262 research outputs found

    ゲンサイ ニオケル コミュニケーション

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    Carbon analogues of Phosphatidylcholines having linoleic or arachidonic acid at the 2-position were synthesized. The synthetic route involves conversion of the polyunsaturated fatty acid iodination. The derivatives were converted to diols by LiAIH4 reduction and submitted to lipase-catalyzed monostearoylation in isopropylether. The mono-ester was converted to phoshatidylcholines by the usual phosphodiester synthesis.自然界に広く存在するホスフォリパーゼA2はグリセロリン脂質の2位のエステル結合を選択的に切断する酵素であり,消化,アラキドン酸カスケードの起動,リン脂質過酸化物の代謝等,生理作用に広く関わっている。本研究ではホスフォリパーゼA2の基質ミメテイックとしてホスファチジルコリンの2位エステル結合が炭素-炭素結合に置き換わった化合物をアラキドン酸とステアリン酸を出発原料としてリパーゼ触媒によるアシル化反応及び有機化学反応によって合成した

    Relationship of the number and size of superficial groin lymph nodes with the stage of secondary lymphatic edema

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    PURPOSE: This study evaluated the relationships of the size and number of superficial groin lymph nodes with the lower limb lymphedema stage and thus examined the role of superficial lymphatic lymph nodes in secondary lymphedema development. METHODS: We determined the number and size of superficial groin lymph nodes using horizontal plane computed tomography (CT) and the lymphedema stage in the lower limbs of 25 patients with gynecologic cancer. RESULTS: The patients had an average of 2.92 (range, 1-7) superficial groin lymph nodes; the mean size of the 146 evaluated lymph nodes was 7.55 mm (range, 5-15 mm). In 19 of 25 patients (76%), the side with major edema contained fewer superficial groin lymph nodes. In total, 22 patients (88%) had fewer superficial groin lymph nodes or a smaller total lymph node size on the edematous dominant side. CONCLUSIONS: In this evaluation of the link between superficial groin lymph node laterality and secondary lymphedema staging, we found that patients with large lymph node numbers and sizes tended to present with a relatively earlier stage of lymphedema. Our results therefore suggest that the size and number of superficial groin lymph nodes affect the lymphedema stage