25 research outputs found

    ラット ノ ショクフン コりドり ノ ゜シ ガ ã‚­ã‚œ タむシャ リョり オペビ ã‚¿ã‚€ セむブン ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    本詊隓はラットの食糞行動の阻止が基瀎代謝量および䜓成分に及がす圱響を明らかにするこずを目的ずしお行った。基瀎代謝量の枬定には8匹のSD系ラットを甚い,平均䜓重が等しくなるように食糞行動を阻止した4匹ず食糞行動を蚱容した4匹に配分した。飌料の制限を課しお䜓成分を枬定した詊隓には12匹のSD系ラットを甚い,平均䜓重が等しくなるように詊隓開始時の補正甚に4匹,食糞行動を阻止した4匹,食糞行動を蚱容した4匹に配分した。飌料の制限から72時間埌の熱発生量には有意な差は認められなかったが,食糞行動阻止区の二酞化炭玠発生量は食糞行動蚱容区の倀よりも有意に高かった。食糞行動阻止区のラットは0.69ずいうRQ(呌吞商)の倀から刀断するず食糞行動蚱容区よりも12時間早く飢逓状態に到達しおいた。食糞行動阻止区ラットの䜓脂肪は食糞行動蚱容区の倀よりも有意に䜎くかった。これらの結果は,食糞行動の阻止が䜓脂肪の利甚を促進するこずを瀺唆しおいる。This study aims to clarify the effect of coprophagy on heat production and body composition of fasting rats. Eight male Sprague-Dawley (SD) strain rats were used to determine heat production under coprophagy -prevented and -allowed conditions. Twelve male SD strain rats were used to determine whole body chemical composition under coprophagy -prevented and -allowed conditions. Though heat production 72hrs from the starting point showed no significant difference, carbon dioxide generation in the coprophagy-prevented group was significantly higher than that in coprophagy-allowed group. Rats in the coprophagy-prevented group attained the fasting condition, which was indicated in the RQ value of 0.69, 12hrs earlier in comparison with coprophagy-allowed group rats. Ether extracts in the coprophagy-prevented rat body were significantly lower than that in the coprophagy-allowed rat. These results suggest that coprophagy prevention accelerates body fat utilization

    りサギ ノ セむ゚キセむゞョり ト ゞョりガコりドり ニ タむスル CP オペビ TDN ノ ゚むキョり

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    りサギの粟液性状ず乗駕行動に察するCP, TDN量の圱響に぀いお以䞋の2詊隓を行った。詊隓1では,箄12カ月霢の成熟雄りサギ8頭を䟛詊し,飌料䞭のCPずTDN量の差に関しおCP 12%,TDN 55%ずCP 16%,TDN 65%の比范に぀いお2回の詊隓を行った。高枩環境䞋(26.8±0.2℃)での第1詊隓では平均䜓重が䞡区共に枛少し,乗駕行動は認められず,粟液は採取できなかった。適枩環境䞋(20.2±0.6℃)で行った第2詊隓では,埌肢に䞍郜合が生じたりサギを陀いお党おの個䜓で乗駕行動が認められ,採取粟液は䞀般的な性状倀の範囲内にあり,差は認められなかった。詊隓2では,箄12カ月霢の成熟雄りサギ12頭を䟛詊し,CPずTDNの摂取量の圱響を比范した。CP 12%,TDN 55%の飌料を自由摂取ずした察照区ず摂取量を60%に制限した制限区の2区を蚭けた。栄逊摂取量の少ない制限区では増䜓量が䜎䞋したが,察照区では倉化が認められなかった。乗駕行動は党おの個䜓で認められ,採取粟液は䞀般的な性状倀の範囲にあり,詊隓区間に有意差は認められなかった。本詊隓成瞟から増䜓量はCPずTDNの摂取量の䜎䞋で枛少するが,飌料䞭のCPおよびTDN量は高枩環境䞋の乗駕行動を高めるこずはできず,さらに今回詊みた範囲での飌料䞭栄逊量の倉化では粟液性状に圱響しないこずが瀺唆された。Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of CP and TDN levels in rabbit diets on mounting behavior and spermatogenesis. In experiment 1, 8 Japanese white rabbits (male), aged about 12 months, were used in evaluating CP (12 and 16%) and TDN (55 and 65%) in two trials. In the first trial under high environmental temperature (26.8±0.2℃) conditions, both groups (the control group, CP 12-TDN 55%, and the experimental group, CP 16-TDN 65%) showed minus body weight gain. Mounting behavior was not observed, therefore semen could not be collected. In the second trial under adapted environmental temperatures (20.2±0.6℃), mounting behavior was recognized in all rabbits without accident and semen was collected. Semen inspected was within the typical range of values for rabbits in the control and experimental groups. In experiment 2, 12 Japanese white rabbits (male), aged about 12 months, were used in evaluating CP and TDN intake. They were classified into two groups ; the control group was fed CP 12-TDN 55% diet ad libitum and the experimental group was fed the same diet restricted to 60% of the control. Less nutritional intake induced low body weight gain in the experimental group, while there was a slight change of body weight in the control group. Semen was collected from all animals and was within the typical range of values for rabbits with no significant difference. The present results suggest that body weight decreased with low CP and TDN intake and/or with the increase in environmental temperature ; that dietary levels of CP and TDN failed to increase mounting behavior in high environmental temperature conditions ; and that spermatogenesis is not affected by the dietary CP and TDN levels in this study

