). Region of Fundus of the stomach area occupies most of the region compared to the cardia and pylorus. Cardia and pyloric region are dominated by the parietal cells and mucous neck cells on the surface, but the pyloric region has begun to form gastric pits. Fundus region is dominated by the constituent cells such as gastric chief cells and parietal cells. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the distribution pattern in Pteropus vampyrus chief cells, parietal and mucous neck cells are different from other mammals
Studi Anatomi Intestinum Krasum pada Kalong Kapauk (Pteropus Vampyrus)
Pteropus vampyrus is one of the animal species that plays an important role in the ecosystem by spreading the seeds of the edible fruits. Feed variations on each animal greatly affect the digestive tract. This study was aimed to determine the anatomical structure of the large intestine. Five adult large flying foxes weighing 500-800 g were used as the sample in this study. Large intestines were embedded in paraffin and stained with H & E method. H & E staining resulted in the presence of intestinal villi on colon and rectum
Karakteristik Morfologi Rusa timor (Rusa timorensis) dengan Pemeliharaan Ex Situ di Kota Kupang
Rusa merupakan salah satu sumber daya genetik yang ada di Indonesia. Keberadaan populasi rusa timor semakin menurun sebagai akibat adanya perburuan liar untuk berbagai kepentingan. Usaha yang dilakukan agar populasi rusa di alam tetap lestari ialah dengan melakukan pengembangan rusa timor melalui konservasi ex situ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfologi rusa timor dan sistem pemeliharaan pada penangkaran di Kota Kupang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 35 ekor rusa timor yang dipelihara pada dua penangkaran di Kota Kupang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan pengukuran menggunakan pita ukur meliputi: pengukuran panjang badan (cm), tinggi badan (cm), lingkar dada (cm), panjang ekor (cm), panjang telinga (cm), panjang kepala (cm), panjang ranggah (cm), dan bobot badan (kg) menggunakan rumus winter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara rusa timor jantan dan betina. Secara morfologi, rusa timor jantan memiliki warna dasar kuning kecoklatan pada seluruh area tubuh dan tidak memiliki corak tertentu, sedangkan rusa timor betina memiliki warna coklat, dan berwarna coklat keabuan pada area ventral yaitu bagian kaki, perut, dagu dan bagian bawah leher. Secara morfometri, menunjukan adanya perbedaan nyata pada bagian-bagian luar tubuh rusa jantan dan betina yaitu : bobot badan, lingkar dada, panjang badan, dan tinggi badan. Rusa timor dewasa di Kota Kupang memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar dibandingkan rusa timor dewasa di Manokwari. Anak rusa timor di Kota Kupang memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan anak rusa timor di Ciawi. Sistem pemeliharaan rusa timor pada dua kawasan penangkaran di Kota Kupang merupakan penangkaran semi terkurung (mini ranch) yang dipelihara di area pekarangan rumah
PCS-15 Study Anatomy of Testis and Epididymis of Timorese Fruit Bats (Pteropus vampyrus)
Fruit bats (Pteropus vampyrus) is one of the bats in Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Fruit bats have unique behaviour when mating which is hanging upside down (Corbet and Hill, 1992). The ability of male bat in maintaining the position when mating is according to the characteristics of male fruit bat reproduction system morphology. Testes are male genital organs which synthesis androgen hormone (especially testosterone) and the site where spermatogenesis takes place and eventually producing sperm. Epididymis plays role in transporting, storaging and maturating the sperm (Syahrum et al., 1994)
Timorese fruit bat(Pteropusvampyrus)is the only fly mammalian with its unique behavior which hanging upside down inspite of its pregnancy. This research is aimed to reveal the morphology of the Timorese fruit bats and the distribution of neutral carbohydrate within this organ. Three uterus samples derived from three different Timorese fruit bats were used in the research.Both macroscopical and microscopical examinations using H&E and PAS methods were applied. Macroscopically, Timorese fruit bats showedsoft reddish white duplex uterus. Meanwhile microscopically, endometrium consisted of epithelial layer and lamina propria and was the place where simple tubular glands located. The epithelial layer comprised of simple cylindric secretory cells and ciliated cells. Neutral carbohydrate distribution was seen within this epithelial layer. Myometrium was a thick circular smooth muscle layer which consisted of smooth muscle separated by collagen and elastic fibre. Perimetrium was a visceral layer and consisted of mesothelial cells