29 research outputs found

    Element der Anschaulichkeit in der musealen Präsentation und Edukation

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    Von der Realität ausgehend, daß die Institutionen der Kultur (Archive, Bibliotheken, Museen etc.) in unserem Lande in der Zeit des Transformierens der modernen Schulausbildung einen Teil der Anstrengungen in der Edukation der Gesellschaft übernommen haben, als auch der Umstand, daß jeder organisierte Besuch im Museum eine Lehrsituation ist, bleibt der logische Schluß, daß des Element der Anschaulichkeit als didaktische Kategorie in musealen Bedingungen sehr anwesend ist. Am Beispiel der Beobachtung der Vertrautmachung und des Erforschens der Geschichte durch das Prisma der relevanten Dokumentanquellen, die im musealen Fundus und der Exposition enthalten sind, der Erfahrung der Fachleute des Museums Slawoniens Osijek und der Geschichtslehrer auf dem Gebiet der Region Slawoniens und Baranjas, Sozialistische Republik Kroatien (Jugoslawien), nach der durchgeführten Umfrage in 94 Volksschulen und 8 Zentren für Richtungsausbildung) im Laufe 1987, die Aktivität der Schüler beobachtend, die die Heimatmuseen besuchten und die ihre Vorstellungen über diesen Begriff aufgrund der Erwerbung der Kenntnisse aus der Literatur und anderen sekundären Quellen formierten, wird festgestellt, daß die Antworten derjenigen Schüler, die ihre Erkenntnisse über das angeführte Problem in der anschaulichen Edukation bekamen, indem sie auf dem geschichtlich-dokumentarischen Material des Denkmalwertes und der musealen Exposition lernen, weit vollständiger sind

    Actions and Operations of the National Liberty Army of Yugoslavia (3 rd Yugoslav Army) in Liberation of Osijek in the Years 1944/45.

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    As an important economic and traffic centre, one of the biggest hostile garrisons on the territory of Slavonia, headquarters of the district, insurgent cantonment and staff, Baranja district of a »župan«, headquarters of numerous offives of the German National bunch for Independant State of Croatia (NDH) as well as other enimies occupying the country and quisling institutions, durins the period of occupation, Osijek had significant role in the scone of inimical plans and interests. Its location between the rivers Sava, Vuka, Drava and Da¬nube, has been decisive for its being out of reach of National Liberty Army and Partisan detachments of Croatia, until late autumn of 1944. Only upon successfully performed operation on the Batina bridge. Head in November 1944 by parts of the 57th unit of the arms of the 3rd Ukraine front of the Red Army (64th and 75th shooting corps) and 51st elite work division of Vojvodina of National Liberty Army of Yugoslavia, and liberation of Baranja, units of 7th and 8th brigade of the 51st division of Vojvodina, has extruded on the left bank of the river Drava. Twice in earlv December of the 1944, there have been done certain efforts as to conquer Osiiek from the position of appro¬achable directions. In the sectors Bistrinci—Belišće and Sarvaš—Bijelo Brdo, units have tried to cross the river Drava. The fact is that units of the 7th and 8th brigade have been crossing freezing and swollen river under dramatic cir¬cumstances. Indeed, enemy hase been aware of the importance of Osijek, being its biggest fulcrum in the back of the Srijem front and important supporter of its deffence in the complex of newlyopened front of the river Drava, Therefor, enemy wan¬ted to keep it by all means. Aiming to this, enemies had dislocated on strait and wide territory of Osijek, the units of 11th German aviation dioision. These divisions have been used as reinforcement of the quisling crew of Osijek, Val- povo, Nasice and other places in the sphere of the Drava front. Thereupon Drava became an demarkation line in the course of next five months. Upon the fights on Virovitica and Bolman bridge—heads, in the period winter 1944—spring 1945, units of the 16th, 36th, 51st elite work divisions and Osijek elite work groups in the composition of the 3rd Yugoslav Army, based on the plans of synhronised actions and operations of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Yugoslav Army, for final liberation of the country, have been getting ready for the river Drava front breach, as well as for expulsioning, breaking and destroy¬ing of the enemies on the territories of Slavonia and Podravina. Upon thorou¬ghly military—political and psyhological preparations, April 11, 1945 at 11.00 p. m. had started crossing of the river Drava and fights for liberation of Osijek, Valpovo and other places in the sphere of action of the Drava front. Upon two days of incessant fights, the enemy deffence has been broken. The units of 5st elite work divisions of Vojvodina and Osijek elite work groups, Osijek has been liberated as of April 14, 1945. A big nember of enemy soldiers have been killed and/or captured, signifi¬cant quantities of the weapon, emunition and other war material and military equipment have been distrained. Upon its liberation, Osijek became military—political centre of Slavonia and Baranja. At the same time, it was the headquarters of numerous military institutions and services during the fights of 3rd Yugoslav Army units in final operations