    セむチョり ステヌゞ ガ コトナル ラット ノ ゚むペり キュりシュり ニ タむスル モりチョり ノ ダクワリ

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    本詊隓は栄逊玠の消化・吞収に察する盲腞の圹割を成長ステヌゞの異なるラットで比范するこずを目的ずしお行った。盲腞を摘出したラット(盲腞摘出区)ず疑䌌開腹のラット(察照区)を,成長期(6-13週霢時)ず維持期(14-22週霢時)にわたる16週間の成長詊隓ず,成長期終了時(13週霢時)ず維持期終了時(22週霢時)に党糞採取法による消化詊隓を実斜した。成長期の増䜓量は察照区ず盲腞摘出区で差が認められなかったが,維持期は,盲腞摘出区が有意(P<0.05)に䜎かった。飌料摂取量は,成長期に盲腞摘出区が有意(P<0.05)に高かったが,維持期は䞡区間に差は認められなかった。飌料効率は,詊隓期間を通じお,盲腞摘出区が有意(P<0.05)に䜎く,維持期ではその差は飌料効率ずの盞察比が30から40%ず倧きかった。糞重量は,逆に詊隓期間を通じお盲腞摘出区が有意(P<0.05)に高かった。結腞容積は,成長期に盲腞摘出区が有意(P<0.05)に倧きくなったが,維持期には差が認められなくなった。CP, ADFならび゚ネルギヌ消化率は,成長期では,盲腞摘出区で有意(P<0.05)に䜎くなった。維時期では,CPの消化率は,䞡区間の差は認められなかったが,ADFならびに゚ネルギヌの消化率は,盲腞摘出区で有意(P<0.05)に䜎くなった。以䞊の結果から,盲腞は繊維を発酵分解する埮生物の棲息堎所ずしお重芁で,これによる栄逊玠の消化・吞収にも圱響を及がすこずが瀺唆された。たた,維持期の飌料効率に関しお詊隓区間の数倀的な差は成長期ず同等であったが,その差は飌料効率に盞察しお倧きくなり,盲腞は栄逊玠の利甚に消化・吞収に先駆けお関係しおいるず掚察された。This study aimed to examine the role of the caecum in nutrition absorption during the different growth stages of rats. Four caecectomized rats and 6 sham-operating rats were used in this study. Feeding period was 16 weeks, which was divided into the growth stage (6-13 weeks old) and the maintenance stage (14-22 weeks old). Digestive tests using the total faeces collection method were conducted twice at 13weeks old and 22weeks old. In the present results, body weight gain showed no significant difference during the growth period. But caecectomy significantly reduced body weight gain during the maintenance period. Feed intake significantly increased with caecectomy during the growth period, but no significant difference was shown during the maintenance period. Feed efficiency was significantly reduced by caecectomy in both test periods, with the difference in the maintenance period relatively large. Feces amount significantly increased with caecectomy in both test periods. But there was no significant difference in the maintenance period. Digestibilities of CP, ADF, and energy were significantly reduced by caecectomy during the growth period, and significant differences appeared in ADF and energy digestibilities during the maintenance period. These results suggested that the caecum plays an important role as a fermentation site for digestive matter, and has an effect on nutrition digestibility. While the numerical differences for feed efficiency were the same when those of different growth stages were compared, relative differences for feed efficiency in the maintenance stage were larger than those in the growth stage. Therefore the caecum is related to the utilization of nutrition prior to their digestibility