    Sanitär-epidemiologische Situation auf dem Gebiet der Volksbefreiungsausschüsse des Kreises Nova Gradiška und Slavonska Požega im Laufe der Jahre 1944—1945

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    Der Volksbefreiungsausschuß des Kreises Slavonska Požega wurde im Rahmen des Volksbefreiungsausschusses Nova Gradiška am 22. Mai 1942 gegründet. Er war auf allen bedeutenden Sektoren der menschlichen und gesellschaftlichen Tätigkeiten aktiv. Seine Abteilung für soziale und gesundheitliche Angelegenheiten, die den Abteilungen für Gesundheitswesen des Volksbefreiungsausschusses Nova Gradiška und dem Volksbefreiungsausschuß für das Gebiet Slawonien subordiniert war, wurde im personellen, materiellen, politischen und moralen Sinne von den Militäranstalten im Hinterland und den Stäben der s\u27lawonischen Einheiten der Volksbefreiungsarmee und den Partisanentrupps Kroatiens, den antifaschistischen Organisationen und der zivilen Bevölkerung auf dem befreiten Territorium unterstützt. Diese Abteilung spielte eine bedeutende Rolle, indem sie die Entstehung und Verbreitung der Epidemie der ansteckenden Krankheiten bekämpfte. Dank diesem Umstand war die sanitär-epidemiologische Situation auf diesem Gebiet im Laufe der Jahre 1944—1945 eine von den günstigsten auf dem befreiten Territorium Slawoniens

    Defining the size class as the quality parameter of zeolite assortment of products

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    Quality requirements for the product assortments, obtained from a large number of non-metallic mineral raw materials, are defined, and above all, they have the defined particle size. Are the quality requirements for zeolite assortments defined? Searching for the answer to this question, an internet research was done. The web pages of the most significant producers of materials based on natural zeolite were studied as well as the papers of a large number of prominent researchers whose experiments are focused on the natural zeolite. This paper presents the findings primarily with the aspect of particle size as the quality parameter of zeolite assortments. Based on this analysis, it is considered that it should define the quality requirements of zeolite assortments, especially the particle size for each product. In fact, it is important to know the particle size in mineral processing in order to choose less expensive procedure for obtaining the final product

    Technological procedure for processing the quartz resources in order to obtain the assortment for water glass

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    Tests on quartz raw material from the deposit 'Bijela Stijena - Skočić' have included: grading, washing, grinding and magnetic separation. Test results have shown that the assortment of required sand quality can be obtained for water glass. The required quality condition for assortment of water glass, set by the company 'Alumina' Zvornik, is that Fe2O3 content does not exceed 0.04% and the grit of -0.4 + 0.05 mm. The results obtained after washing and grading starting sample used in these tests to a class of -0.4 + 0.05 mm showed that content of Fe2O3 from 0.131 % was reduced to 0.075%, and after treatment at high gradient electromagnetic separator at 0.038%. Microscopic analysis showed that the initial sample has: quartz, chalcedony, feldspar, mica, cherts, magnetite, limonite-goethite, shells, fossil remains, and that after the magnetic separation of magnetite sample was removed and most of the other carriers magnetic fraction. Based on this, a flow diagram is defined for procedure of obtaining the quartz sand for water glass on the basis of quartz raw materials from the deposit 'Bijela Stijena -Skočić'