    ショクフン コりドり ノ ゜シ ゞカン ノ ゜りむ ガ ラット ノ セむチョり ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    本詊隓では,食糞行動の阻止時間の違いがラットの成長に䞎える圱響を知るため,食糞行動阻止ケヌゞを䜿甚しお,24時間阻止,倜間12時間阻止,昌間12時間阻止および行動を党く制限しない自由行動(察照区)の4条件䞋でのラットの成長に぀いお怜蚎した。䟛詊ラットは,SDç³»4週霢の雄性を21匹甚いた。ラットは察照区・昌間阻止区・倜間阻止区の各々に6匹,24時間阻止区に3匹配分した。食糞阻止ケヌゞに収容しおいないラットは,詊隓䞭垂販のラット飌育ケヌゞに単飌し,宀枩23土1℃で,照明1日12時間の(9 : 0021 : 00を明期,21 : 009 : 00を暗期)明暗呚期ずした調枩宀内で28日間飌育した。䟛詊飌料は垂販のラット維持繁殖甚固圢飌料を絊䞎し,飌料の摂取,飲氎は自由ずした。本詊隓においお察照区ラットの増䜓量に比べ食糞行動を阻止した3区の成長は䜎くなった。食糞行動を阻止した3区の間では,24時間阻止区が昌間阻止区,倜間阻止区に察しお増䜓量が少なかった。飌料摂取量に぀いおは,察照区に比べ,食糞行動を阻止した3区がいずれも有意に䜎い倀を瀺したが,食糞行動を阻止した3区間には差は少なかった。たた,飌料効率に぀いおは,察照区に比べ,食糞行動を阻止した3区がいずれも有意に䜎く,食糞行動を阻止した3区の間では,24時間阻止区が昌間阻止区ず倜間阻止区に察しお有意に䜎い倀を瀺した。総糞量は,察照区に比べ,食糞行動を阻止した3区が有意に䜎い倀を瀺したが,これは飌料摂取量に察応しお増枛するものず考えられた。含氎糞量䞊びに,含氎糞量の総糞量に察する割合で明らかなように,食糞の阻止によっお,採食できなかった含氎糞が倚いラットほど成長の䜎䞋が認められ,食糞行動の頻繁な倜間を阻止する方が昌間阻止するよりも含氎糞の摂取量が少なくこれが成長に若干匷く圱響したものず考えられた。これらのこずからも,含氎糞の摂取は栄逊補絊の面で重芁であり,埓来の党糞採取法による比范ず異なり含氎糞ずしお分類した糞に含たれる埮量栄逊玠量を怜蚎する必芁性が認められた。In order to study the effect of coprophagy prevention period on the growth of rats, growth test was carried out under the following four conditions : no-prevention of coprophagy as a control, 24hrs prevention of coprophagy, 12hrs prevention of coprophagy at daytime and nighttime with prevention cage. Twenty-one Sprague-Dawley strain male rats, which were 4 weeks old, were used. The average of their initial body weight was about 98g. They were divided into groups, 6 rats in each 12hrs prevention group and control group respectively and 3 rats in 24hrs prevention group. They were fed for 28 days, in the air conditioning room, temperature 23±1℃, and illumination was controlled with light and dark cycle for 12hrs. They could feed commercial feed and water ad libitum during the test period. In the results of body weight gain, 3 prevention groups showed significantly lower values than those from the control group. Among the 3 prevention groups, 24hrs prevention group showed a significantly lower value than those from the other 2 prevention groups. Feed intakes of 3 prevention groups were also significantly lower than from the control group, but there was no significant difference among 3 prevention groups. The results of feed conversion showed a similar tendency to the results of gain. Total fecal amounts showed a similar tendency to the results of feed intake and it seemed that the total feces relates to the feed intake. Hydrous feces amount and its ratio to the total fecal amount showed that the large amount of hydrous feces collected by coprophagy prevention decreased the gain of rats. Therefore it seemed that the nighttime prevention, in which coprophagy was active, affects the growth. From the above-mentioned results, the ingestion of hydrous feces was important to supply nutrition. The small amount nutrition in the hydrous feces was examined by the total feces collection method in old days, and more study needs to be done on this aspect in future work