    Modeling the batch power of mill

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    This paper presents a new method of modeling the batch power of mill on the basis of dimensional analysis and criterion equations. The grinding batch is represented by the grinding bodies, material and medium that is used to provide the flow of raw material through the mill, and most commonly water or air. The rate of energy consumption in the mill is regulated by the charge density and it presents the charge density. The feed power is dependent on the type of media milling body and prior to the treatment of mineral raw materials. Approximate power mill defined engine power is the power of batch mill highest charge density. In the work is varied density in batch laboratory mills and defined a model of batch power mill which we used in the adaptation of the mill plants in new industrial plant. The present model of the feed mill power is checked on industrial exploitation of quartz raw materials in Lukic polje near Milici. The process of mechano-chemical treatment defines as venture milling with longer residence time of material in the mill and small batch densities, all with the aim to reduce the force with which the batch effect on grain mineral resources. Radicality of fragmentation varies with the density of charge so that the densities obtained with smaller sized features special milling products with a narrower range of narrow size class and thus increased the specific surface area and reactivity

    Modeling the mill operation according to density of mill batch and specific capacity

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    This paper presents a new method of modeling the technological parameters of mill for the new conditions of mechanochemical treatment of mineral resources based on the Buckingham hypothesis. The specific volume of designed mill is changed if there is a change in the charge density of the mill, and dependence of the change is determined using a criterion equation. After examining the most wellknown dimensional criteria, it was observed that Damkohler's criterion would quantitatively model the specific volume and density of the mill batch

    Checking the formulation modeling process of industrial mill for different types of grinding bodies

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    This paper presents checking the formulation modeling process of industrial mill for different types of grinding bodies. It is known that changing the type of drilling bodies realizes various efficiency of grinding the mineral raw materials and/or different grinding fineness. This paper gives a hypothesis on bulk mass (density) of a mill batch as an influential factor to the size of specific grinding capacity of the specific mineral resources. The experiment was carried out in the industrial conditions of grinding when the Damkohler's criteria Daq-d = q-d/n*ps was calculated [1]. Verification of this formulation was done in the industrial conditions, and testing results are present in this paper

    Investigation the calcite hydrophobisation of different grain sizes

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    This paper presents the investigations of possibility of calcite hydrophobisation. Two samples of calcite of different size classes from the site 'Dobar kamen', Arandjelovac, Serbia, were used in the experimental work. Modifying the surface of calcite was carried out by stearic acid with 'dry' method. Concentrations of stearic acid in the modifying method were as follows: 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4%. The results showed that a complete hydrophobicity (I0=99.9%) of calcite sample with the medium diameter (d50) 10.87 μm was achieved at concentration of stearic acid of 0.8%, while for the sample with the mean grain diameter (d50) of 29.14 μm, it was achieved at concentration of stearic acid of 3%. These results were confirmed by the microscopic analysis

    Definition the technology method of apatite flotation concentration from the phosphate deposit 'Lisina'

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    This paper presents the importance of phosphate in the world, and the problems that arise in the process of preparing the low-grade phosphate ore for obtaining the phosphate concentrate using the flotation concentration. The apatite concentrates are obtained using the selective flotation from the silicate and oxide minerals while defining the process of selective flotation of apatite from carbonate deposits is the major problem worldwide. The experimental part of this paper presents the results of laboratory flotation tests of phosphate ore from the surface part of the location 'Panjevica' of the deposit 'Lisina'. The results have enabled definition of the flotation process in continuous conditions of work