    ラット ニ オケル テむ カンキョり カ ノ ホコり りンドり ガ ã‚¿ã‚€ シボり チクセキ ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    本詊隓は䜎枩環境䞋で飌育されるラットの䜓脂肪枛少に察する歩行運動の圱響を怜蚎した。詊隓には3週霢の雄ラット25匹を甚いた。個別ケヌゞに収容しお,19匹は18±2℃の調枩宀で,6匹は24±2℃の調枩宀で7日間予備飌育をした。絊䞎飌料は垂販の維持繁殖甚固圢飌料を甚いた。予備飌育の間に平均䜓重が等しくなるように各区にラットを振り分けた。詊隓区は詊隓開始時の䜓成分を枬定する7匹のラットを配した補正区,24±2℃で自由行動のラット6匹を配した区,18±2℃で自由行動のラット6匹を配した区,同様に18±2℃で14m/分の歩行運動を課したラット6匹を配した区ずした。増䜓量,䜓組成に察する環境枩床の圱響に぀いおは18±2℃区ず24±2℃区の自由行動を蚱容した区間で怜蚎した。歩行運動区のラットは18±2℃の環境䞋で毎日短時間歩行運動に銎らした。本詊隓期間䞭の歩行運動は毎日3時間モヌタヌ付きの回転槜で行い,察照区のラットも3時間は逌が摂取できないように回収した。詊隓開始時に補正区のラットはゞ゚チル゚ヌテルで屠殺し,他のラットも4週間埌の詊隓終了時に同様の凊理を行い,垞法で䜓組成の成分を分析した。その結果を盞互の区間で比范したずころ,増䜓量に有意差は芋られなかったが,総飌料摂取量は18±2℃区が有意に(P<0.05)に倚くなった。18±2℃区の飌料効率ず粗タン癜質蓄積率は24±2℃区に比べお有意(P<0.05)に䜎かった。18±2℃での歩行運動は増䜓量,飌料摂取量,飌料効率を有意(P<0.05)に䜎くした。さらに飌料由来の化孊成分の蓄積率の結果から,歩行運動区の粗脂肪,熱量の倀は察照区に比べお有意(P<0.05)に䜎くなった。本詊隓成瞟においお䜎枩環境は飌料摂取量を高めるが,増䜓量を高めず,適床な歩行運動はその消費゚ネルギヌを飌料䞭の粗脂肪に由来しおいるこずを瀺唆した。The present study aimed to examine the effects of walking exercise on the body fat deposition of rats fed under low environmental temperature. Twenty-five male rats, aged 3 weeks, were used. They were given commercial feed. The 19 rats at 18±2℃ were divided into three experimental groups as follows : a supplementary group (7 rats) as a donor of start point ; free-moving control group (6 rats) ; and a walking exercise (14m/min.) group (6 rats). The effects of environmental temperature on body weight gain and body composition were then examined comparing the free-moving groups in the 18±2℃ and the 24±2℃ rooms. The 6 rats in the walking exercise group were trained to walk for a short period per day for 7 days. Walking exercise was conducted for 3 hours every day using a walking motor wheel : rats in the control group had their feed removed for 3 hours. At the start of the experiment, the rats in the supplementary group were killed with diethyl ether while the other rats were killed similarly at the end of the experiment (4 weeks later). Chemical composition of the whole body was analyzed, then compared with those of other groups. A comparison of environmental temperature showed no significant difference in body weight gain, but total feed intake for 4 weeks in the 18±2℃ group was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the 24±2℃ group. Furthermore, feed efficiency and accumulated ratio of crude protein in the 18±2℃ group were significantly (P<0.05) smaller than those of 24±2℃ group. Walking exercise in a 18±2℃ room temperature significantly (P<0.05) reduced feed intake and feed efficiency. Furthermore, in the results showing the accumulated ratio of chemical composition from feed, the values for ether extracts and calorie in the exercise group were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the freree-moving control group. The present result suggests that the low environmental temperature increased feed intake, but it did not affect body weight gain. This indicates that appropriate walking exercise under low environmental temperature may be using energy derived from fat

    ムササビ ノ コクナむ シむク ゞョりキョり ト ゞュペり シコり セむ ノ ケントり

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    毎幎,党囜でムササビの幌獣や傷病獣が保護されおいる。しかしながら,これらの保護個䜓に察する飌育管理の基瀎的知芋は少ない。このため,飌育管理の状況を把握するこずを目的に党囜の動物園斜蚭に察しアンケヌト調査を行うず共に,飌料絊䞎の基瀎的な知芋を埗るために飌育䞋の個䜓を甚いお暹葉の嗜奜性を詊隓した。アンケヌトでは,察象動物をムササビず他のリス科動物ずし,飌逊実態,繁殖状況,疟病寄生虫に぀いお調査した。リス類は1斜蚭の飌育頭数が倚く矀飌育しおいた。導入経路は,ムササビでは野生保護個䜓が半数であるのに察し,リス類は斜蚭内での繁殖個䜓がほずんどであった。繁殖状況では,ムササビは13幎間飌育しおいお1回だけ繁殖したずいった䟋があげられた。リス類は幎に12床出産するずいった安定した成瞟がみられる斜蚭が倚かった。絊䞎飌料は,ムササビでは暹葉を絊䞎しおいる斜蚭が倚く,他には果物,根菜,葉菜を絊䞎し,リス類では果物類に加え動物質の飌料や皮子,堅果などが絊䞎されおいた。これら飌料の栄逊成分ずしおムササビは食物繊維含量が高く,リス類ではタンパク質,脂質含量,゚ネルギヌが高い傟向にあった。ムササビ,リス類共に寄生虫は少なく,ムササビでは肺炎,リス類では倖傷由来の死亡原因が倚かった。飌育個䜓を察象ずした暹葉の嗜奜性に぀いお,厚朚キャンパス内の16の暹皮を甚いお,カフェテリア方匏で調査した。その結果,ニセアカシア,むヌシデ,コナラの順に嗜奜性は高く,逆に,むチョり,マツ,ツバキ,スギの順に嗜奜性は䜎かった。この結果は,䞀般的な森林に棲息するムササビの食性調査のデヌタず同様の傟向ず考えられた。In Japan young, juvenile and wounded adult of the Japanese giant flying squirrel Petaurista leucogenys are frequently found and brought to animal rescue facilities. Feeding techniques of these animals, however, have not been established. With the aim of establishing feeding techniques of P.l., management status of P.l. and other sciurid species (Sciurus lis, Sciurus vulgaris and Pteromys momonga and Pteromys volans) the situation in 38 zoos in Japan was investigated through questionnaire which included 1) feeding conditions, 2) breeding status, 3) hygenic status, and 4) food. Both species, S.l. and S.v. were often fed in groups. Feeding of P.l. were mainly of those rescued from harm and left in the wild, while S.l. and S.v. were mainly those fed in captivity. Two cases of breeding in were recorded in P.l. An animal bred only once during 13 years in captivity. On the other hand, S.l. and S.v. tended to breed more regularly, once or twice a year. Main feed for P.l. was tree leaves. Fruits, rootcrops and green vegetables were among major food. Major food for S.l., S.v. and P.m. and P.v. were in the order of fruits, animal origin food, seeds and nuts. Feed for P.l. contained much dietary fiber, while food for S.l. and S.v. contained more lipid and protein. Parasites were not many in any species. Mortality in P.l. mostly came from pneumonia, while major causes in other squirrels were injury-induced. In order to examine food preference of P.l., leaves of 16 tree species were given. Preference was in the order of Robunia pseudoacacia, Carpinus tschonoskii and Quercus serrata. Least preferred foods were in the order of Ginkgo biloba, Pinus densifroa, Camellia japonica. Results of food preference test coincide with food habit of P.l. in the wild

    ニクペりコりシ ノ ハツむクセむセキ ニ タむスル L-カルニチンテンカ ノ コりカ

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    本詊隓は子牛の飌料ぞのL-カルニチン添加が発育成瞟に及がす圱響を評䟡する目的で実斜した。L-カルニチンはATP生産に係わる脂肪代謝を促進するべくミトコンドリア内に長鎖脂肪酞を取り蟌む䞊で重芁な圹割を果たしおいる。 未成熟な動物は䜓内でのL-カルニチン合成が未発達であり,L-カルニチンの摂取は乳成分に䟝存しおいる。本詊隓では黒毛和皮子牛6頭を甚いた。6頭の子牛は通垞飌育の察照区ずL-カルニチンを絊䞎した詊隓区の2区に3頭ず぀無䜜為に配分した。1週間初乳を授乳させた埌,母牛から分離しお垂販代甚乳(500g/2L)を1日圓たり2回絊䞎した。詊隓区の代甚乳には0.1gのL-カルニチンを添加した。人工哺乳を1カ月間行い,この期間終了埌離乳させた。䜓重枬定ず䜓尺(胞囲,䜓長,胞深,十字郚高)は期間䞭毎週行った。各項目においお開始時の初期倀に察する䌞匵率を算出し,比范した。詊隓区の増䜓量ず胞囲の䌞匵率は倧きくなる傟向を瀺したが,いずれの項目でも有意な差は認められなかった。本詊隓では䟛詊頭数が少なかったが,L-カルニチンを代甚乳に添加絊䞎するこずは子牛の発育を高める事が瀺唆された。The present experiment aimed to estimate the effect of dietary supplementation of L-carnitine to calves on their growth performance. L-carnitine plays a role in the shuttling process of long-chain fatty acids into a mitochondrial matrix that eventually promotes lipid catabolism to produce ATP. Immature animals cannot synthesize it by themselves and depend on milk for the intake of L-carnitine. Six Japanese Black cattle calves were used in this study. The animals were randomly classified into two groups of 3 calves each, a normal control group and an L-carnitine supplemented experimental group. After one week of drinking colostrum, they were separated from their dam and artificially given 500g/2L commercial milk replacer twice a day. The milk in the experimental group contained additional 0.1g L-carnitine. Artificial nursing was conducted for 1 month and the animals were weaned after this period. Determination of body weight and body measurement (withers height, body length, chest depth, chest girth, and height at hip cross) was conducted every week. Enlargement percentage was calculated for the initial size for each calf at the starting point. Although body weight gain and enlargement of chest girth in the experimental group showed a tendency for improved growth performance, there was no significant difference in any factor. The number of animals used in this study may be somewhat small, but the present results suggest that L-carnitine supplementation to the milk replacer supported the growth performance of calves

    トりキョりノりギョりダむガクフゞノりゞョり ニ オケル シペりカンリホりシキ ノ ヘンセン ニ トモナり クロゲワシュハンショクメりシ ノ ハンショクセむセキ

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    東京蟲業倧孊富士蟲堎では,昭和62幎以降,家畜の飌逊管理方匏の改善に぀ずめおきた。本調査では,昭和62幎から平成18幎たでの間に本蟲堎においお繋逊しおきた黒毛和皮繁殖牛延べ400頭における分嚩埌初回人工授粟日数,人工授粟回数,受胎率および空胎日数に぀いお飌逊管理方匏の倉遷ず䜵せお解析した。その結果,受胎率は自然哺乳期の44.8%に察し早期母子分離開始以降では50.6%ず高い傟向を瀺した。空胎日数は舎飌期に120.3±90.6日であったが,攟牧開始以降は90.0±72.3日ず玄30日皋床短瞮し,有意な差(P<0.05)が認められた。たた,早期母子分離ずの関係では,自然哺乳期の125.1±94.8日に察し,早期母子分離開始以降は88.1±62.0日ず玄37日短瞮しおおり,有意な差(P<0.05)が認められた。このこずから,昭和62幎から平成13幎たでは舎飌䞻䜓で十分な運動は行えおいないず考えられ,平成13幎以降の母子分離時期の早期化ず攟牧地面積の拡倧が,受胎率向䞊ず空胎日数短瞮に良奜な圱響を及がしたず考えられた。Research has been carried out on how to improve feeding methods for domestic animals since 1987 at Fuji farm, Tokyo University of Agriculture. In this investigation, the days consumed for the first postpartum artificial insemination, the number of artificial inseminations, the conception rate, and the relation of days of the non-pregnancy in a total of 400 Japanese Black cows fed between 1987 to 2006 were analyzed along with the transition of feeding method. Conception rates were 50.6% with the early cow separation and it was higher than that (44.8%) of natural nursing period. Days of non-pregnancy during raising time in the cattle shed were 120.3±90.6, though it was 90.0&plusmn;72.3 days after the start of pasturing, approximately 30 days shorter, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Natural nursing period was 125.1±94.8, and it was 88.1±62.0 days after the start of early cow separation, approximately 37 days shorter with a significant difference (P<0.05). As a result, we thought that feeding in the livestock barn between 1987 to 2001, in which cows were not able to move around adequately and that making the cow separation time earlier from 2001 and the expansion of the pasture area had exerted an excellent influence on conception rate improvement and the shortening of non-pregnancy days

    ラット フツり フン ト ガンスむ フン チュり ノ ビ セむブツ ゜り

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    3週霢のSD系雄性ラット12匹を食糞行動を蚱容した察照区ず食糞行動阻止区に6匹ず぀配し,4週間の飌育期間䞭に,察照区からは普通糞を,食糞行動阻止区からは含氎糞を採取し,それぞれの糞の埮生物数を枬定した。普通糞では含氎糞に比べStaphylococciずVeillonellaeが倚く,StreptococciずBacteroidaceaeが少ないこずが明らかずなった。普通糞ず含氎糞で埮生物叢が異なるこずは,含氎糞に含たれるビタミン類の合成や消費に関わるものず考えられた。Hydrous feces were ingested by rats in coprophagous behavior. Twelve healthy male Sprague-Dawley strain rats (3 weeks old) were divided into a control group (coprophagy-allowed) of 6 rats and a coprophagy-prevented group of 6 rats. The usual feces from the control group and the hydrous feces from the coprophagy-prevented group were collected during 4 weeks of the experimental period. The viable number of microorganisms in the feces was estimated. The numbers of Staphylococci and Veillonellae, in the usual feces were higher than those of the hydrous feces. Furthermore, the numbers of Streptococci and Bacteroidaceae in the usual feces were lower than those of the hydrous feces. The differences of microflora between the usual feces and hydrous feces seemed to relate to the synthesis and consumption of vitamins in hydrous feces

    ホルスタむンシュニュりギュり ノ ショニュり オペビ ニュりチュり L-カルニチンガンリョり ノ キセツヘンドり

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    本詊隓はホルスタむン皮乳牛の初乳および乳䞭L-カルニチン含量の季節倉化に぀いお怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。L-カルニチンの分析に䟛する乳汁の搟乳は分嚩埌2日,6日および30日ずした。乳牛の各乳房から泌乳される乳汁成分は異なるこずが知られおいるが,本詊隓では合乳ずしお凊理をした。分嚩埌のL-カルニチン倀の経時的な倉動は,初乳で最も高く,埐々に牛乳䞭の最も䜎い倀たで䜎䞋しおいった。分嚩埌同日の乳汁䞭L-カルニチン含量の季節倉動は,各搟乳日で特異な倉動を瀺した。初乳䞭の季節倉動は初倏に緩やかに䞊昇し,分嚩埌6日のL-カルニチン含量は秋に急激に䞊昇した。牛乳のL-カルニチン含量は安定しおいた。このような泌乳ステヌゞにおける倉動の違いは,暑熱ストレスの違いを瀺すものず考えられた。In this study, we observed the seasonal variations in L-carnitine levels in the colostrum and milk of Holstein strain cows. Milking for L-carnitine analysis was conducted on days 2, 6, and 30 after calving. Because milk composition varies with each cow udder, mixed milk from each cow was prepared for this study. In the chronological variations of L-carnitine values after calving, the highest values were recognized in the colostrum and decreased to their lowest levels in milk. The seasonal variations in L-carnitine levels for each day after calving showed specific patterns, respectively. The L-carnitine level in colostrum increased mildly at the start of summer, and on day 6 after calving at the start of autumn, it increased suddenly. The L-carnitine level in milk remained stable. Differences in these variations in L-carnitine levels during the lactation stage appear to indicate differences in heat stress damage